

COMING SOON! SIGNS AND WONDERS 7 DVD TEACHING SERIES. John Arcovio is President and Founder of Spirit Led Ministries, Inc. and Bishop of Spirit Led Worship Center located in Rohnert Park, California. He has pastored for over ten years and served as a prophet to the nations for 20 years. He travels in Global Ministry as a Prophet to the Nations. He has trained,mentored and released over 20 different Ministers who are actively involved in full-time ministry across the world. He has founded two Home Missions works, helped start 20 overseas churches and helped build 2 bible colleges. He serves as a sought after prophetic minister, international crusades director, and popular conference speaker. He founded Spirit Led Ministries International in 1985 which produces ministry resource materials and serves as a multifaceted international outreach. He has founded the annual "Eagles Summit Apostolic Conference" which is held in various nations. He has written numerous books including the bestseller The Way of The Eagle which has been translated into seven different languages. He has conducted over 150 Holy Ghost Crusades on four continents, in over 35 countries, witnessing over 600000 people filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost. His books, Cd's,DVD's and other publications have been circulated thorough the world, blessing and enhancing the lives of thousands. This DVD series on "Signs and Wonders" of over 7 hours of material taught at Christian Life College in Stockton, CA will ...

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