
Great Titles Grab Readers' Attention - Make Yours a Lulu!

Market research consistently finds that you have 20 seconds, tops, to capture people's attention and get them committed to hearing you out. It's likely that the first five seconds are the all-important ones in determining whether they look further or lose interest. In a written piece, those first few seconds are when your title hits them. It may well be the deciding factor in whether a reader who is overloaded with stimuli and options will look further. A successful title for your book, article, newspaper or web page is both engaging and informative. It hooks the reader with curiosity and self-interest, by answering the perennial question, "What's in it for me?" You'll want to work as hard on that as you do on those crucial first paragraphs.

Maybe you're not aiming for a bestselling book at this stage. Maybe you just want to get a couple of articles into a magazine or local metaphysical journal as a way to promote your services. Or maybe you're struggling to write something for your web site so visitors know more about what you do. In order to compete with the many other writers who pitch articles to these media-or with other practitioners in the same discipline as yours-a memorable title has the edge in grabbing and holding the attention of your intended audience. Consider all the time you spent crafting your piece-isn't it worth spending a bit more time to make sure it gets read?

A good free resource for trying out your title before you submit it is Lulu's online Title Scorer at: http://www.lulu.com/titlescorer/. Lulu is one of the fastest-growing source of Print on Demand books. They commissioned a team of world-class statisticians to study the titles of New York Times Bestsellers between 1955 and 2004 and then compare them with less successful authors. The statisticians developed a program that predicts the chances of any given title becoming a bestseller. Follow-up research on more recent bestsellers shows that their program works correctly 70% of the time. At other times, they admit it tanks completely-giving a low score to what they call "weird" books like The Da Vinci Code.

The program was primarily designed for mainstream fiction, so I tested how well it works with highly successful metaphysical and spiritual titles, with mixed results. Here's how some bestselling authors of recent years fared:

Left Behind, Jerry B. Jenkin's series on "The Rapture" 79.1%

The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne 41.4%

The Power of Intention, by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer 41.4%

Chicken Soup for the Soul, by Jack Canfield et al. 26.3%

Conversations with God, by Neale Donald Walsch 10.2%

Visits from the Afterlife, by Sylvia Browne 10.2%

The program doesn't seem to take the name recognition into account, and several of these authors are now so successful that anything they write hits the bestseller list the same week they come out. This could account for the failure of several metaphysical giants to score well on book titles. However, it would be interesting to see how accurately it predicted the success of their earliest titles, before their names were golden.

I then tested the program with some of my own more successful titles, and it said: Healing Pluto Problems, (45,000 English copies, many translations) 55.4%; Moon Signs, (Mainstream publisher, 26,000 English Copies, several translations) 10.2%; and An Astrological Guide to Self-Awareness (30,000 English copies, many translations) 10.2%. Fair enough-I haven't exactly gotten rich off my writings! However, considering that two of my scores were the same as Sylvia Browne's, it does suggest a somewhat anti-metaphysical bias built into the test.

That noted, you may want to take what Lulu predicts about your metaphysically oriented title with somewhat of a grain of salt-but then, metaphysical books by unknown authors are not often ranked among the top sellers. Still, an impactful title is more likely to grab an editor's attention and appeal to a reader, so it's worth working with this tool until your title is as strong as you can possibly make it.

A new and powerful feature, Title Fight, allows you to compare two titles that you're considering, so that you discover which has the better chance of selling. I tried two variations for a hypothetical project, a metaphysical how-to book on positive thinking. The first, Winning Ideas for You, had only a 10.2% chance of being a bestseller. The second, How your Thoughts Can Turn Failure into Success, had a 55.4% chance.

Titles that Memories are Made from

As I sought more examples of what makes a great title, the list I compiled included many books that changed my life and the lives of other metaphysical seekers. Perhaps they were some of your favorites too. The very names evoke memories of as well as what our lives were like at the time they were published, as well as the changes and illuminations they ushered into being,. Here are some of them-along with Lulu's edict on their chances of success:

The Road Less Traveled, M. Scott Peck 26.3%

What Color is your Parachute? Richard Nelson Bolles 44.2%

Why People Don't Heal-and How They Can, Caroline Myss 55.4%

It Was on Fire When I lay Down on It, Robert Fulghum 44.2%

Evocative, aren't they? Can you imagine these books with another title? A memorable title that hooks the reader is an asset in articles, books, and other writing efforts.

When I squared off two possible titles for this article, the first one I had chosen-"Entitled to be Published!"-scored only 8.6%. while the alternate-"Making your Title Marketable"-had a 20.4% chance. I still fancied the neat turn of phrase in the first title, but, then, thickheaded ignoring of sound advice is doubtlessly one of the reasons I'm not a bestselling author YET. Reworking the name doubled its chances: "Are You Entitled to be Published?" I then wondered if the subtitle, not included in the score, would fare better. "Great Titles Grab Readers' Attention" scored 35.9%, so it became the final title. I decided to Listen to Lulu on book projects from here on out. Maybe you should, too!

Note: This article is an excerpt from Donna's booklet of writing tips, the text for her online writing seminars.

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How to Make Your Book a Bestseller - By Harnessing the Incredible Power of Internet Marketing

If you've written a book or if you want to get your message out to the world, there has never been an easier time to become a bestselling author. The Internet has provided writers with an unprecedented opportunity to spread their message and reach more readers at a faster rate than ever before.

So let me take you through the process step-by-step of how to turn your book into a bestseller and gain more 'customers' or readers.

