
How to Use the Internet to Market Your Self Published Book

Attempting to market your book on the Internet without any guidance is like attempting to become a master chef after one cooking class. However, with a little guidance and a little practice, anyone can get started marketing their book online.

We know it can be difficult to market your self-published book online by yourself, so we created this reference guide of resources, helpful Web sites and other tips to make your marketing efforts a little smoother.

1. Buy a domain name for your Web site. Even if you aren't quite ready to build a Web site, buying the domain means no one else can buy it before you. Providers such as godaddy.com allow you to buy a domain name for as low as $10.99 per year. Your book title or your name (provided neither is too long or hard to spell) are good domain names.

2. If you don't already have a blog, start one. Using a platform such as WordPress will give you a professional and easy to maintain blog. If you're unsure of what to write about on your blog, start by reading the blogs of other authors to see what they blog about. Your blog can also become a place where you talk about your book, share excerpts, announce upcoming events and give special offers to your blog readers. The best way to spread the news about your blog is to start commenting on other people's blogs and linking to blogs from your blog. If starting a blog or setting up any kind of social media overwhelms you, check out the Social Media Prep service that CrossBooks offers.

3. Share your expertise on Yahoo! Answers. Yahoo! Answers is a site where users can post questions and other people answer them. Yahoo! Answers is a highly trafficked site and at any point in time there are thousands of open questions. Search by category to find questions users are asking in your area of expertise. Answer questions, and then post a link to your Web site to draw users to your site for more information.

4. Use Google Alerts. Google Alerts are e-mail updates you receive based on a topic or keyword you select. Set up a Google Alert for something related to your book or your area of expertise, and if possible comment on the trend or breaking news if it relates to your book. This is an excellent way to position yourself as an "expert" with local or national media.

5. Do a blog tour. Take some time to research blogs that reach your book's target audience and/or discuss your area of expertise. When you find blogs that match these criteria, take the time to read blog posts and post a comment. Focus on adding to the conversation with information, not taking away from the other comments by only talking about yourself and your book.

6. Submit an online article. Write an article between 500 and 2,000 words about your book's topic and submit it online to sites such as Isnare, EzineArticles and Article City. These sites sort articles by categories for users to read and learn from. If you are especially knowledgeable in a certain area, these article sites could be a good option for you.

Beyond this list there are hundreds of other ways you can use the Internet to market your book. It's up to you to be creative and think outside the box for new marketing ideas. The key you must remember when marketing your self-published book is that you are the one who is responsible for marketing your self-published book. By utilizing the professional marketing services available to you through CrossBooks as well as implementing your own tactics, you are sure reach a wide audience for your book.

CrossBooks is a self-publishing division of LifeWay Christian Resources. Visit our Web site, http://www.crossbooks.com, for more information.

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Las Fauces Del Tigre / The Teeth of the Tiger (Bestseller (Booket Numbered)) (Spanish Edition)

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Las Fauces Del Tigre / The Teeth of the Tiger (Bestseller (Booket Numbered)) (Spanish Edition)

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Las Fauces Del Tigre / The Teeth of the Tiger (Bestseller (Booket Numbered)) (Spanish Edition) Overviews

En Maryland, una empresa llamada Hendley Associates efectua un rentable negocios de acciones, obligaciones y divisas internacionales, pero su verdadera mision es otra: identificar y localizar amenazas terroristas. Nada ha preparado a Jack Ryan para lo que se encuentra. El mundo es muy diferente ahi afuera, y esta a punto de convertirse en algo mucho mas peligros.

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Las Fauces Del Tigre / The Teeth of the Tiger (Bestseller (Booket Numbered)) (Spanish Edition) CustomerReview

Tom Clancy's novel are usually fun to read. This one is starting out on the slow side as far as action is concerned but I'm only into it 100 pages or so. Great book to improve my Spanish vocabulary and tweak the gray matter in a challenging way! That's it so Aloha and Peace.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:May 30, 2010 23:40:12

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The Alex Jones Show Mon 05.24.2010 (audio) part-11

Playlist of today' s show: www.youtube.com Alex talks with attorney and author Christopher C. Horner, a Senior Fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Mr. Horner has represented CEI as well as scientists and members of the US House and Senate on matters of environmental policy in the federal courts including the Supreme Court. He writes for legal and industrial trade journals and online opinion pages. Mr. Horner is the author of two best-selling books: Red Hot Lies: How Global Warming Alarmists Use Threats, Fraud and Deception to Keep You Misinformed and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism, which spent half of 2007 on the New York Times bestseller list. His latest book is Power Grab: How Obama's Green Policies Will Steal Your Freedom and Bankrupt America. Alex also covers the latest news and takes your calls.

