
7 Habits of Successful Selling Professionals

In my many years of training and consulting many sales professionals will ask me about how to get over a slump. And, many sales managers ask me how to tell good sales people from average.

I believe in the 80/20 rule. My clients tell me that 20 percent of their sales professionals are getting 80 percent of the business. And, when I survey sales people they are concerned that they are not getting their share of business. They want more and are perplexed about what separates the good from the high achiever.

We all strive to be the best. Sales managers clearly want the best and CEO's clamor it. So what then is the correct formula for bringing in more business?

In 18 years of sales experience and training I have narrowed it down to something I call 7 Habits of Highly Effective Sales professionals."

1. Customer Knowledge

One of the many pet peeves that sales managers have with their sales professionals is a person that lacks understanding of their client. In today's very fast and competitive world a sales professional must understand who their client is.

Recently, I watched a review a sales professional's performance for the past year. When the sales manager queried the person about specific account information, the sales person became flustered. Unfortunately, other than saying the client is a multinational pharmaceutical company, the sales person knew little else.

The customer requests that you understand their business. A client is looking for solutions to business issues and they are looking to you as the sales person and account person to have the answers. Without understanding the client how can you understand how you might help them?

You are probably asking yourself, must I need to do in order to understand the client. First you must get a copy of the annual report. Read the information to determine what type of products the client is developing. Understand the competitive landscape and how your product or service can thwart competition. Learn about the competitors for new business opportunities.

When you obtain the report, read the president's message, the financial information and lines of business, Try to understand where your products fit within the organization's umbrella. Finally, look at the firm's WEB site and review it for updates to the annual report, look for business climate changes. And, look for the anomalies in business so that your product or service can resolve the issues.

Second, read the newspapers and press releases for the most current customer information. Determine from your readings how your service or product can assist your customer during good times and bad.

Third, it is imperative to use the most widely accessible resource at your fingertips-the Internet. There are voluminous resources available such as http://www.factiva.com, http://interactive.wsj.com/, and http://www.nytimes.com. And the numerous portals such as Excite and Yahoo are constantly providing real time business content. Review any of these sites to gain quick and up to the moment access on your customers.

The sales person that does their homework and studies the customer and the changing landscape will learn how to quickly adapt to market conditions by finding solutions to customer issues. By becoming one with the customer and understanding their respective business you become a reliable business partner for today, tomorrow and well into the foreseeable future.

2. Questioning Aptitude

You get home in the evening, you are ready to sit down to a hot, cozy and comfortable dinner and the telephone rings. Don't you hate that! Feeling obliged you pick up the telephone only to hear a sales person hawking a product or service. They talk and talk and talk. The person reads from a script and does not ask us one question. He or she does not qualify the opportunity. Moreover, he or she speaks so much that we quickly become disturbed and terminate the call.

The best sales professionals learn to engage their audience. The first task of the sales professional during an appointment whether direct, telephone or cold, must be to question the customer. Questions are a sales rule. Questions assist in uncovering useful information such as buyer behavior, decision criteria, budgets, time frame, competition, etc. These are issues they typically are not presented by the customer so it is imperative for a sales professional to ask them.

Most important, questions asked by sales professional must be open ended. A question such as "Do you have a budget for this project?" will give you a "yes" or "no" response. I mentioned that the purpose of questioning is to engage the customer in conversation. An effective sales professional will ask the customer an open ended question such as, "If you had a budget for this product what might it look like and when might you decide to make a purchase?" The revision entitles the client to think through the possibility of using this product and requesting purchase money. By revising the question, the client provides more information and sets the stage for the effective sales professional to ask more qualifying questions and perhaps uncovering any and all sales objections.
Finally, the sales person is able to discover more about the next habit, uncovering the wants and needs of the buyer.

3. Interpretation of Consumer Wants and Needs

There are several paths and processes to follow during a sales presentation; however the most important one understands buyer's wants and needs. In order to sell anything to anyone, an effective sales professional most question the customer to understand why they want or why they might need the product.

Many of my clients tell me that they have exuberant sales forces, yet they are not effective in closing business. With analysis we discover that representatives are excited but they are so busy telling about product that they fail to ask questions. This communication breakdown takes the focus not only off of the customer but off the customer wants and needs. Without uncovering need, what can you possibly sell?

The solution here is to ask so many open ended questions, that your presentations become conversational. This will take some time but once you master the art of solid questioning, you can then formulate questions that hone in on wants and needs. When you do this you will notice your sales increase.

One final word on wants and needs- customers will also purchase from you for personal and/or professional reasons. Remember to ask yourself, what is in it for the customer? Are they looking for job recognition, cost effectiveness, or perhaps personal happiness with your product? As you progress with your line of questions, try to uncover what I call the "Truth of Purchase."

4. Ability to establish client rapport

Without question, building a relationship with your customer is vital. People want to have relationships with people. They won't buy large quantities of product from the Internet because they want to trust a live human being. If you have good relationships with clients, you will be able to sell to them five, ten, and 15 years down the road. Think of a client relationship as a lifetime investment. This portion of the process fits in with my earlier thoughts of becoming a consultant not just a sales professional.

5. Uncanny ability to ride the Sales Roller coaster

Sales are volatile process. One day is favorable, the next sullen, the next euphoric and so on. Each day brings a new experience and new challenge and a new adventure. In order to be an effective sales professional one must be flexible, and adaptable to change. Each opportunity, call and presentation brings a new question or perhaps education.

For years, I tell my clients to become a chameleon and adjust to the changing topology. You must because the instant you become frustrated the customers see this. Think of the customer as a mirror-they will mimic your behavior. If you are happy, they will be, you are sad they are too.

Since my first days on the job I have carried a small pocket mirror to every sales appointment. I look at the mirror prior to my call, I ensure myself that I am either happy or neutral. I look for my facial expressions and if possible body posture. By instilling a positive attitude and a neutral posture, I enable customers to feel at ease and do not allow them to understand some of the personal and professional trials and tribulations. I focus on them, their wants and needs and their contentment with my product and personal service.

6. Understands the Know's Principle

The customer; the prospect; the product; the topic you are going to speak about when you meet with the prospect or client; the competitors, the marketplace and the issues that surround them; the questions you want to ask; the possible objections; the closing technique; the hot buttons factors which allow the client to say yes to you; and finally, your own limitations. You must know what you can and cannot commit to. Never lie, never cheat and never ever over-commit. In order to succeed your must KNOW how far you can go, based on how much you KNOW about your product and customer. If you never KNOW, the only sound you will ever here is NO!

7. Honest and Enthusiastic

Love what you do, love the product you are selling and love the people you sell with. If you don't, then get out. If you don't like what you sell, prospects will read right through you and think, "Why should I buy from someone who is not passionate about what they say or do?" Your energy and enthusiasm come through on each and every call, if you are dispassionate, you will not ask the right questions, you will not read the buying signs, hear objections and importantly will not make any money.

What you can do today to improve!

Commit to your boss, to your job, and to being the best you can be. Identify with the client, determine their wants and needs and then develop a plan to help them. If you do this, the client will trust you now and forever! Also, commit to everlasting improvement for yourself-set bigger and better goals, think of new ways to deliver better customer service, determine how to augment daily challenges.

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Will Your Book Sell?

The Kindly, Caring Literary Agent is probably extinct.

Today's agents are more likely to treat you like a paychecks than like the sensitive creative person you are. You won't get your hand held when you're blue. You won't have your manuscript lovingly edited. Even worse than this cold, business-like treatment, you're unlikely to get your works placed with a publisher by an agent today if you are a budding author.

Today: 40% wont read manuscripts by unpublished authors (those who do usually charge)
80% won't handle professional books over 90% won't handle regional books, satire, reference or technical works only 2% have a special interest in literature or quality fiction.
Agents have changed, along with the publishing industry. They can no longer do the wonderful things they used to for their clients. As publishing houses have been absorbed by big conglomerates, decision-making has moved from editors who love words to accountants who love healthy bottom lines. Their criteria: will it sell? They tend to stick to writers with track records, so the same authors appear year after year on best seller lists. Few new voices are emerging from the big publishing houses which once brought us Faulkner and Hemingway.

