
"Before the Big Bang?" (2005), the aboriginal address by Roger Penrose (part 6 of 9)

"Before the Big Bang? A new perspective on the Weyl curvature hypothesis" This is the original lecture by Roger Penrose on his fascinating new model of the universe, its origin and future, and of the "Big Bang"; held at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (November 7th 2005). Originally published at www.newton.ac.uk See also www.youtube.com and www.perimeterinstitute.ca for other lectures by Penrose on this theory. See also www.youtube.com for an interview with Roger Penrose on his new model. See also accelconf.web.cern.ch for Penrose's academic article about his theory. See also arxiv.org for an article about Penrose's "Before the Big Bang" idea, verifying that some of Penrose's basic predictions are mathematically correct. NOTE TO THOSE POSTING COMMENTS ON THESE VIDEOS: Please stay focused on the topic. All irrelevant comments will be removed without warning. SUMMARY: There is now a great deal of evidence confirming the existence of a very hot and dense early stage of the universe. Much of this data comes from a detailed study of the cosmic microwave background (CMB)—radiation from the early universe that was most recently measured by NASA's WMAP satellite. But the information presents new puzzles for scientists. One of the most blatant examples is an apparent paradox related to the second law of thermodynamics. Although some have argued that the hypothesis of inflationary cosmology solves some of the puzzles, profound issues remain. In this talk ...

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