Your number one priority is to give away something of value to your potential readers. It sounds back-to-font - but trust me, it isn't.

You might give away valuable content such as: a 'how to' article; a free ebook or report; an ezine; a teleseminar; or an MP3.

Better still, team up with other experts who can provide this free content. So if your book is about dog breeding, contact other pet experts. Or if your book is about gardening, contact high profile gardening experts (preferably those with a large database or 'list' of clients).

Tell them you're offering the chance to promote their business if they'd like to offer something for free in return. It's a win-win situation: they provide you with a freebie, you promote their website to your readers.

When you put a value on these free bonuses, it can run into thousands of dollars. This makes a $9.99 book phenomenal value - in fact, readers will sometimes buy a book just to get their hands on the bonuses.

On the day your book is launched, ask all the experts who gave free bonuses to help promote it. They can do this via their own mailing lists, as well as social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Chances are they'll also want to bulk-buy your book to sell to their own clients. If everyone promotes your book on the same day, you can very quickly push your book onto the bestseller list for your particular niche on Amazon.

Even if it only hovers there for three seconds, that's all it takes. The kudos of having a bestselling book lasts a lifetime! I even have a client who used this technique successfully to push her poetry book (self-published 5 years previously) to bestselling status.

What to do with your 'customers' or readers when you have their contact details? Write to them at least once a week. Get to know them: let them get to know you. Share valuable information with them.

Follow these simple steps and you will be well on your way to becoming a successful author.

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White Fang (G.K. Hall Large Print Perennial Bestseller Collection)

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White Fang (G.K. Hall Large Print Perennial Bestseller Collection)

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White Fang (G.K. Hall Large Print Perennial Bestseller Collection) Overviews

The adventures in the northern wilderness of a dog who is part wolf and who eventually makes his peace with man.

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White Fang (G.K. Hall Large Print Perennial Bestseller Collection) CustomerReview

Jack London's turn-of-the-century novel about a wild animal (3/4 wolf) proves an odyssey of the canine heart, as the author examines
the millennium-old relationship between Man and Wolf. The story of the gradual domestication of the species proves intriguing in its psychological stages; readers are drawn into the lamentable situations endured by a creature born and partly raised in the Alaskan wilderness. Captivated by Kiche's struggle to survive famine and pack dynamics we come to realize that the story is not even about Her, but her progeny, for one pup is singled out for greatness--both excessive torment and personal growth.

At the age of five months the pup surrenders his freedom to
an Indian whom he regards as a man-god, Gray Beaver, who names him "White Fang" because of obvious reasons. The young wolf-dog's entire life consists of unremitting and undeserved torment--from dogs and humans--causing him to mature into a morose and vicious loner. Able to adapt to a variety of harsh conditions he possesses the will to survive, for he quickly grasps the various Laws: of the Wild, of the Indian Camp, and of the Pack. A victim of man's bestiality he seems doomed to a life of bleak hatred, until rescued from a miserable existence as brutal, side show entertainment by an enlightened man from the Lower Forty, Weedon Scott.

With patience and insight Scott gradually earns his trust, then
proceeds to tame the intelligent wolf-dog whom he sets free, but White Fang amazingly accepts the invisible bonds of friendship; he acknowledges Scott as more than his master: he surrenders his
freedom and fierce spirit to his new love-god. White Fang overcomes
long-ingrained habits and conditioned responses to offer his life and his heart in the form of ultimate adoration.

Impending separation looms to destroy the devoted animal, but how could a creature bred in the Wilds survive the even harsher laws of
California civilization? Unlike London's CALL OF THE WILD, where a tame dog sloughs off generations of domestication, WHITE FANG depicts a wild protagonist who completes the metamorphosis from wolf to Blessed Wolf. Great literary fare for adults and kids of all ages!

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Planning Your Publicity

Now that we're at the end of the year, it's a great time to plan your publicity for 2010.

With all the talk about the immediacy of a story, and the unbelievable speed that news pieces make it onto TV and radio, we often forget that for most media, lead times are crucial. Lead times can vary from a day to six months depending on the media you're pitching. Generally women's magazines have the longest lead times, sometimes as much as four to six months. If you want to find out what magazine lead times are, call their advertising department and get a copy of their media kit. This will not only tell you when advertising deadlines are (signaling what your submission cut-off) but it will also show you what stories to pitch when. Generally magazines will try and coordinate advertising to coincide with their themes so if you have a story about the benefits of yoga, you might want to dig through the advertising calendar and see if they're planning to address it in a future issue.

Once you define your publicity targets and get an idea of what to pitch when, you'll want to open up a calendar and start circling dates that will matter to your story. Get creative with this! Often dates are overlooked because they may seem too small (like peanut butter and jelly day) but everyone's competing for the biggies: Valentine's Day, Christmas, etc. so why not add some off-beat holidays to your pitching calendar and see what happens? If you're looking for every holiday under the sun (including international ones) try downloading the Calgoo calendar. This is a free program used to sync Outlook with your Google calendar but an additional benefit of it is that it comes loaded with every imaginable holiday. A great tool to start your planning session!

Once you define holidays/seasons/events you want to pitch your story to, you'll also want to be cognoscente of the appropriate seasons and what the media is looking for. Here's a brief outline of all four seasons as well as suggested targets/pitches. Keep in mind that breaking news stories and global events may slant these times considerably but barring that, the seasonal angles tend to remain fairly consistent.

