
Budd Hopkins - MUFON-LA (3 of 3)

Budd Hopkins is a world-renowned artist, but MUFON audiences probably know him best as a pioneer abduction researcher and ufologys most visible figure. Having investigated well over 700 cases, he now heads the Intruders Foundation, a nonprofit, scientific research and support organization. Hopkins three books, Missing Time (1981), Intruders (1987), and Witnessed (1996) are widely regarded as the most influential publications on the abduction phenomenon. (Intruders was not only a New York Times bestseller, but also the basis for a 1992 CBS miniseries.) His latest book, Sight Unseen, is quickly gaining similar acclaim. Hopkins' goal has always been to bring an objective, dispassionate scientific intelligence to bear on the UFO abduction phenomenon. Virtually from the beginning of the modern era of UFO close encounters and abductions, experiencers have reported a range of dramatic and perplexing physical after-effects. Hopkins asserts that though investigators have carefully documented the emotional and psychological effects of such traumatic experiences, a more thorough-going study of the patterns of medical anomalies is greatly needed. Hopkins will present a number of such cases from his own files, using slides that graphically illustrate some of these distinct types. He will offer some speculation by physicians and other medical experts as to their possible causes. According to Hopkins, a number of these anomalous after-effects involve the reproductive organs. He reports ...

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