Ironically, the best way to get their attention is to turn your back on both agents and big publishers! The large publishing houses now rely on their sales reps to scout out self- published and small-imprint books that are selling well. They then approach the authors about printing a second edition of their self-published books. This often results a lucrative book contract if an author decides to go for the deal.

But many authors are saying no to the Big Boys. Why settle for 6-15% royalties when you can keep up to 80% of the profits from your book sales and retain the rights to TV and video productions, foreign rights, book clubs, etc.? Especially since you're going to have to do most of the marketing work yourself anyhow.

No, authors have too many other options today to accept whatever big publishing houses offer. And you don't need an agent to pursue them. There are niche publishers and coop publishers (they will work directly with an author) ; there is self-publishing and/or electronic publishing (you become your own publisher). There are also lots of traditional ways to get out the word about a book without spending a dime, and the Internet has added a whole new dimension to cost-free marketing.

The problem is that few authors have the information they need to successfully maneuver today's brave new publishing world. They need advice on each step. That's why I gave up being a Literary Agent in favor of becoming the world's first Author's Advocate. I found that most writers don't start thinking about marketing until they have a finished manuscript -- which often means a complete rewrite is needed to get a marketable manuscript. I like to work with authors from concept to sales, helping them make the essential decisions that lead to publishing success.

To write a book that will sell today, you have to be very clear about:
what you want to write (and what will sell)
the most appropriate writing style for your targeted audience
your best publishing option
how to get your book out before the book-buying public

Armed with up-to-date information on buying trends and publishing options, you can save yourself a lot of time and grief. The information is readily available in such publications as Writer's Digest, Publishers Weekly, The Library Journal, The New York Times' and the Los Angeles Times' Book Review. For self-publishers there is The Small Press Review and membership in the Publishers Marketing Association. The information is out there for anyone willing to do the research. Add to this a clear understanding of your audience and what you want to say to this audience and you're launched on writing a book that will sell.

Writers today have to be able to think like editors and publishers and book distributors. Publishing today is market-driven, and the reality is that a big publishing house may not be your best choice.

Excerpted with permission from the book, "Everything You Need to Know to Write, Publish, & Market Your Book", by Patrika Vaughn. Available through A Cappela Publishing, http://www.acappela.com

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Nakia Must Read Books

Coffee Break Coach provides Nakia, from Grand Rapids, MI a must read list to of exceptional books on how to communicate with ease. Books, "How to Say it at Work", and" LifeSscripts" are highlighted. Produced and directed by Quentino Giangrande.

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Camels and acerbic ships on the bed of the Aral Sea

Please visit www.simonreeve.co.uk for more information.Simon Reeve sees camels and rusting ships on the bed of the Aral Sea in Kazakhstan, Central Asia, while making his TV series Meet the Stans. The Meet the Stans series took Simon from the far north-west of Kazakhstan, by the Russian border, east to the Chinese border, south through Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to the edge of Afghanistan, and west to Uzbekistan and the legendary Silk Road cities of Samarkand and Bukhara. The Guardian said it was a thrilling postcard from the edge The Times said Simon Reeves journey through Kazakhstan is a first-class Boys Own adventure on film and illuminating too. I cant imagine anyone switching off who stays for the first five minutes.Simon Reeve is a bestselling author and broadcaster. In recent years hes travelled to scores of countries around the world for a series of BBC television documentaries. The 2008 BBC TV series Tropic of Capricorn took Simon around the line marking the southern border of the tropics. His accompanying book, also called Tropic of Capricorn, is published by BBC Books. In the BBC series Equator, Simon followed the equator through troubled areas of Africa, Asia and Latin America, including Colombia and the Congo. In Places That Dont Exist, Simon travelled through a group of unrecognised nations countries so obscure they dont officially exist. And in Meet the Stans, Simon visited the Central Asian states of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Simons ...

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Bear Grylls speaking reel

Bear Grylls Talk in Durban Bear Grylls is one of the best known adventurers in the world. At just 23 years old, he became The Youngest Briton to climb Mount Everest. In August 2003, he led the first crew to cross the Atlantic via the Arctic Circle in an open rigid inflatable boat. His television debut was on Ch 4's, 'Escape to The Legion' and he is currently filming the third series of 'Born Survivor' for Ch 4, known as 'Man v Wild' in America on Discovery Channel. Before he climbed Everest, Bear suffered a near fatal parachuting accident in Africa; breaking his back in three places and narrowly escaping paralysis. He spent a torturous year of rehabilitation constantly facing the fact that he might never walk again, let alone achieve his childhood dream of climbing Everest. Despite moments of great pain and despair, Bear worked hard to regain full mobility and together with a team of friends he planned his expedition. With characteristic determination and charm he raised the enormous sponsorship needed and began training for the daunting challenge. The death toll on Mount Everest rises every year, out of every six mountaineers who make it to the top, one will die. During his expedition to Everest he endured extreme weather for ninety days, two months of limited sleep and running out of oxygen in the upper regions of the 'death zone' (above 26000 feet). Bear himself had a narrow escape whilst navigating the perilous Khumbu Icefall, the ice cracked and he fell into a 1000 ...

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Great Page-Turner Fiction! How to Pick Out a Good Book

A wise-sounding adage claims you can't judge a book by its cover. I'd like to respectfully disagree. If you take the time to look, in most cases, you probably can.

Choosing a good book, a piece of page turning fiction so good you just can't put down, is not easy. There's a lot of junk out there. You have to have a plan of attack, and follow it every time, if you want to cut down the chances of getting stuck with a loser.

Here are a few things to check for:

1. Is the book a bestseller?

Not all bestsellers are great books, but all great books are bestsellers. I heard this said a long time ago, not sure where, but I have found it to be generally true. There are some rare exceptions. There are books that on the whole are excellent, but that for whatever reason never quite break through. But generally when a book reaches bestseller status, with some exceptions we'll talk about later, the chances you found a winner are pretty good. Chuck it up to the wisdom of crowds. A large number of people have chosen to vote with their pocketbooks. We would do well to listen.

2. Is the book a first novel?

You would think, if a book were a first novel, the chances would be much higher that it would suck. Believe it or not, the opposite is usually true.

It is very tough for a new author to break out in the publishing business. If a book by a new author is being published in hard cover, and copies of it are plastered all over the bookstore, there's a pretty good chance it's good reading.

It's a very expensive proposition for a publisher to take that sort of a chance on a new author. Most new authors only get to see their first efforts in paperback. If it is a first novel, and it has already reached bestseller status, this may be the book for you.

3. What does it say on the cover?

Depending on your reading speed, you may end up spending a considerable amount of time with your new purchase. It behooves you then, to spend a little time beforehand, reading what the publisher chose to print on the cover and the first couple of pages.

Does it sound like hype? If it does, it probably is. This is especially true when there are many comparisons to another popular, well known book. This just tells you the book doesn't really stand on its own merits. Most likely, it's just the work of another hack, trying to ride on the success of a better author.

4. Who is reviewing it and how enthusiastic are they?

The trick here is to skip the review and go straight to who the review is from. If all the reviews are from publications or people you have never heard of, feel free to skip the book. On the other hand, if you get pages of reviews from reputable publications, you may have a winner. But be careful you don't get taken in by hype.

Sometimes a book is not selling as well as the publisher hoped, so they scour the earth for any reviews they can get and jam them in there. So you want some but not too many. And keep and eye out that the reviews are for the book you have in your hands. You may very well be reading reviews from an author's previous work.

5. Is the book from a well known author?

Again this is counterintuitive. If the book is a runaway bestseller, but the author is a household name, watch out. Some authors are so well known, that they can put their names on anything and sell a mountain of copies.

Even if the book is from a well known author that you've read in the past and enjoy, and even if the cover is plastered with bestseller signs, you want to be careful. It is nearly impossible for even the best author to hit the ball out of the park every time. You may be taking a dog home.