January - March

The first season of the year is pretty quiet. The holidays are over and much of the media is looking ahead and looking to summer with getting fit and weight loss stories, as well as New Year's resolutions, getting organized and of course -the looming tax season. This is a very "anything goes" time of year so if you weren't able to sell fluff pieces during the holidays, you might want to try and repitch them now.

April - June

With major companies releasing their first quarter earnings (and hogging all the news space) this could be a tough time to get in. As April 15th looms out there you'll see a lot of stories addressing taxes, saving on taxes, and everything financial but once that date comes and goes the media will start looking ahead to summer stories and "spring fever" pieces.

July - September

With summer in full swing we'll see a lot of lighter business stories, celebrity stories, trend pieces, and back to school. This is a fantastic time to pitch since many pr firms and media folk are on vacation. They still need stories but have less people pitching and less folks to field those pitches so if you can get your story in and it needs very little work you could be a shoe-in to get some coverage.

October - December

Many PR people think that this is the heaviest time of the year but I tend to disagree. I think that the media is hungry for anything related to the holidays, end of year perspective, getting your life in order, New Year's resolutions (yet again) as well as next year predictions stories, etc. You'll also see a lot of best and worst of for the prior year. Relationship experts now is your time to shine! With all the family gatherings there's a big call for getting along, making family relationships better/stronger as well as navigating the busy holiday season and still keeping your sanity.

Keep in mind that while we've only addressed media, these rules apply to online media as well as events you might do. It's much easier to get someone interested in something they're already interested in and by coordinating your efforts, you'll have a much strong and focused campaign. Planning your media for the upcoming year is one of the best things you can do before you the clock strikes midnight on December 31st. It'll not only keep your campaign fresh but also tightly focused. With a plan in place you'll be ready to hit the ground running after January 1!

Wishing you a super-successful New Year!

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Nesohc: A new version of Jesus

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Nesohc: A new version of Jesus

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Nesohc: A new version of Jesus Overviews

This book is a marvelous novel with a new twist on the origin, birth, life, miracles, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus. The author attributes the of origin of Jesus to an extraterrestrial civilization who also seeded earth with the elements which made possible the development of life. He explains that Jesus came to complement the 12 commandments, as purposefully prearranged and directed by an unusual superpower. The novel is very well researched and the plot unfolds in an enjoyable and easy to follow manner which glues you to the book from beginning to end. The protagonists, (Jesus and the disciples), are depicted in a fresh, realistic, humorous and earthly manner befitting of their true nature. The plot, although a fictional interpretation of the life of Jesus, is so plausible that it is difficult to discard, and throw it in the “science fiction” bag. The author presents reasonable alternatives as to the origin of life on earth; the development, nature, and ultimate destination of the human soul; a sensible method of space travel infinitely faster than the speed of light; and many other wonderfully creative insights which provide much fuel for thought. Although the primary purpose of the book is that of entertainment, the very nature of its content is bound to produce a great deal of introspection in those with an open mind. On the other hand, it may seem a bit threatening and controversial to rigid individuals who may be unwilling to consider and analyze accounts which differ from their own views. The author advocates no theories, but merely presents a script which differs from the traditional orthodox view. He makes no allegations as to the validity of the script argument, but merely spills a glass which is soaked by the creative and imaginative minds of the readers I highly recommend this book to all audiences. Its fast an easy to follow style will provide many hours of enjoyable thoughtful reading just as much for adolescents as for elderly adults. Its deep philosophical implications make it a worthy mental exercise for analytical individuals interested in philosophy, metaphysics, religion, psychology, and ethics. Overall, this is a very enjoyable, entertaining, and easy to follow book which provides a banquet for thought.

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Oprah and Eckhart Tolle's New Age Revival [Short Version] (Crosstalk America)

To watch the full version of this video, click here: www.youtube.com To continue listening to this program in either mp3, wma, or Real Audio or to the cd or tape of this episode, click here: www.crosstalkamerica.com Since January 1st, Oprah Winfrey has been offering lessons on the Course in Miracles by New Age author Marianne Williamson on her satellite radio program. Now she is in the midst of a 10 week webcast with New Age author Eckhart Tolle who wrote a book entitled: A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose. What are these teachings? Ingrid reads quotes from Tolle that attempt to point people to a divinity within themselves, a concept that is wholly unbiblical. Such quotes expose Tolle for what he really is; a promoter of the New Spirituality, or what in the past has been commonly known as the New Age. Ingrid then introduces Warren Smith who is an author of books on the New Spirituality. As a former New Ager, his books include: Deceived on Purpose: The New Age Implications of the Purpose Driven Church, The Light that was Dark: From the New Age to Amazing Grace, and Reinventing Jesus Christ--The New Gospel. Who is Eckhart Tolle? Smith says that Tolle was born in Germany and educated in London. He came to public attention through his book, The Power of Now--A Guide to Enlightenment. Smith noted that this was a slow moving book until Oprah Winfrey announced that it was one of her favorites. That helped catapult the book to the top of the New York Times bestseller ...



How to Create a Successful Amazon Bestseller Campaign

What is the Amazon Bestseller Campaign:

The Bestseller Campaign is a marketing campaign where you prompt everyone in your database to buy your book during the same timeframe, which will, in turn, boost your book sales and create a high ranking. Your goal should be to shoot for the top 10, or preferably the #1 spot.

How does it work:

You ask everyone in your database to buy your book during a certain time and in exchange you offer them some type of incentive in the way of a valuable product or service (such as, ebooks, teleclasses, discounts on coaching, services, or products). The offering should be related to the book topic and provide something of value.