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How to Choose an eBook Topic

Think about what interests you and those around you. Try and remember what problems you've had to solve, and what kinds of problems others have had to solve. The subject of your next book could easily be any problem that has been solved recently in your life. It helps people with problems to read how others have solved the same problem that they have.

Brainstorm a List of Problems

Therefore, the first step you should take is to brainstorm a list of problems in your life and in the lives of those around you. One of your friends lost his job? A family member became ill? How did they resolve their problems?

With the same ideas, start writing a list of other problems that haven't been solved yet. Any problems you were unable to solve but wish you had. Bingo! These are subjects that will make your ebooks fly off the digital shelves! "How to get a flat stomach." "The truth about aliens." "The quickest way to get rich." From your personal corner, a family member has a teen pregnancy? Your electric bill is twice what it used to be? Your garage leaks? These are problems that are ideal for your ebooks!

Google It!

The best way to find out what people are looking for at any given moment is the Internet. Anything can be found on the Internet. A popular search engine you can use is Google, or you can try others such as Ask Jeeves, or Yahoo. Enter search strings such as "top concerns of English public," "best-selling non-fiction books," or "popular how-to guides." "Common worries of 2007."

Find Out What People Are Currently Buying

The New York Times bestseller list, Amazon, and a Google are good places to find out the most popular non-fiction books. The results will inform exactly which subjects of books people are buying right now. Have a go at this. Go to Amazon, Click "Top Sellers" from the tabbed menu running along the top of the home page.

I did this in January 2006 and I learned just from spending a few minutes on Amazon that people are reading good fiction from already-best selling authors (J K Rowling, Da Vinci Code and others). Secondly, Amazon buyers buying over the Internet are fascinated about non-fiction topics such as saving money, making more money and improving their lives. It doesn't matter who the author is for these books, people will still buy them even if the author is unknown because the information is valuable.

Therefore, the fastest way to profiting from ebooks is in the non-fiction ebook market. This is because of many reasons. Readers of fiction will like to snug up in a chair with an actual book. Some may attend book clubs around someone's kitchen table with wine and cheese where the physical books are brought by people. Readers of fiction will often purchase from authors who they are already familiar with. It can be more difficult to write and deliver fiction well. Also, many classic fiction novels are available as free ebooks. These could be simply downloaded by someone. So unless you're feeling particularly bold and experimental, non-fiction is the way forward.

Some more amazing news is that ideas are not copyrighted, therefore anything you see, hear, or read anywhere or at anytime and that you formulate into an idea is yours to use for an ebook! You can get ideas from the Amazon best seller list and using the same ideas, create your own ebook on the exact same subject!

You want to make sure that you do not plagiarize or copy book text outright because copyright law does protect the way ideas are expressed. You must also bear in mind that you cannot have the same title wording neither. But there is absolutely nothing keeping you from creating another book or ebook that describes the same subject with a varied opinion. It's all completely legal and also rewarding, which is why looking at bestseller lists are a great way to get topic ideas.

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A POWERFUL TESTIMONY Joni Eareckson Tada In 1967, Joni Eareckson Tada dove into Chesapeake Bay, broke her neck, and for the rest of her life was confined to a wheelchair. Unwilling to be defeated, she wrote an inspirational bestseller simply called Joni, as well as 29 other books; her life was made into a feature film; and she founded "Joni and Friends" for those in the disability community. Hear her powerful testimony to the capacity crowd of 70000 at the 1979 Florida West Coast Billy Graham Crusade in Tampa, FL at Tampa Stadium (now called Houlihan Stadium). Source Joni and Friends www.joniandfriends.org

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How to Be a Best-Selling Self-Published Author

Things you will need after reading the article.