These are a little harder to gauge, but once you get the hang of it you'll get good at this.

The kiss of death, is the book from a well known author, an author whose books are usually bestsellers, that proclaims proudly on the cover "from the Bestselling author of". All this means is that this book may be so bad that even the author's reputation was not enough to propel it on its own to bestselling status.

6. Has it won any awards?

Awards can be a good indicator of a book's true merit. But not always. It can be hard to tell. Once a book wins the Pulitzer, for example, many that follow this award will buy it, just because, and propel it to bestseller status.

Right after the award, many pinhead academic reviewers will come out of the woodwork. Everyone wants to be on the winning team, so the reviews are generally going to be positive.

In my experience following prize winners is usually an all or none proposition. You will either get an amazing book, or you will get stuck with some convoluted loser, so painful to read, you'll give up after a couple of pages. There rarely is a happy medium.

7. Did you like that first paragraph?

Believe it or not this could be the best indicator, all things considered, that you have a winner on your hands. If you pick up that baby, crack the binder, and that first line just knocks you out of your socks, the rest of the book may be just as good.

In the end picking a good book is always a gamble. Follow these simple guidelines and you just may fall in love with reading all over again.

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13 Back Cover Tips For Non-Fiction Soft-Cover Books

Book studies show that prospective readers spend about eight seconds looking at a book cover before deciding whether or not to buy. If the book is opened and table of contents and testimonials are read, chances are the book will be purchased. Therefore, how can you as the author, get your reader to pick up you book, open it and purchase? I believe it all comes down to four key areas:

A. Author's Willingness to Commit The Rest of Their Life to Promoting Book

B. Cover Design (Which Includes Back Cover and Spine)

C. Title, Subtitle, Tagline, and Back Cover Headline

D. Finally, Actual Content of the Book

Since cover design is listed near the top, below are 13 recommendations I strongly encourage you to implement to help improve your book's chance of becoming a bestseller. These tips are listed from top to bottom as to how they should appear on your book's back cover:

1. Genre of Book: The only reason this is important is that it tells the bookstore employees where to shelve your book within their store. If your title can fit in to multiple genres, I encourage you to list no more than two. This is in upper left corner of back cover.

2. Back Cover Headline and Sub-Headline: This is located at the very top of the book and must be a bold statement to immediately grab the attention of your prospective reader. This headline is basically the title of your back cover. It should be in large print and bolded (bigger than any other print on your back cover).

3. Summary Paragraph: Under your headline / sub-headline you need to include summary of what your book is about, why the reader should care, and how the book will improve the reader's life. This should typically be 3-5 lines.

4. Author Quote: This author quote is completely optional. However, if you as the author have come up with your own quote and place it on the back cover of your book it will soon be all over the Internet and quoted on other Web sites - all of which will bring more free publicity to your book.

5. "You Will Learn How To" Statement: This comes next on the back cover under author quote. In this section you re going to include 4-8 bullets points of what your reader will learn by reading your book. Oftentimes, these bullet points can be created by highlighting 4-8 of your best chapters in the book.

6. Testimonials: Lets face it, it does not matter what we say about our book, it matters what other famous people say about our book. Therefore, ideally you should list 2-3 testimonials from other recognizable author names that are in the same genre as your book. These testimonials should be no more than 2-3 lines.

7. Author Photo: If your book is a novel then your photo is not required. If you are writing a non-fiction and branding yourself as an author, speaker, coach, and consultant, then inserting a professional color photo on the back cover lower left side is extremely important. Note: never put your photo on the front cover of your book unless you are a world-famous celebrity. In doing so, it will be a dead giveaway that your book is self-published. However, always put your photo on the back cover.

8. Author BIO: This is very important to have 4-5 lines to the right of your photo telling the world who you are and branding your expertise. Make certain that whatever your 4-5 biggest streams of income are, you list these titles in your bio. If you want to earn income for speaking, coaching, and consulting then reference, these areas of work.

9. Sales Closing Line: This is missed by virtually all authors even though it is so important. Basically, here you are re-emphasizing why your prospective reader needs to buy your book. For example, my sales closing line on Creating You Own Destiny says: "This book is your compass. Let Patrick Snow help guide you to your own destiny!"

10. Publishing Imprint: Under photo and bio, you want to insert the logo of your publisher. If you are self-published, under no circumstance use your last name anywhere in your publishing company's name.

11. ISBN Number and Barcode: One the lower right hand corner of your book, you need to list your 13-digit ISBN number and below this number should be your ISBN barcode. This is very important so that bookstores can scan your book and sell to their readers. Without an ISBN number and bar code, your work is not really a book.

12. Price Amount and also Pricing Barcode: Just as you need and ISBN number and barcode, you also need the same for your price. When a bookstore scans this barcode the price should appear in their system. Oftentimes authors will forget to also include the actual price of the book in this area as well. If your book is in the 150 to 300 page range and soft cover, you should price your book between $14.95 and $19.95. You get over $19.95 for your book is if it is hardcover.

13. URL / Domain / Web Site: I would argue that behind the title of your book, this is the most important item on your book. URL should be listed in big, bold print, at the lower left portion of your back cover of book. The only other item on your back cover that has a bigger font would be that of your headline and sub-headline. Be sure to capitalize the first letter of each word in your Web site address to make it easier for buyers to read and memorize. I can't tell you how many readers have joined my newsletter after seeing my URL on my book in a bookstore. Often, instead of buying my book they simply memorized my URL and are now a subscriber to my newsletter. If I do my job, eventually, they will purchase a copy.

As you can see, there are a lot of detailed items to consider that need to be included on the back cover of your book. I encourage not rush this process. Take your time, and get your back cover of your book to look exactly as you desire it to be. The majority of my clients who come to me seeking help after their books have been published, are those who have room for improvement on their back cover.

If you are in need of help with your back cover, please contact me, and I will offer you a free 30-minute publishing consultation, to help you with you back cover and also position your book to become a best seller through other author promotion campaign ideas that you may not have considered.

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How to Choose Good Books

Good books show their standing through high sales figures and high search figures on the internet. The 5 most popular categories based on these criteria (in descending order of importance) are Children's books, Management books, Fiction books, Books on Business and, Sales books.  

Children's books are a popular choice as gifts. They are valuable as they help develop the child's reasoning and imaginative abilities and expand his/her vocabulary. They also aid in instilling sound moral values.  

But choosing the right book for a specific child can be a challenge and the following guidelines should help.  

Children can be grouped into categories according to their approximate age and a useful grouping is that of preschool, junior school, high school and young adults. This broad grouping should allow the preliminary elimination of certain books.  

Next, any book with sensitive content can be eliminated. This would include all books which would not be in line with the family's values e.g. those which promote a specific religious point of view and those which require maturity to handle such as gratuitous violence and sexuality.  

The gender of the child will further eliminate additional types of books.  

Management books relate to the effective and efficient activities involved in the operation of a business. They cover the common activities of  Business Intelligence Management, Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Information Technology Management, Marketing Management, Production Management, Service Management and, Strategic Management,  

It should be noted that most of the books are either heavily skewed towards theory, which makes it difficult to put their content directly into practice, or are based on case studies of organisations which were successful in the past.  

Case-study based books are also normally those which make the bestseller lists but suffer from two basic defects. Firstly, their content reflects the author's definition of success and success factors. Secondly, they use the past to suggest future "success" managerial actions. These two defects are reflected in the fact that the majority of these so-called successful companies used as examples are usually no longer so successful when looked at today. Further, that the application of these identified "success" factors in similar organisations rarely result in the required improvement.  

Management books are nevertheless important and serve a valuable function as long as the reader realises that their content has to be adapted to his/her unique situation and uses their content as broad guidelines.