What you need to do:

Preparing an Amazon campaign takes a great deal of planning that will include: signing up affiliates, or partners, creating the offer and follow up emails, creating new web pages, figuring out the best way to get proof of purchase from your buyers that they did purchase on the right day and at the right timeframe.

Here is a checklist to help ensure your campaign will be successful: 1. Make sure your listing is detailed and complete, including an author blog, a full profile description, and Inside the Book.

2. Try to gather as many five-star reviews and/or testimonials as possible. You'll have an easier time convincing other people to sign up for your campaign if you appear to have a must-read book.

3. Set a date for the campaign. Mid-morning weekdays are best, before people get distracted with their day, or if this is a gift idea, set the date 2-3 weeks prior to a major holiday.

4. Research and connect with affiliates, or partners, who can provide valuable bonuses that complement your book (ideally 10 or more). These should be items that will be interesting to the same audience as your book. The best bonuses are downloads such as ebooks, seminar transcripts, audios, free memberships, teleclasses, and dollars-off coupons.

5. Create a web page that showcases the offer with photos of partners and partner's products and include links to your Amazon.com page. This page should also give detailed instructions on where to send their email confirmation of purchase and how they will receive their downloadable bonuses.

6. Create another web page that will serve as the download page where buyers can get their bonuses, or that has links to the bonuses if they appear on your partners' web pages.

7. Send out an announcement to bloggers and ezines that match your topic asking them to promote your campaign.

8. Announce your campaign to your social networking groups/friends.

9. Build your database by accumulating as many email addresses and commitments from others as you can. Specifically, those that have agreed to help you with your campaign.

10. Send a reminder email blast to all accumulated lists two weeks before the event, another email a day before the event, and a final email early morning of the event.

11. Double check your web pages to make sure your links are active and working.

12. Be prepared to answer email and telephone questions the day of the campaign. You may want to hire an author's assistant to help with this task.

13. After the campaign: Send thank you notes to all your partners.

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How to Write a Bestseller

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How To Write Advice Beginners Must Have

How to write information is easy to locate on the internet. Online writing communities have all kinds of how to write free courses and articles.

These courses and articles often focus on the mechanics of writing, teaching beginners how to form quality sentences and craft good stories. This kind of how to write advice is important, of course. But most how to write information leaves out an essential piece of the beginning writer's toolkit. It leaves out advice on how to hone your writing on a daily basis.

As a published novelist and nonfiction book and article author, I often get questions from new writers who want to know how they can break into the publishing world. Many of these writers have written one or more stories, perhaps an article, maybe even a book; but they're still having problems getting their work noticed.

When I look at the quality of the work these writers have produced, I quickly see why they haven't found a home for their writing yet. They haven't been able to get published yet because their writing isn't publishable yet.

Only the most talented writers are able to put out a publishable piece after just a few tries. Most of us mere mortals need to write thousands and thousands of words before we create a few hundred words that are good enough to sell.

Because of this long writing learning curve, the most important how to write advice beginning writers need is the how to write info that tells them the best way to hone their craft on a daily basis.

It's a cliché, but it's true: writers write.

Way too many new writers spend more time talking about wanting to be writers than they do actually writing. When I suggest to these writers that they keep a daily journal or do daily timed writing practice, they tell me they have trouble making the time.

How can you expect to become a successful writer if you can't carve out 10 minutes or so a day to do a daily writing practice? You can't learn how to write well without writing a lot.

If you want to know how to write well, how to write anything well (including both long and short fiction and nonfiction), you must develop a daily practice. Start keeping a journal. Or do timed writings (where you set a timer and just write without correcting mistakes for the time chosen).

When you do your daily practice, focus one day on using this practice to develop dialogue skills. Pick another day to focus on descriptive skills. Another day, you can focus on using emotion in your writing.

If you want to learn how to write like a pro, you need to practice like a pro. Pros like me write everyday. Do you? You do when you're determined to know how to write.

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"Your Book Is Your Hook" Show - Oprah-Featured Author & The National Writers Union (3:15 mins)

yourbookisyourhook.com - Join me as I talk with Larry Goldbetter who is the President of the National Writers Union, the nation's only labor union and advocacy organization for freelance writers in all genres, media, and formats, and Victoria Moran who is the Oprah-featured author of ten books on wellness and practical spirituality, including the weight-loss classic "Fit from Within," the international bestseller "Creating a Charmed Life," and its new sequel "Living a Charmed Life." Find out how Victoria got published with her first book, how she found her first agent, and how she uses her books as her hook. Youll also hear about what she did when she got that call from Oprahs producer not once, but twice!

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www.TrafficVaultSecrets.com Blue Ocean StrategyMaking the competition Irrelevant. The official site of the International Bestseller written by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne discusses how to get Free Leads and Traffic to your Website. Blue Ocean StrategyBOS frameworks and tools include strategy canvas, value curve, four actions framework, six paths, buyer experience cycle, buyer utility map, and blue ocean is one of the premier ways of traffic and lead generation. Blue Ocean Strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia31 Dec 2008 ... Blue Ocean Strategy is a business strategy book written by Professors W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne of INSEAD, a leading global business. I used it to take my Business to the Next Level and to become the HUNTED instead of the HUNTER. Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and ...Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant: W. Chan Kim: Amazon.co.uk: Renée Mauborgne: Books. If you need free leads and want to dominate with social media and web 3.0 you have come to the right place. Amazon.com: Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market ...Amazon.com: Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant: W. Chan Kim, Renée Mauborgne: Books. You need to understand how to get conversion and not just traffic. That is what the Blue Ocean Strategy also covers in depth. BlueOcean Strategy logic behind blue ocean strategy parts ...