Patience with yourself.
Patience with the process.
Desire to see the finished product in your mind's eye.
Desire to serve others.
Copyright form for starters fo register you book.
An openness to the Universe when gifts are ready to be bestowed upon you because of your receptivity.

Take that book you've wanted to write out of the desk drawer, now. Get the title of your book in mind that excites you and will excite the reader. Try out many titles first and get responses from friends, relatives or loved ones. Get copyright form from Library of Congress online for media category and pay about $35 to register it. Write on the topic to which you are familiar with, passionate about and desire to share your truth about with others.

Ask guidance from within for the chapter titles and subheadings that are appropriate. Fill in the blanks from your knowledge and experiences relating to your best-selling book for each chapter. Proofread, proofread and proofread and use an editor. Use a software geared to book writing. A software that will format you book for paperback or hardcover and decide if you want a 5 ½" x 8 ½" size book, 6 "x 9", etc.

You will have to decide on which kind of paper weight #50 or #55 lb weight and if you want to have illustrations, photographs or figures in your book.

Decide on the way that you wish to reap the benefits of the profits by self-publishing it yourself and decide whether or not use print on-demand companies who would reap the benefits instead of you. They would take an 80% royalty for themselves and you'd have no guarantee that they will have any interest in marketing and promoting your book for or with you.

Proclaim all along at each step that your work is a best-selling book, be it non-fiction, fiction, romance, educational, etc. It is from the beginning of that thought you had that develops its matching vibration and the Law of Being or Law of Attraction propels you into that frequency of knowing and being.

Find a reputable company to print your book, one that's been in the business for years and years like Cushing Malloy in Ann Arbor, Michigan or Morris Publishing, Kearney, NE. They only have your interest at heart and at doing a great job for you.

Morris Publishing will send away for copyright forms for you, get an ISBN number for your book and other related minor but important things for you. They will also offer cover designs for you that are customized just for you but that is not original. Other authors use the same template but it's arranged for your cover material. They give you step by step direction on how to have them publish any photos you wish in the book and the payment they ask is reasonable, I feel for all the work they put into it for your best-seller.

With Cushing Malloy, you give them your cover work and they cut to trim size you desire, you give them a pdf file, they return it to you to check for any typos or formatting problems before they get set to print your best-seller. You order any number of books minimum 250 you wish printed with them and the same with Morris Publishing. Morris Publishing gives you a publishing guide booklet which is excellent and it makes your book processing far scarier to tackle the job you want done.

Even though I didn't use them, they answered all my questions whenever I called them. I never felt they felt "We have to keep our information a secret." I didn't use them because I had my own cover design in mind, The Only Way Out Is In: The Secrets of the 14 Realms to Love, Happiness and Success! and I knew how to take care of my own ISBN number and did my own copyright registration. I founded my own publications company, it enabled me to apply for a Library of Congress Card Catalogue number so libraries could purchase and catalog it in their library easily.

These are only a few steps but if you start out confidently an steadily, you will have what you want and it won't be in the desk drawer any longer but on bookshelves and homes.


Be ready for the beautiful journey and to where it will take you.
Realize you are the Best-seller expert on your topic.
Realize your future is now not in the distance and it's because of what you do today that makes it so tomorrow.

DON'T allow yourself to be scammed by any company or anyone meaning literary agents, self-publishing companies, marketing and publicity people etc. Keep your Holy Spirit eyes opened at all times. You'll know what feels right when you do.