Fiction books are those which feature invented stories and consist of the following sub-categories:  

Horror fiction whose aim is to frighten the reader by exploiting his/her conscious and/or unconscious fears. The best known authors are Stephen King, Dean Koontz and Clive Barker.  
Mystery fiction which are usually based on a main character trying to solve a crime. It has three sub-categories which are crime, detective and spy. Successful authors in this category are John Sandford, Michael Connolly, Robert B Parker, Sue Grafton, Kathy Reichs and James Lee Burke.  
Romance fiction which usually feature a lover having to overcome great hurdles to be with the love of his life. Authors in this category are Danielle Steele, Barbara Cartland and Daphne Du Maurier.  
Science fiction/Fantasy books which have stories set in imaginary worlds using advanced technologies. This category has increased in popularity due to films such as Star Wars, Star Trek and, more recently, The Matrix and successful authors include J.K. Rowling, Arthur C. Clark, Ray Bradbury and J.R.R. Tolkien. 
Suspense/Thriller fiction which commonly features a character exposed to constant threat whilst up against a villain. The best known authors in this category are Clive Cussler, Lawrence Sanders, Frederick Forsythe, Richard North Patterson and Tom Clancy.  
Western fiction about life on the American frontier. Louis Lamour is the best known author of western fiction.  
Woman's fiction which tends to focus on relationships. They usually feature a strong woman character that triumphs in extremely difficult circumstances. Authors in this category are Judith Krantz, Rebecca Wells and Barbara Taylor Bradford.

Books on Business are distinguished from Management books in that they are slightly more of an academic nature and cover subjects which are universal  Common recent examples of these are ethics, organisational structuring, the state of the world markets and international financing. 

A predicted future factor whose implications will have to be catered for by all organisations is the growing counter-reaction to "Human rights" in the form of "Human responsibilities" for which a Universal Declaration has already been formulated by the InterAction Council of Political and Religious Leaders.

On a local level they also include all the books related to the legalities of running a business which are published by all relevant authorities.

Sales books cover the spectrum from organizing and managing a sales team to sales skills and are especially popular during economic downturns.  

An important distinction must be made between the sales activities required when selling an object and when selling a service as it is apparent that there are two totally distinctive skill sets and procedures involved. Would you trust your friendly local car salesperson to obtain and administer your personal financial investments?  

Despite this obvious difference many authors tend to adopt a "one size fits all" approach to sales and then e.g. advocate the use of their developed "closing techniques" for all sales types.  

Interesting enough when you go back in history you will find that the common sales approach underlying most of the sales models today was developed for pharmaceutical representatives in the past whose job it was to deduct stock level quantities on a pharmacy shelf from their recommended levels and then to replace the sold numbers of items.  

A single approach to both types of sales is doomed to failure and this must be kept in mind when buying sales books.  

Used books or second-hand books vs new books: In the past buying used or second-hand books tended to have a stigma attached to it and it was not the "done thing". However, if you consider that the only difference between a good quality used book and a new book is the price then it is obvious why these types of stores have mushroomed.  

Besides the cost savings, which allow you to buy even more books, an avid reader could use the opportunity to browse the store, whether it is a physical or virtual store, and thereby identify other books by his/her favourite authors. It is also a chance to become acquainted with new authors or new characters by current favourite authors.  

 It also allows you to buy those books which have been out of print.  

Books on sale. If you still choose to buy new books then it is wise to continuously keep an eye out for sales held by the larger bookstores during which they sell new stock at a lower price. This is usually when their sales projections have not been realised and they are left with excess stock. You can either physically visit their stores, or visit their websites, on a regular basis to find out when they are having sales.  

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Thriller Suspense Novel Book Review - Kellerman Does it Again at the Clinic

Sometimes you just know a suspense thriller is going to live up to its reputation. And often you figure this out on the first chapter, and you are pleasantly surprised, especially considering the price of a new hardback book when it first comes out and hits the New York Times Bestseller List.

Interestingly enough, many books hit the list, but fail to impress, although there are some authors that, well, let's just say everything they write is good, or in this case great. I'd certainly like to recommend a great book to you, as I've described, the book is;

"The Clinic" By Jonathan Kellerman (Alex Delaware Novel); Bantam Books, New York, NY. 1996. ISBN 0-553-08922-6

There are few great thriller suspense novels like this, a book that is riveting and will have you on the edge of your seat and cause you to cancel dates and events so you can find a cozy place to just sit down uninterrupted and finish it. Jonathan Kellerman, and yes, I know you've heard the name, but this like his book; The Web, is a must read. Clinic makes it happen for the reader.

The victim is found dead having been stabbed, but this is not like any regular crime, this is in a very up-scale safe LA Neighborhood. How could this be, and so the story begins, as expert psychologists are brought in along with Milo Sturgis, our trusty famous LA homicide detective to put the pieces in place. What happens next is going to blow your mind. The suspense is incredible, thrilling and one that will keep you up until you've finished. An awesome read indeed.

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Can Bush be Prosecuted?

For Immediate Release Wednesday, October 28, 2009 THE PROSECUTION OF GEORGE W. BUSH FOR MURDER A FEATURE LENGTH DOCUMENTARY PRESENTED BY NAFTC STUDIOS THE PROSECUTION OF GEORGE W. BUSH FOR MURDER is based on the book The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder by Vincent Bugliosi (Vanguard Press), a New York Times hardcover bestseller. Mr. Bugliosi and GWB, LLC formed a production company to produce the documentary of his book. The film is Directed by David J. Burke, Produced by Kip and Kern Konwiser and Executive Produced by Peter Miller. IT IS SCHEDULED FOR RELEASE IN FEBRUARY, 2010. TODAY, NAFTC STUDIOS PRESENTS AN APPROX. 9 MINUTE EXTENDED TRAILER AT www.indiegogo.com/bush Please be kind enough to forward to friends & colleagues. In the spirit of grassroots political campaigns, THE PROSECUTION OF GEORGE W. BUSH FOR MURDER team is starting this week on www.indiegogo.com/bush to raise money from the public in small donations to help market this historic film. The film is not only about the monumental crime committed by George W. Bush and members of his administration in taking America to war in Iraq under false pretenses (as Vince Bugliosi makes a strong case for in his book and the movie). It is equally about deterring future Presidents and their administrations from knowingly going to war on a lie, because a Bush prosecution will tell them that the law will be enforced and there will be legal consequences. No one is above the law. ABOUT VINCENT BUGLIOSI Vincent ...

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Save Your Breath: How To Sell In Trade Shows Without Pitching

You stand there, in front of your great presentation material, wearing just the right suit or logo shirt, handing out some gimmick with your company name on it, wearing just the right smile or look of professionalism. You might even have a fishbowl at the table - or some type of contest material - to collect business cards of passers by for later use in your sales process. But the worst part of doing a trade show is losing your voice.

Each visitor that stops by your booth gets your pitch. You feel compelled to tell each person why your product is great, why it's different from the competition (which might be located directly across from your booth and getting a lot more attention than you're getting). You've learned the elevator spiel and how to do a pitch in 30 seconds, so the person passing by will 1. be captivated by your information, 2. stop, and 3. make a purchase.
And you do this for each and every person passing by.



Let's start with figuring out why you're even at the trade show. You're probably there to get some brand recognition (sales are usually not completed at trade shows) and get your material and pitch into the hands of buyers. The visitors are, after all, self-selected hot prospects.

Or are they? In reality, you have no idea why a person is walking by your booth. I've walked around trade shows just to see how people are selling. And each time I've come within a few feet of the booth, I get barraged with a pitch, data, and more information than I know what to do with. Do the sales folks know why I'm there? Nope. Do they ask? Nope. They just pitch and pitch and pitch. And are they cheery!

If your objective is to brand your product, just being there with a great presence is carrying your visual brand forward. For that you don't need anything more than to stand there and look professional.

Why else might you be there? To sell product? OK. Let's take a look at this. Odds are that you're not going to make a sale at the show itself. You might walk away with business cards, but that doesn't mean people are buyers.


If you want to sell, pitching to people as they come to your booth is not the way to do it.

Here's a truth: people do not make purchasing decisions based on information. I know this comes as a shock to those of you who regularly stand at booths at trade shows and pitch your hearts (and lungs) out. I'll say it again: pitching product, making data about your product available, will not make a sale. Oh, it will help close the sale once the buyer is at that point in the sales cycle that s/he needs data to complete his/her picture. But it will not make a sale.