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The Making of a Bestseller

www.cencom.org Media City: Inside the Industry "The Making of A Bestseller" 4/2/08 at NYU Part 1 It is the holy grail of the book industry, but what exactly is a bestseller? And what can one do to improve a book's chances of New York Times glory? Hear from the editors, publishers and publicists behind some of this year's top-selling page-turners, and discover the secrets to breaking into the publishing world. Charles Kochman , Senior Editor, Harry N. Abrams Jonathan Karp , Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, TWELVE Lynn Goldberg , Founder and CEO, Goldberg McDuffie Communications, Inc. Rachel Klayman , Executive Editor, Crown Books/Random House Sara Nelson , Editor-in-Chief, Publishers Weekly Available on NYC-TV Channel 74. Center Seminars are available online (www.cencom.org) via video streaming! Click on seminar pages to view videos!

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Bestselling columnist Alex Berenson on his new book, THE MIDNIGHT HOUSE

CIA agent John Wells returns in a cutting-edge novel of modern suspense from the #1 New York Times-bestselling writer. Early one morning, a former CIA agent is shot to death in the street. That night, an army vet is gunned down in his doorway. The next day, John Wells gets a phone call. Come to Langley. Now.

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La Huellas Del Che Guevara: Nesto. (Bestseller) (Spanish Edition)

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Used Books Save You Money

With the increased cost of printing and publishing, buying new books is becoming a very costly affair. However, students and researchers need not worry as they can always buy used books from any local bookstore.

Books used by students, scholars or professors do not always end up at the state library and instead end up at the local resellers. These stores work as a bridge between those who want to dispose off their old books and those who are looking to buy. Books often tend to be out of publication or are very difficult to buy owing to their scarcity. The best solution to the situation is to buy used books.

It is surprising to see the used books collection that many of these resellers have. From used text books to old magazines and journals, you are sure to get almost anything that you have been searching for. Used college books are one of the most common items that people look for. From astronomy to animal husbandry, history of Everest climbs to that of the ocean's deepest trenches - a huge collection of used books are available at the resellers. It is highly unlikely that you will be able to get the desired college book at the first instance itself. To buy that coveted book you may have to visit a few resellers and rummage through the used books stock before you are finally able to find it.

The biggest advantage of used books is their low prices. But when you buy used books the condition of the book is the foremost thing to consider. It is advisable to check the books, especially to see that the books contain all the pages including the index. Often resellers tend to put an attractive cover to hide the book's damages. You should also be aware of the prevalent market price of the book to ensure that the reseller is not making considerable profits by charging higher than the normal.

Not only can you buy used books but you will also be able to sell used books or exchange used books at the reseller's. Barter of used books is a good idea, as you can always pick up something useful in exchange of books not needed anymore.

So the next time you want to add a missing edition to your National Geographic collection or buy a part of the Britannica Encyclopedia series, you know where to look.

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NY Times Bestseller Steve Berry Book Signing

New York Times Best-Selling Author, Steve Berry does a hometown booksigning for his 6th book, The Venetian Betrayal.

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Yesterday's Shadow (Bestseller Romance)

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Women@Google: Arianna Huffington

Political commentator Arianna Huffington speaks with Sheryl Sandberg as part of the Women@Google and Authors@Google series. Huffington is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post, a news and blog site that has quickly become one of the most widely-read, linked to, and frequently-cited media destinations on the Internet. She is also a nationally syndicated columnist and the co-host of "Left, Right & Center," public radio's political roundtable program. Huffington is the author of eleven books, including her latest, national bestseller, "On Becoming Fearless in Love, Work, and Life", a straight--to-the-point manifesto on how to be bold. In 2006 she was named to the Time 100, Time Magazine's list of the world's most influential people. This event took place June 20, 2007 at Google Headquarters in Mountain View, CA.

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Complete video at: fora.tv Best-selling author Michael Pollan explains how food marketers have turned his critiques (like don't eat anything with more than five ingredients) into another way to sell consumers more food. His new rule of thumb? "Don't eat any foods you've ever seen advertised on television." ----- Michael Pollan, one of the best-known names in food-related issues, offers a guide about health and food. Food Rules: An Eater's Manual is a set of memorable ideas for eating wisely. Many of them are drawn from a variety of ethnic or cultural traditions. Whether at the supermarket or an all-you-can-eat buffet, this handy, pocket-size resource is for people who would like to become more mindful of what they are eating. Pollan is the author of In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto, The Omnivore's Dilemma and The Botany of Desire. - Book Passage Michael Pollan is the author of The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals, a New York Times bestseller. His previous books include The Botany of Desire: A Plant's-Eye View of the World (2001); A Place of My Own (1997); and Second Nature (1991). A contributing writer to The New York Times Magazine, Pollan is the recipient of numerous journalistic awards, including the James Beard Award for best magazine series in 2003 and the Reuters-IUCN 2000 Global Award for Environmental Journalism. Pollan served for many years as executive editor of Harper's Magazine and is now the Knight Professor of Science and ...

