If you've written a book or if you want to get your message out to the world, there has never been an easier time to become a bestselling author. The Internet has provided writers with an unprecedented opportunity to spread their message and reach more readers at a faster rate than ever before.
So let me take you through the process step-by-step of how to turn your book into a bestseller and gain more 'customers' or readers.
Your number one priority is to give away something of value to your potential readers. It sounds back-to-font - but trust me, it isn't.
You might give away valuable content such as: a 'how to' article; a free ebook or report; an ezine; a teleseminar; or an MP3.
Better still, team up with other experts who can provide this free content. So if your book is about dog breeding, contact other pet experts. Or if your book is about gardening, contact high profile gardening experts (preferably those with a large database or 'list' of clients).
Tell them you're offering the chance to promote their business if they'd like to offer something for free in return. It's a win-win situation: they provide you with a freebie, you promote their website to your readers.
When you put a value on these free bonuses, it can run into thousands of dollars. This makes a $9.99 book phenomenal value - in fact, readers will sometimes buy a book just to get their hands on the bonuses.
On the day your book is launched, ask all the experts who gave free bonuses to help promote it. They can do this via their own mailing lists, as well as social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Chances are they'll also want to bulk-buy your book to sell to their own clients. If everyone promotes your book on the same day, you can very quickly push your book onto the bestseller list for your particular niche on Amazon.
Even if it only hovers there for three seconds, that's all it takes. The kudos of having a bestselling book lasts a lifetime! I even have a client who used this technique successfully to push her poetry book (self-published 5 years previously) to bestselling status.
What to do with your 'customers' or readers when you have their contact details? Write to them at least once a week. Get to know them: let them get to know you. Share valuable information with them.
Follow these simple steps and you will be well on your way to becoming a successful author.
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