A sale gets made when a buyer decides to make a purchase. Selling and buying are two different activities. For some reason, sellers believe that if they sell, buyers should know how and why to buy. But that's not true.

Sellers concentrate on finding buyers who probably have a need, and creating some means to present their product in a way that well-chosen buyers might understand or recognize a need. In other words, it's a crap shoot.

Buyers focus on finding solutions that will optimize their status quo. To do this they must recognize any outstanding issues that are getting in the way of an optimized work space, seek to easily correct what might be lacking, and to manage whatever changes will occur once a corrective solution is discovered.

Pitching a product will address none of the above - unless the buyer has already completed all of the above actions and is seeking out a solution with parameters that will match their unique dynamics. In other words, when you focus your sale on product information, you're playing a numbers game.

Why are people at trade shows? Let's see if I can count a few of the reasons:

1. they are in town for the day and had nothing better to do;

2. they are in your field and want to see what the competition is doing;

3. they are deciding to buy a new company and want to garner promotion ideas;

4. they think they might have a problem that a product similar to yours might solve, but aren't sure what a solution would look like and are running around the trade show to collect possible solutions.

None of the above reasons would close a sale for you.


Trade shows are wonderful opportunities to ferret out prospective buyers (usually in category #4 above) and teach them how to decide what a solution would look like.

As a visitor approaches your booth, as a facilitative question that gets them to determine what's missing from their status quo that, if corrected, would create an optimal solution for them. For #1-3 above, they will shift the conversation to something more personal, and you'll have saved your breath since you won't have to pitch.

When someone comes by that actually is seeking a solution, use facilitative questions to lead them through their solution-discovery process. Help them discover what's missing in their current environment, how they can fix the problem with familiar resources, and how to make sense of all of the systems issues that need to be managed before they can allow a solution into their culture.

Then, you are only asking questions while they are doing the talking - and you make pitches to those people who understand that they need you, specifically, to solve their problem.

You then not only create a customer, but you save your voice.

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Not What She Seems by Victorine Lieske - A Romantic Suspense Book Review

Not What She Seems is a sweet romantic suspense, appropriate for ages 12 and up. Back blurb: Steven Ashton, a billionaire from New York, and Emily Grant, on the run from the law...and when they meet he can't help falling for her. What he doesn't know is that interfering in her life will put his own life in danger.

Contemporary romantic suspense is my favorite type of book, but I only like it when the plot is complex and unpredictable, and the building tension is balanced out by lighter scenes and/or humorous moments. Victorine Lieske's Not What She Seems scores high in both of these categories for me.

Now, for about the first quarter of the book, I felt disappointed. There were only a few major characters, and I thought I had the whole plot figured out already. But I was wrong. About then, the story underwent the proverbial "plot thickening", like an expertly-made holiday gravy. Many more locations, characters, and plot twists began to unfold, and the seemingly simple storyline turned into a roller coaster ride with no easy exit (I read everything from chapter 2 on, in one 24 hour span). A plethora of potential suspects presented themselves, all with believable motives and reasonable opportunity, such that I was reminded of a lively round of "Clue", where everyone from Miss Scarlett to Colonel Mustard was looking good for the deed.

With all those characters and locations, however, I would have preferred more development of personalities, interrelationships, and setting details. But I may be alone in this; a lot readers prefer the fast-paced, plot-focused novel and find the other elements merely a slow down.

As this is an indie published work, I was not unprepared for formatting and technical issues, but instead, Not What She Seems was as cleanly produced as any traditionally published book I've seen. I only spotted two or three spelling/grammatical errors total. There were a couple minor plot elements that struck me as odd, and I did find the action at the climax scene at Vincent's house a little confusing, but those were minor flaws in an otherwise easily followed story.

Finally, as mentioned earlier, I appreciated Ms. Lieske's moments of humor which helped to soften the otherwise breakneck pace. She made me laugh out loud more than once, memorably at the "Spiderman sheets" comment. If you are a reader who enjoys plentiful action, a complex plot, and prefer to go easy on the life histories and weather reports, your money will not be wasted on Victorine Lieske's Not What She Seems.

Not What She Seems is available for purchase in paper and for the Kindle or Kindle-for-PC (ebook format) from Amazon and Amazon UK.

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The New Atheism-Victor Stenger (III)

In recent years a number of bestselling books have forcefully argued that belief in God can no longer be defended on rational or empirical grounds, and that the scientific worldview has rendered obsolete the traditional beliefs held by Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. The authors of these books-Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, and Victor J. Stenger-have come to be known as the "New Atheists." Predictably, their works have been controversial and attracted a good deal of critical reaction. In this new book, Victor J. Stenger, whose God: The Failed Hypothesis was on the New York Times bestseller list in 2007, reviews and expands upon the principles of New Atheism and answers many of its critics. He demonstrates in detail that naturalism-the view that all of reality is reducible to matter and nothing else-is sufficient to explain everything we observe in the universe, from the most distant galaxies to the inner workings of the brain that result in the phenomenon of mind. Stenger disputes the claim of many critics that the question of whether God exists is beyond the ken of science. On the contrary, he argues that absence of evidence for God is, indeed, evidence of absence when the evidence should be there and is not. Turning from scientific to historical evidence, Stenger then points out the many examples of evil perpetrated in the name of religion. He also notes that the Bible, which is still taken to be divine revelation by millions, fails ...

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Thriller Books - Enlightening Thoughts

With the coming of online book stores, avid book readers have various alternatives to choose favorite books. Every passing day, these stores are gaining popularity and are becoming right place for reading and buying books. It is providing space to enhance your knowledge and that also from the comforts of home. Going for them online offers comfort as they allow comparing prices of different books along with a chance to read and post reviews. Even one can download the whole book free of cost. These online stores have numerous collections belonging to different civilizations, nations and that too in different languages. They are the ultimate place for enlightenment as they ensure a strong base for the readers all across the world. There are hundreds of online book stores which make it easier for you to access traditional as well as modern books. Earlier it was tiring to visit to individual book shops and many times you cannot find your favorite one. With the increasing demand, the online book stores assure availability of all the books. There are various categories of books such as Business, Computer, Fiction, Travel, Humor, Drama, Sports, Food, Health, History and many more. They are offered at discounts and special incentives which is not possible with the retail book store.

There are several readers who love reading thriller fictions. They like thrill in their lives. The very first thing that these books offer is the ever lasting impression and the excitement. You enjoy them as they take you to the amazing world. It is not that every thriller book has super natural characters. They are also based on suspense, murder, detective, crime, spy or adventure. The thrilling aspects lie in the themes that are mainly non-stop action, uncertain circumstances, terrifying suspense, and the super natural characters. All these make the best thrillers. It is sometime difficult to choose the one which is really horrifying and scary. There is some great horrifying which must be read by the book fans. These are Destination Unknown By Paulo Coelho, Word Without End, The Devil and Miss Prym By Agatha Christie, Playing for Pizza, The Doomsday Conspiracy, The Naming of the Dead, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd By Sidney Sheldon, Relentless, Dragon By Ipsita Roy Chakraverti, The Pillars of the Earth, Sacred Evil: Encounters with the Unknown By Clive Cussler, Exit Music, Eleventh Commandment By Jeffrey Archer, The Tenderness of Wolves, Hercule Poirot, and The Careful Use of Compliments. They are available at attractive price range.

These suspense books ensure sensational thrill and takes you to the real scenario where you can feel the scary situation through which characters are under passing. You can feel chilling experiences once you go through these books. You can browse online shopping portals to find numerous collections which are at far cheaper prices compared to retail outlets. With easier search options, you can look for books by titles, author and publishers. You can also find prices of best thriller book.