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John Perkins's classic exposé, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, spent over 70 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list and is published in more than 30 languages. His follow-up, The Secret History of the American Empire, provides a plan for creating a sustainable, just, and peaceful world. He is the author of Shapeshifting, The World Is As You Dream It, and other books on indigenous cultures and personal transformation; is a founder and board member of Dream Change and The Pachamama Alliance, nonprofit organizations devoted to establishing a world our children will want to inherit; and has lectured at universities in many countries. www.johnperkins.org http www.prisonplanet.tv The Campaign for Liberty's mission is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a noninterventionist foreign policy, by means of educational and political activity. Help accomplish this mission by joining Congressman Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty. One of the benefits is they will send you action alerts on important legislation and make it easy for you to reach your congressmen and be heard. https

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Jeffrey Archer - Advice for Writers

Complete video at: fora.tv Internationally bestselling author Jeffrey Archer offers advice for aspiring novelists. ----- International bestseller Lord Jeffrey Archer addresses the Oxonian Society upon the release of his newest novel A Prisoner of Birth. A former Member of Parliament who recently served two years in prison, Archer's bestselling novels include Kane and Abel, Sons of Fortune, and False Impression. Jeffrey Archer was educated at Oxford University, where as a world-class sprinter he represented Great Britain in international competition. He became the youngest member of the House of Commons in 1969, was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party in 1985, and was elevated to the House of Lords in 1992. All of his novels - from 1974's Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less to 1991's As the Crow Flies - have been international bestsellers.

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Ron McLarty, the bestselling author of The Memory of Running, returns with his second novel, Traveler.

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This documentary is a breathtaking odyssey, stretching from the pyramids of ancient Egypt to South American ruins. From Easter Island to Angkor Wat, Graham Hancock puts forward compelling evidence to suggest that cultures we term ancient were in fact the heirs to an older lost civilization. GRAHAM HANCOCK is the author of the major international bestsellers The Sign and The Seal, Fingerprints of the Gods and Heaven's Mirror. His books have sold more than five million copies worldwide and have been translated into 27 languages. His public lectures and TV appearances, including the three-hour series Quest For The Lost Civilisation, have put his ideas before audiences of tens of millions. He has become recognised as an unconventional thinker who raises legitimate questions about humanity's history and prehistory and offers an increasingly popular challenge to the entrenched views of orthodox scholars. Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, Hancock's early years were spent in India, where his father worked as a surgeon. Later he went to school and university in the northern English city of Durham and graduated from Durham University in 1973 with First Class Honours in Sociology. He went on to pursue a career in quality journalism, writing for many of Britain's leading newspapers including The Times, The Sunday Times, The Independent, and The Guardian. He was co-editor of New Internationalist magazine from 1976-1979 and East Africa correspondent of The Economist from 1981-1983. In the ...

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Every Day in Every Way Your Writing Gets Better and Better!

I'm making what I consider a deep inquiry into the sources of and cures for, writer's block.

I'm examining it from various viewpoints:

(1) As a form of procrastination;

(2) As fear of failure;

(3) As a habit to be exchanged for the writing habit; and

(4) As a defensive reaction to criticism.

Are there any quick fixes for this malady that causes so much suffering?

Is there an expedient way to get back on track, or better yet, to keep chugging along, full steam ahead, without interruption?

Happily, I believe there are some shortcuts. One of them assists us to get over the nagging concern that our writing is stagnating, or worse, that we have somehow lost the magic touch.

My professor, the revered sage Peter F. Drucker, was fond of saying: "If the gods wish to destroy you, first, they'll give you forty years of success."

Not a happy thought, but it certainly resonates for those of us that have had early and nearly instantaneous success, especially in publishing. The first four books I published were business bestsellers. Hundreds of thousands of copies were sold.

Then, my next two struggled.

Feeling I lost it, that I'd never duplicate my early wins, I quietly bowed out of writing books and put my energies into creating audios and videos, which were profitable media for me. Plus, my book royalties were handsome, so I declined to update the standouts that were still sending me semi-annual checks.

But I was blocked, unconsciously persuaded that the book muse had better things to do than to whisper winning titles into my ears. I reached my quota, and that was that.

Approximately ten years went by, during which I didn't publish another volume. Finally, I gave myself permission to fail (and therefore to succeed) again. I wrote and large companies issued my next six books during a three-year period.

Problem solved, right? Not quite.

Those books didn't reach the commercial success of my original four, so despite their pluses, and there were many I could only see them as disappointments.

I was offered a contract for my 13th, but I declined, opting instead to turn it into a profitable audio seminar. I felt I had been opening door after door, getting smacked in the face with a pie each time, so when I reached the lucky 13th portal I ducked.

So, I know whence I speak when it comes to being blocked.

Now, I write, at will, and I write a lot. I have detached the tether between what I compose and commercial success.

A phrase that keeps me going, that prevents the rude return of writer's block is a simple affirmation, by way of Emile Coue, that I'll share with you:

"Every day in every way my writing gets better and better!"

Not only does it work, keeping me productive, but it's true, and I'm sure it will be true for you, as well.

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Richard Dawkins and Bishop Harries - Christianity 4of4

Nine months before the release of his million-copy bestseller The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins had the world buzzing with his television documentary Root of All Evil? During the filming, Richard Dawkins conducted many fascinating interviews with people from around the world. This uncut interview from the original tapes, allows the viewer a rare vantage point into these revealing exchanges. Bishop Harries has been Bishop of Oxford since 1987 and is a regular contributor to newspaper columns and television debates. The Bishop of Oxford is also a keen writer and not afraid to challenge the conventional view, having penned several books about religion in which he looks into the deeper issues of Christianity. His latest book, God Outside The Box: Why Spiritual People Object To Christianity, in which he listens to and answers questions about God and Christianity from people who are spiritual but often critical of religion and Christianity. www.richarddawkins.net

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Into the Wild - The Book and Feature Film About Christopher McCandless

Into the Wild is the best-selling non-fiction book by Jon Krakauer. Telling the story of Christopher McCandless, a young wanderer and adventurer who succumbed to starvation and died in the Alaskan wilderness, the book spent more than two years on the New York Times bestseller list when it was first published in 1996.

