
E-Books and Internet Publishing Will it Replace Print and Bookstores - A Writers Comment

Today we have all sorts of options as writers that we just did not have a decade the prior. For instance if there is only a limited market for our chosen topic, we can publish without all the hassles immediately online. Indeed, I am a co-author of one book in print, but this year I produced 10-ebooks and put them online and realize that was in only 4 months.

In fact my goal is to write a total of 90 more e-Books in the next twenty months, sure it can be done and without all the hassles or barriers to entry, or marketing angles that the publishers are looking for. What is this new trend going to do to the Publishing Industry? Well, I suppose over time that the publishing industry is dead meat. But it will not go quietly or easily of course.

If your books sell well on the Internet you may find yourself with a much bigger chuck of the price of each book sold. Think about it, no shipping costs, no inventory costs, no printing costs and the marketing costs are quite low. There are many advantages to writing eBooks on the Internet and skipping the printing industry entirely.

Another advantage to selling eBooks on the Internet is the fact that you have a much closer link with your audience and the reader, for quick feedback. With a fast feedback loop you can modify your works slightly and give the readers more of what they want and insure continued sales growth too. Think about it.

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