The crime thriller books have a strong story plot with adventurous characters who are plotted for gamesmanship and chasing, with a detective type of element. They are very similar to fiction but the tough, but simple heroic characters are scripted to kill the villains. The hero is plotted to face every danger that comes in his life and he fights back. The main element in the story is the suspense that you don't know what will happen next. They have story backgrounds stressing on murder mystery, corruptions, supernatural phenomena, etc. They draw interest and create anxiety among the readers to find out what is going to turn out next. It comes in mystery and offers suspense which can be many a time romantic suspense. They have interesting plots, terrifying setting and compelling heroes. These mystery thriller books appeal children and youths as they are more adventurous. There are several best seller books online which can enhance the real facts of life.

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The Top 10 Best Vampire Book Series

Not too long ago Anne Rice was the queen of vampire fiction with her creation of the legendary Lestat. However, in the past few years Stephenie Meyer with her Twilight Saga, Charlaine Harris with True Blood, and other authors with their vampire creations have stormed the best seller charts. But what are the most popular series with the legions of online vamp lit fans?

The top ten most popular (based on online chatter) vampire book series are:

10. Riley Jensen Guardian by Keri Arthur

9. Anita Blake Vampire Hunter by Laurell K. Hamilton

8. The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice

7. The Morganville Vampires by Rachel Caine

6. Vampire Kisses by Ellen Schreiber

5. The Darren Shan Saga by Darren Shan

4. Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

3. The House of Night by P. C. Cast and Kristin Cast

2. The Southern Vampire Mysteries / Sookie Stackhouse Novels / True Blood Series by Charlaine Harris

...and the most popular Vampire Lit Series is no surprise...

1. The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer

Not quite making the top ten were Night Huntress by Jeaniene Frost, Vampire Diaries by L.J. Smith, Undead and ... by MaryJanice Davidson, Blue Bloods by Melissa de la Cruz, Vampire Beach by Alex Duval, Night World by L.J. Smith, Nikki and Michael by Keri Arthur, Mackenzie Vampires by Nina Bangs, and Almost Human by Melanie Nowak.

The top two series on this list have also been adapted for the screen, with the wildly popular Twilight Saga movies and True Blood television series on HBO. This can have only helped their dominance in this poll. While great literature does not need to be adapted for the screen, it will clearly raise awareness of a series and bring in a whole new group of fans. A Darren Shan motion picture (Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant) will be released in late 2009. Both House of Night and Vampire Academy films or TV adaptations are almost inevitable, although neither seem to be even close to production. If the new CW Network TV series based on L. J. Smith's Vampire Diaries is a hit, then those novels are bound to be in the top ten for my next vamp lit poll. And, finally, it is lovely to see that modern vampire literature icon and pioneer Anne Rice made the list, even if she was not in the top five. Oddly, only two of Anne Rice's novels (Interview with the Vampire and The Queen of the Damned) were ever turned into feature films.

I compiled this list by searching for each of the vampire book series on a number of search engines and ranking them by the number of web pages, discussion forums, photos, videos, etc that are available online.

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The publication of Longitude in 1995 -- and its unexpected success -- transformed me into a full-time author of books. I greatly enjoy the more in-depth research required for book-length projects. Someone once said to me, "I would hate your job. It's like writing one college term paper after another." That's exactly what it's like, and exactly what I love best about it. People may have the impression that book tours and public appearances are the most exciting times in an author's life. I certainly enjoy those events, and am flattered both by my publishers' willingness to send me on tour and readers' eagerness to come hear me. But writing is really about sitting alone in a room, and the highlights occur in that room, with no one else as witness, in the small moments of the day when the work goes well. I experienced some of the most memorable such moments during the years spent on Galileo's Daughter, especially in winter, when the early morning hours (my best work time) were dark, and I could enter my office half-believing it was Suor Maria Celeste's Convent of San Matteo in Arcetri. I am extremely gratified by the warm reception my books have received—not just in terms of good reviews or ratings on bestseller lists, but also actual events that followed their publication. Longitude helped place a memorial to John Harrison in Westminster Abbey, unveiled by Prince Philip on March 24, 2006 (Harrison's 313th birthday, and also the 230th anniversary of his death). Astronomers ...

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The Power of Positive Thinking - Books to Consider Part II

Trusting in yourself makes wondrous things happen to you. These classic guides to self-esteem and success will help you learn how to; break the worry habit; get other people to like you; avoid "the jitters" in your daily work; believe in yourself and everything you do; develop the power to reach your goals, and so much more. The books listed below are just a few of the millions out there, but it comes from my very own personal collection.

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

If you are not familiar about the well-known movie or book The Secret, I really suggest you checking it out. This book is based on the fact that like attracts like and is formed by The Law Of Attraction. Essentially what you focus on is what you are going to attract back into your life. So if you are worrying about money or your health, you are only creating more financial problems and more health problems. If you cringe every time you go to the mailbox expecting another bill or more bad news, you will create more bills. Obviously this isn't something we want! By attaching negative emotions to your situations you are creating more of it, this is because you are thinking and feeling about what you don't want, in turn making them stronger. The mind is creative, it will create and recreate whatever you think about. When you are fighting something, whatever it may be, you are unconsciously creating more of that very thing.

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L Hay

If you haven't seen Hay House's Lifestyles series of gorgeous gift books, there is no better way to acquaint yourself than with publisher/author Louise Hay's You Can Heal Your Life. A bestseller for many years, You Can Heal Your Life has been republished with bright, beautiful illustrations in full, living color and exquisite typography--each and every page is a work of art by artist Joan Perrin Falquet. The timeless message of the book is that we are each responsible for our own reality and "dis-ease." Hay believes we make ourselves ill by having thoughts of self-hatred. This book is more of a healing book than anything else, but I do absolutely love the affirmations contained in all of her books, especially this one!

Growing The Distance by Jim Clemmer

At home or in the workplace, change is an inevitable fact of life. How we choose to respond to it - as leaders or as followers - determines our personal and professional growth. Growing the Distance is about developing the leader within all of us. This helps us to continue "growing at the speed of change." A central theme of the book is that leadership is action, not a position. We all need to be leaders regardless of our formal title or role. This starts with inner self leadership and moves outward to influence, guide, support, and lead others. Leadership ultimately shows itself in what we do "out there," but it starts "in here."

Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen

Just as a forewarning, this is a Christian based book by a Pastor, however it still is an incredible book. Not a lot of religious talk but he instead incorporates a lot of stuff from The Secret such as positive thinking, like attracts like, and believing in good things. I think this was probably one of the first books I read that I really got into when it came to changing my habits and trying to live my best life now! Osteen tells readers that God wants them to prosper, offering examples of obtaining an elegant mansion or a larger salary ("don't ever get satisfied with where you are," he cautions). In seven parts, he details how readers should enlarge their vision, develop self-esteem, discover the power of thought, let go of the past, find strength through adversity, give back to others and choose to be happy.

These books have helped me immensely and I know that they can help you as well, if you put the reading to use as well as the exercises and suggestions all of these books make. Don't just read the book and let it go in one ear and out the other. Really digest it, let it seep into your brain and throughout your entire body. I have seen people literally change %100 from books such as these. And if YOU want to change and want it to change your life for good, then you will really sit down and read!

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Resume Outline - 6 Fast Tips to Tell Your Story Like a NY Times Bestseller

A resume is your personal story to an interviewer.  It should be carefully crafted to tell them the story you want them to read. 

Many people just put facts together and let the interviewer make up their own story.  Don't you want to control your own ending?

Like writing a book or a persuasive essay, start your resume with an outline.  

What is the overall picture you want to explain?  What points get the interviewer there?  What details can you provide? 

Here are 6 fast tips for writing your resume outline: 

1. Start w/ brainstorming.

Put down everything you can say.  Business names, job titles, responsibilities.  It is important to capture them all now so you know what you have to work with.  Start organizing them into groups based on what kind of role you had - or what level position you were in.  This will help with the next step. 

2. Focus on the big picture.

Once everything is down - scan through everything.  Is there a big picture you can paint about yourself w/ all your experiences?  What kind of job are you applying to?  What kind of traits are they looking for?  What kind of experience?  Are you the trustworthy manager who hits the numbers or are you the innovative wildcat that can overdeliver multiple folds?  Who's the main character in this story?