On September 21st, the movie directed by Sean Penn and based upon Into the Wild will be released. It's already receiving stellar reviews from the film festival circuit and I suspect that the movie will impact people in the same way that the book did. The story of Chris McCandless is simultaneously tragic, dumb-founding, irritating and passionately moving.

I 'm a big fan of Jon Krakauer and its primarily because of this book, Into the Wild, and his other book, Into Thin Air, about the ill-fated Everest expedition in 1996 that turned into a total disaster. All of his books are excellent, but Into the Wild is definitely my favorite book of the bunch and also the first book I read by him. Into Thin Air is brilliant as well, but Into the Wild really guts me. The movie trailer for Into the Wild has an incredible effect on me as well. So far it's made me cry every time I watch it. It gives me shivers. I've never been crazy about the other films directed by Sean Penn, they are kind of dreary, but I am really looking forward to this one.

Since the story behind it is just one of those things that grabs people, I expect it will be one of those movies that people talk about. The book itself spent two years on the bestseller list and it really is just an incredible and heart-breaking story -- and also tends to be controversial since people have such markedly different opinions about Chris and his decisions -- was he a fool or a visionary? My personal opinion is that he was both and I don't think I'm alone in thinking so.

If you've never read the book, I highly recommend it. Regardless of how you feel about Christopher McCandless when you come away from it, Krakauer is an absolutely gripping storyteller.

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Walter Mosley

Novelist and social commentator Walter Mosley is best known for his popular mysteries featuring detective Easy Rawlins. Yet his work transcends the conventional bounds of fiction writing. The Boston Globe hailed him as one of the nations finest writers. His first Rawlins novel, Devil in a Blue Dress, was made into a film starring Denzel Washington. Other books in the series include The New York Times bestseller Little Scarlet and Blonde Faith. His latest releases include Tempest Tales, a contemporary series of tales that echo Langston Hughes The Simple Stories, and The Right Mistake: The Further Philosophical Investigations of Socrates Fortlow. His latest book, The Long Fall, was released in March 2009. In his nonfiction, What Next: A Memoir Towards World Peace, Workin on the Chain Gang, Life Out of Context, he examines ways that we can contribute to political, economic and social progress in America. A recent endeavor, Making Democracy, is an internet-based initiative that seeks a future where people are the special interest. The site will connect voters with political activists and offer advice and aid on how to take action for causes that are important to the public. Mosleys honors include an ohenry Award, a Grammy, the Sundance Risktaker Award and the PEN USA Lifetime Achievement Award.

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Book Review: The Straw Bale House

If we learned anything from childhood, it was not to build our houses out of straw. After all, that big bad wolf was just waiting to blow it down. But that was before the world knew the numerous advantages of using compressed straw bales, as a key building material as outlined in the book The Straw Bale House. This easy to understand book is comprehensive in its education on how to build with straw- so that no wolf (or tornado for that matter) can ever blow it down. The book covers why and how to build with straw bales, while also illustrating necessary details to create an aesthetically and sound home at an affordable price. To portray this point, The Straw Bale House provides a good number of enlightening black and white diagrams as well as impressive color photographs. I would have to say The Straw Bale House is the Bible of straw bale construction books and therefore an indispensable starting point for anyone looking into the straw bale home concept. After purchasing the book (well worth the price) I had no reservations about going ahead with my own project and building with straw bales. Both new and experienced builders will appreciate the clear, simple instructions and diagrams, as well as practical explanations for dealing with building codes and insurers.

The Straw Bale House also nurtures you on the many practical advantages of building with compressed straw bales. In addition to being inexpensive, straw bale serve as a clean, and lightweight building material that is easy to work with. The book discusses the many important advantages straw offers such as super high-energy efficiency (a need in today's high heating costs), superior fire resistance, while at the same time seismically correct. In addition, this all-natural material, as a recycled agricultural byproduct of grain production, is a sustainable, renewable resource. While enthusiasts of straw bale construction praise this method of building for the aforementioned reasons, the actual reason so many people are turning to straw bale homes is because they are so often extraordinarily beautiful and inviting, as The Straw Bale House's many color photographs displays. Clearly, inexpensive doesn't have to mean low quality nor unattractive. The natural materials used in creating a straw bale home exude a lot of chi. And so does this book. The Straw Bale House would be a good addition to any coffee table.

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Richard Dawkins: Evolution And 'Digital Darwinism'

Darwin's Universal Impact: Evolution And 'Digital Darwinism'. Professor Richard Dawkins (University of Oxford) @ University of Cambridge: Darwin's universal impact. --- Please subscribe to Science & Reason: • www.youtube.com • www.youtube.com • www.youtube.com --- Was Darwin the most revolutionary scientist ever? If, by revolutionary, we mean the scientist whose discovery initiated the most seismic overturning of pre-existing science, the honour would at least be contested by Newton, Einstein and the architects of quantum theory. Those same physicists might have outclassed Darwin in sheer intellectual fire power. But Darwin probably did revolutionize the world view of people outside science more comprehensively than any other scientist. I want to recognize four bridges to evolutionary understanding. The first bridge is to natural selection as a force for weeding out the unfit. The second bridge is the recognition that natural selection can drive evolutionary change. Bridge number three leads to the imaginative grasp of the importance of natural selection in explaining all of life, in all its speciose richness. Bridge number four is the bridge to public understanding and appreciation. Darwin crossed it alone, in 1859, by writing "On the Origin of Species". The fifth bridge, which Darwin himself never crossed was neo-Darwinism or what I shall rename digital Darwinism because the essence of Mendelian genetics is that it is digital. As crests get longer, or eyes rounder, or ...

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Did Neil Strauss, Author of the Game, Single Handily Destroy the PUA Community?

Men have been trying to figure women out forever. There have been countless books written on the subject over the years, yet none of them seemed to work. That was until Neil Strauss recently published, The Game- Penetrating the Secret Society of the Pick Up Artist. Neil's book, a best seller, seems to be the first book that men are truly latching onto as the savior of the male race.

The book describes Neil's journey from AFC (average frustrated chump) to PUA (pick up artist.) Neil, or Style as he refers to himself in the book, joins an underground community of aspiring PUA's and begins unlearning everything he knows about women. Once he washes out his old belief new teachers, gurus, mad seducing scientists fill his brain with the methods they use.

Mystery, of the Mystery Method, focuses his system on the M3 model. This model includes: building attraction, building comfort, and seduction. Mystery builds attraction through use of DHVs (demonstrations of higher value.) A DHV could be simply a story in which the storyteller displays a certain characteristic he wants his listener to pick up on, or it could be magic trick, a funny joke, or the way he handles the targets friends and the AMOGs (alpha males of the group.)

In Neils book he gives quite a few examples of openers, routines, and closes that he learned during his time studying with Mystery, David DeAngelo, Ross Jeffries, Juggler, and the many other seduction gurus out there.

Some of the common examples of Neil's seduction arsenal:
The opinion opener
The cat on a string theory
The Best Friend test
The cube
The dual induction massage
The ESP routine
Negging the target
The Kiss close
C vs. U shaped smiles

While all these routines are field tested and work, the question is; How long will they survive now that these routines are becoming mainstream knowledge. How long before women pick up on what the man is doing? How long before they've heard the exact same opener twice in one night?

Neil Strauss was recently posed with this question. Here is his response:

"The fact is, the game will always work. It's just that some of the wording to the scripts may have to change - and that's only for those who use the scripts for "training."

For example:

What's one of the most cliched pickup lines in the world?

The corniest, cheesiest one?

That's right: It's "What's your sign?"

If you walk up to a girl and say, "What's your sign?" she'll know you're delivering a rehearsed pickup line from some bad 70's TV show.

But guess what? "What's Your Sign" is almost exactly like the openers and DHVs (demonstrations of higher value) in The Game.

There was a point when "What's your sign" was not a corny way to start a conversation. It was a non-sexual opener: a means of breaking the ice with strangers without hitting on them. It was a current topic, exciting and interesting. (As Mystery once put it, the best subjects for conversations are relationships and the unknown.) Furthermore, it was a way of demonstrating value. Instead of saying "let's ball" (or whatever the lingo was at the time), you were showing that you were spiritual and had interesting knowledge to offer.

In the parlance of the seduction community, it was a neutral entertaining opener with DHV spikes built in.

And, sure, we all know it's outdated and cheesy. But isn't it extraordinary how a few minutes into seventy percent of all conversations with women, a discussion of astrology ensues? She'll probably ask you, "What sign are you?" And if you know a lot about astrology, it's actually a demonstration of higher value.

(Note to logical, empirical, factual men: Don't say, "I don't believe in that bullshit." Cynicism and negativity are two traits to avoid when meeting a woman, even if you think they make you seem "cool.")

When I was researching the book, I spent hours in Miami with a PUA named Maddash, who gave me a long tutorial on astrology. He taught me what all the signs meant, what the twelve houses were all about, how to identify astrological trends in people's lives, and how to determine sign compatibility.

Whether or not I believed in astrology was immaterial: I now knew a lot about it. And it made for great conversation, connection, and value when I was meeting people.

So the epiphany I had was: "What's your sign" STILL WORKS. It will always work.

Everything will always work. If people find out about it, all you have to do is change the way you say it and perhaps when you say it.

For example, if saying, "Hey guys, I need a quick opinion on something" telegraphs that you're delivering a pickup line because the women read about it in a magazine, no worries. Just change it to: "I need some quick help settling a debate." If opinion openers don't work anymore, save the question for later in the conversation. I already have three other types of openers I've come up with that I'm waiting for the right time to release. And if I can come up with alternatives, I've got a feeling YOU can too.

In the bigger picture, the thing that's important to remember is: There is no such thing as a pickup line. The language and wording don't matter. What's important is the intent behind them. The Jealous Girlfriend opener works not because it's the Jealous Girlfriend opener, but because it's a way to start an animated conversation with a group of people without hitting on anyone. So as long as you can always do that, you've got nothing to worry about.

Knowledge will not change the fundamentals of how women and men are attracted to each other. To make a bad comparison: Guys who like big breasts tend to be into women with fake breasts; it doesn't even matter to them that they're NOT REAL. They still flip the same attraction switches that natural ones do."

So Neil obviously thinks that it is the responsibility of the PUA to continue to evolve. I could not agree more. I am quite stunned when I am at a bar and I hear a guy reciting a line word for word that he learned in a book. It is one thing to learn principles and build upon them with your own personality and experience and its another thing to be a social robot.

Websites like TSB Magazine are getting tens of thousands of hits every day. I can only hope that the men surfing these sites are looking for education into the deeper understanding of attraction and seduction, and are not looking for word for word lines to say to women at a bar.

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