3. Pick appropriate jobs and responsibilities.

Once you have a story you're trying to tell - pick jobs and responsibilities appropriately.  Each position should play a part in your story. They're important examples of character development.  Skip over things that don't add credibility to the story.  Extraneous info can hurt. 

4. Watch organization.

How should the story reveal itself?  Resumes don't have to be in chronological order if you can organize everything in a better manner. As long as it's not too much a stretch - you should be fine.

5. Be prepared for transitions.

How will talking about one job lead to the other?  What's the connection.  As you're interviewing, you need to guide the interviewer through your resume - so you can tell them the story you've carefully laid out.

 6. Worry about details later.

Don't forget that this is outlining.  This is about the big picture and how the story weaves itself.  Fill in the details later.

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Dr. Ben, Ivan Van Sertima, Dr. Clark-pt.4

Ivan Gladstone Van Sertima (26 January 1935 - 25 May 2009) was a historian, linguist and anthropologist at Rutgers University in the United States. He was noted for his controversial theory of pre-Columbian contact between Africa and the Americas. Dr. Van Sertima was born in Kitty Village, Guyana, when Guyana was still a British colony; he remained a British citizen. He completed primary and secondary school in Guyana, and started writing poetry. He attended the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at the University of London from 1959. In addition to producing an array of creative writing, Van Sertima completed his undergraduate studies in African languages and literature at SOAS in 1969, where he graduated with honors. During his studies he learned Swahili and Hungarian. He worked for several years in Great Britain as a journalist, doing weekly broadcasts to the Caribbean and Africa. In doing field work in Africa, he compiled a dictionary of Swahili legal terms. In 1970 Van Sertima immigrated to the United States, where he entered Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey for graduate work. He began his teaching career at Rutgers University as an instructor in 1972. In 1977 he completed his master's degree. He was Associate Professor of African Studies in the Department of Africana Studies. As editor of the Journal of African Civilizations and author of numerous books, he has addressed topics in literature, linguistics, anthropology and history. He wrote ...

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Indeed, the possibilities are endless. Since you do not have to sit and hold a book, you get all that time you would normally spend on reading as a bonus. Have a kid who does not like reading? Why not introduce audio books then? Chances are your teen will love the way a boring task transforms into an enjoyable experience.

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Needless to say, an audio book takes less time to be digested than a regular hardcopy edition. Besides, many people find it easier to comprehend and memorize things when they listen to them rather than read. This way, you have a great chance to learn new things you have always been postponing due to lack of time.

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Happy Freelancing For the Writer - A Book Review

Due to the economy and the desire to break free from corporate America I've been reading a lot of business related books.  Anything from Twitter Revolution to the Bestseller Rich Dad Poor Dad have been thumbed through lately.  I've been on my personal quest to find something that can set me free and allow me to control my own destiny.  I recently had lunch with a friend who was a former co-worker.  Because of some health issues and the need to be a stay at home mom she had started to freelance.  She told me how much she was making and about a woman she had met over the internet named Sue LaPointe.  We talked about the book she had read that was written by Sue and how it was inspiring.  I was interested in knowing more so I went home and did some research right after our yummy Thai food lunch. 

Just Do It

I put off buying the book for several weeks because the bills to keep the power and heat on come first.  But I did some searching and found some great freelance websites.  Just recently I finally ordered the book and just finished reading it earlier this week.  I've always said you have to spend a little money if you want to make money.

Freelance Freedom

It's no wonder why Sue is at the top of her game and one of the top writers on Guru.com.  She writes in a style that keeps you turning the pages and with a sense of humor tossed in.  I now feel like I have the basic knowledge need to start my own freelance writing business or even web design.  The book doesn't go into depth but gives you enough information on how to get started.  Readers are given a list of freelance websites to check out from Sue's favorite Guru.com to Rent-a-Coder, the popular E-Lance and more. 

It's all about getting the Gig

Sue talks about getting your first gig (freelance job), finding local clients, building and updating your portfolio, setting your rates and more.  I enjoyed reading about the 8 projects she recommends such as starting a blog.  I already can check that one off my list because you're reading this on my blog.  Keeping your portfolio up-to-date and building on your work.  Her recommendation is to keep your work in PDF format instead of its native format (i.e. Word format).  It looks better and most everyone has the ability to view a file in PDF format.  The most current version of Office will even convert from Word to PDF on the fly.  Recommendation number 5 is advice to visit forums on a regular frequency.  Warrior Forum is one that I'm a member of but need to visit and utilize more often.  The forum not mentioned that I found a few months ago can be found on the website Freelance Folder.  I'll leave the other recommendations for you to discover when you read the book. 

Smart Goals 

The last thing I want to mention is goal setting because it's SMART (Goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely).  I always try to set small realistic goals so I can attain them.  Reading Working Writer Happy Writer was one of my short term goals.  Never having to work for a corporation again in my lifetime is my long term goal.  What's your short term goal?  What are your long term goals?  This book gives you lots of information and ideas to make your own goals.  It's up to you to seize the moment and decide your future in freelancing.

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The Alex Jones Show - Thu 10.07.2010 part-17

Playlist for today's show: www.youtube.com Alex welcomes back to the show Andrew Napolitano, a former New Jersey Superior Court Judge and now a political and legal analyst for Fox News Channel and hosts the daily show Freedom Watch on the Fox Business Network. Napolitano sat on the New Jersey bench from 1987 to 1995, becoming the state's youngest tenured judge. He also served as an adjunct professor at Seton Hall University School of Law for 11 years. Napolitano resigned his judgeship in 1995 to pursue his writing and television career. Judge Napolitano has published five books on the US Constitution. They are Constitutional Chaos: What Happens When The Government Breaks Its Own Laws; the New York Times bestseller, The Constitution in Exile: How the Federal Government Has Seized Power by Rewriting the Supreme Law of the Land; A Nation of Sheep; Dred Scott's Revenge: A Legal History of Race and Freedom In America; and the New York Times bestseller Lies the Government Told You: Myth, Power, and Deception In American History. Alex also covers the latest news and takes your calls.

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Reading the World: Intl. Writers from Ledig House (1/8)

November 5, 2009 - Ledig House International Writers Residency is one of the only residences of its type in the United States. Since its creation in 1992, Ledig House has hosted hundreds of writers and translators from roughly 50 countries around the world. At this event, Chad Post (Director of Open Letter at the University of Rochester) leads a panel of writers and translators from around the world—all of whom are currently in residence at Ledig House. The panel includes readings and discussion from: Kathrin Aehnlich (Germany): Her first novel, published 2007, became a bestseller in Germany. Tom Dreyer (South Africa): His second novel received the Eugene Marais Prize. His third was shortlisted for the M-Net Prize. Linda Gaboriau (Canada): She is an award-winning translator of Quebecs most prominent playwrights. Pravda Miteva (Bulgaria): She has worked as a literary translator since 1994, and owns a small publishing house. (This event is hosted by Open Letter and University of Rochester Arts & Sciences. It is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts and the New York State Council on the Arts.) For more information on, visit: openletterbooks.org

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2 Book Reviews: Gruen's "Water for Elephants"; Gilbert's "Eat, Pray, Love" (12/365)

Gruen, Sara. Water for elephants. Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2006. Print. Gilbert, Elizabeth. Eat, pray, love. Viking Pr, 2006. Print. I'm back from camping and I'm feeling awesome (though tired from the trip back)! It's nice being relaxed and not stressed out :) As promised, here are 2 book reviews! "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert: "One woman's search for everything across Italy, India, and Indonesia." - front cover of the book "Water for Elephants" by Sara Gruen: "You'll get lost in the tatty glamour of Gruen's meticulously researched world, from spangled equestrian pageantry and the sleazy side show to an ill-fated night at a Chicago speak-easy." - The Washington Post

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Get a Book Published? The Road to Publication Might be Getting a Little Rougher

Is it getting easier or more difficult for an unpublished writer to get their first book commercially published? We asked nearly 60 literary agents about the outlook for the next generation of authors. Their comments are in quotes.

Agents do not envision a great deal of change on the horizon. They are mildly negative about the next 12 to 24 months. When asked the reasons behind their forecast, the most common responses were:

Industry Consolidation, Changes Within the Publishing Industry Itself

Changes in Book Retailing

Publishers are Becoming More Risk Averse

The Pessimists

The Optimists

The Impact of the National Economy

Industry Consolidation, Changes Within the Publishing Industry Itself

"Editors no longer rely on their instincts and passions as selection criteria; instead they go by such formulas as, Bad Numbers, Author has no Platform etc."

"Continuing consolidation and conglomeration of industry."

"For non-fiction works, in particular, publishers need credentialed writers, which leaves out the many individuals who have great ideas but nothing to back it up. With fiction, they are more likely to take a chance on an unpublished writer IF it is in an area (genre) they are seeking at the time and the writing is passable enough.

Changes in Book Retailing

"Because of the pressure of the chain buyers, publishers are increasingly locked into publishing only the brand new authors with no record, and best selling authors."

"Because as long as the retail market continues to consolidate in the hands of fewer and fewer retailers, the entire industry becomes dependent on the taste of a small handful of 'buyers' who choose which books get shelf space."

Publishers are Becoming More Risk Averse

"It just seems like it's getting harder and harder to get people to take a chance on an unknown."

"Editors are buying fewer books, they are reluctant to take chances."

"What does keep projects from being bought is the fact that lists are shrinking, and in a marketplace in which it's terribly hard to win anyone's attention - from buyers all the way to customers - everyone up the editorial chain is anxious about making the wrong bet ... more often than not, 'No' is a safe answer."

The Pessimists

"I base this on the number of rejection letters publishers have sent for well-written, well-plotted novels by new authors that would have sold if given the chance."

"I don't see the market picking up much, and if the current trends continue, it will only decline."

The Optimists

"Because I don't agree that the publishing industry is either for or against unpublished writers. They are FOR unpublished writers who have a brilliant first novel to offer or a nonfiction platform. They are AGAINST unpublished writers who are bad writers or (in the case of nonfiction, are not credentialed in their field, have a new original, high concept idea etc.)"

"The Industry is not a monolithic thing. Some genres (nonfiction especially, which more and more requires the author to have a major platform for promotion and media attention) will continue to become more difficult; some genres (upmarket fiction) exalt first-time writers. The "first novel" for literary fiction represents a unique marketing opportunity for the publisher; it's the second and third novels that tend to be far more difficult to publish well if the first novel doesn't take off."

"Some trends favor new writers and new voices, however the money is often discouragingly small, so there is not the sense of a career being launched."

The Impact of the National Economy

"Publishing is an increasingly tough biz in tough times--fewer people read."

So What Can a Debut Author Do?

1) Study the elements of a good query letter.

2) Make your contact letter succinct, positive, but not obnoxious. Stress that you understand the market for your book and how to address that market.

3) Learn what types of manuscripts individual agents are looking for and send yours out to the agents that match up the best with your topic or genre.

4) Don't give up.

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"The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" by Stieg Larsson - Book Review

Extraordinary. Stieg Larsson's thrilling novel, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo really does deserve the praise it has been given and its place atop the bestseller lists. It is different to any other crime novel I have read.

Larsson tells the story of his main characters Mikael Blomkvist and Lisbeth Salander, along with a great ensemble cast, in almost a clinically detailed fashion, providing the reader a birds-eye view of their lives. While I know some found the detail provided around the financial subject matter and the disclosure of the characters everyday routines laborious - it actually had the opposite effect on me.

I found the subject matter easy to follow and this confrontational open and honest writing style very refreshing (credit also goes to translator Reg Keeland). I was hooked from the moment I began reading, loving sinking my teeth into the detailed and complex storyline, fully aware that this first novel formed the platform for the trilogy.

Larsson builds his characters beautifully - they are complex individuals with both flaws and morals that his audience can identify and empathize with. Yes, there are certainly grisly and violent scenes in this novel. I did not find them overly disturbing though... they were simply part of the story being told. You soon begin to realise that the mystery being solved in the foreground is actually just a mechanism through which Larsson is telling the real story, that being the story of his hero and heroine, Blomkvist and Salander.

I can't wait to read the second novel in the Millennium Trilogy, The Girl Who Played with Fire. Larsson has written a crime thriller that has truly broken the mold - a must read!

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Contamos con mas volúmenes en español que cualquier otra editorial para el kindle y continuamos creciendo.

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Theodore Dreiser - Sister Carrie & The Financier

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Theodore Dreiser - Sister Carrie & The Financier

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Theodore Dreiser - Sister Carrie & The Financier Overviews

Two full length novels collected in one edition formatted for the Kindle.

THEODORE DREISER [1871-1945] was journalist and writer of novels, short stories, and nonfiction.
In 1889-1890, he attended Indiana University.
In 1892, he worked for the Chicago Globe, and afterward the St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
In 1900, he published his first novel Sister Carrie. The book was adapted to film in 1952.
In 1911, he published his second novel Jennie Gerhardt.
In 1912, he published The Financier.
In 1914, he published The Titan.
In 1919, he published Twelve Men.
In 1925, he published An American Tragedy (filmed in 1931 and 1951). The book was based on the murder of Grace Brown by Chester Gillette in 1906. This book was his fiirst commercial success.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Oct 17, 2010 20:20:20

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Games of State: Op-Center

  • ISBN13: 9780425151877
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

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Games of State: Op-Center

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   Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Games of State: Op-Center Overviews

When old horrors are reborn in a newly unified Germany and neo-Nazi groups spread violence and hatred, Paul Hood and his team uncover shocking plans to destabilize Europe and the United States and set out to stop the explosive rebirth of the Third Reich.

Games of State: Op-Center RelateItems

Games of State: Op-Center Specifications

The Cold War is over. And chaos is setting in. The new president of Russia is trying to create a democratic regime. But there are strong elements within the country that are trying to stop him: the ruthless Russian mafia, the right-wing nationalists, and those nefarious forces that will do whatever it takes to return Russia to the days of the Czar.

Op-Center, the newly-founded but highly successful crisis management team, begins a race against the clock and against the hardliners. Their task is made even more difficult by the discovery of a Russian counterpart... but this one's controlled by those same repressive hardliners and represents everything Op-Center stands for. Two rival Op-Centers, virtual mirror images of each other. But if this mirror cracks, it'll be more than seven years of bad luck....

Games of State: Op-Center CustomerReview

First, I just want to say that this review IS about the first book. This book is not about Neo-Nazis or the Turks and Kurds. It is based in North/South Korea.

This book is an acceptable start to the series, but could have been much better. For one, it was a pretty lame "crisis". It didn't even last more than two days, which I realize is possible, but not very likely. Even more ridiculous is the marital problems mixed in that also last only two days and then are fixed (although in later books you find that it is not actually "fixed") as well as the son's sudden viral attack and even more sudden recovery.
One other pretty lame portion is where a major figure and two less heard-of figures go into a threatening position. The least mentioned of the three gets killed and the other little heard-of guy gets wounded, while the most heard-of guy is unharmed. The part of the one guy getting wounded is also somewhat ridiculous. He was knocked over and shot at from right above him, yet all he got was a shoulder wound. It does not seem right to be standing over someone and shoot him, but only get his shoulder, even if you are in a hurry.
Also, for being the first book in a series, it doesn't give very much information about op-Center as a whole.

As for the good parts, there are few that are easily mentioned. One part is how Major Lee is introduced. In the first section where he is mentioned, you are given the one detail that later reveals his true nature to you.
I feel that the subplot of Gregory Donald was a good and necessary inclusion. Without it, you wouldn't understand his great desire to get to the border and behind it.

Overall, I would recommend this book, but mainly just for those of you who have read other books in the series and want to know more about some of the earlier details. Otherwise, it is not very great material, especially for coming under Clancy's name. Read and enjoy.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Oct 17, 2010 08:10:22

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