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Dr. Scott Johnson - The Deception Of Christian Ghostwriting 3/3

Scott's New Dedicated Site - contendingfortruth.com Scott's Homepage - www.sermonaudio.com Scott's Forum - www.endtimescurrentevents.freeforums.org 10th February 2008 The Reverend Mel White is a homosexual activist (& Co-founder of Soulforce-a proactive gay agenda group) who lives with his male lover, Gary Nixon, in Dallas, Texas. 'I am gay, I am proud, and God loves me without reservation,' White recently told David Calker, a Los Angeles Times reporter. White, who 'pastors' a militantly gay church, is also a writer of many Christian books. But though he's the author, his name doesn't appear on the front covers. Instead, a Christian celebrity's name appears on each of Mel White's books. White is what the book industry fondly calls a 'ghostwriter.' Rev. White has written speeches for Lt. Col. Oliver North & also authored at least two of evangelist Jerry Falwell's books, including, unbelievable as it may seem, Falwell's autobiography, Strength for the Journey. Falwell could well afford White's fee to ghostwrite his books. The Moral Majority preacher was given a one million dollar advance by the publisher! The Reverend Mr. White has also been the secret force behind some of Billy Graham's best known books, including Graham's prophetic bestseller, The Approaching Hoofbeats. Readers pay exorbitant prices for the books of Christian superstars, never knowing that the volumes are actually written by no-name 'ghosts.' Among the big names pulling this stunt: Hal Lindsey, Chuck ...

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Who is Dr Dean Ornish?

Dr. Dean Ornish is the founder of the not for profit organization known as the Preventative Medicine Research Institute located in Sausalito, California. In addition, he is a clinical professor of medicine at the University of California in San Francisco.

Dr. Ornish grew up in Texas and obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Texas at Austin. He completed his degree in medicine at the Baylor College of Medicine and completed his internship and residency at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Dr. Dean Ornish has done considerable research in the field of cardiology research. He and his colleagues have developed a lifestyle approach to coronary artery disease and have proven that if one follows a special low fat vegetarian diet it is possible to reverse the effects of this disease on the heart.

The Ornish program also includes Yoga, meditation, and regular exercise. In order for the program to be successful however, you are required to quit smoking, if you are a smoker of course. Following this program will eliminate the need for drugs or surgery as treatment for this medical condition.

Dr. Ornish has written several books on this subject, which have made the best seller list. The titles are:

o "Dr. Dean Ornish's Program for Reversing Heart Disease"
o "Eat More, Weigh Less"
o "The Spectrum"
o "Love and Survival"

He also writes a monthly column for Newsweek magazine.

The research that forms the basis of Dr. Ornish's work has been widely publicized in medical journals. He and his colleagues have also been featured in television documentaries as well as leading magazines throughout the country that promote ways to improve the body's overall health and wellness.

He has held many prominent posts, such as physician for the former president, Jimmy Carter, and has received numerous awards. He currently serves on many advisory boards and is often called on for consultation in healthy cooking at Camp David and the White House.

The Dr. Dean Ornish program is the only one of its kind to receive approval from Medicare. His success with treating heart disease and removing blockages without the use of surgery is well-documented. His diet lists foods that you should eat all of the time and lists of foods that you should eat some of the time. He suggests that you can eat beans, grains, legumes, and vegetables at any time and you can eat any amount you want until you feel full.

If you follow the diet plan of Dr. Dean Ornish, you will realize that although you can consume milk and dairy products on this form of a vegetarian diet, they should only be consumed in moderation and should be of the nonfat variety.

You should not eat any meats, fish, nuts, seeds, olives or any commercially prepared foods because they contain ingredients harmful for the heart. He suggests that if you find it impossible to stop eating meat and fish all together, you should limit them in your meals as much as possible.

Dr. Ornish is very concerned about the amount of fat we consume in our diet and says that this is the leading cause of heart disease. If you follow his suggestions for food, less than 10% of the calories you consume will come from fat. You won't have to count calories on this diet and you can eat as much as you like of the foods and still lose weight.

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Exile (Thorndike Paperback Bestsellers)

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Exile (Thorndike Paperback Bestsellers)

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Exile (Thorndike Paperback Bestsellers) Overviews

David Wolfe is a successful American lawyer being primed for a run for Congress. But when the phone rings and he hears the voice of Hana Arif—the Palestinian woman with whom he had a secret affair in law school—he begins a completely unexpected journey.

The next day, the prime minister of Israel is assassinated by a suicide bomber while visiting San Francisco. Soon, Hana is accused of being the mastermind behind the murder. Now David faces an agonizing choice: Will he, a Jew, represent her?

The most challenging case of David’s career requires that he delve deep into the lives of Hana and her militant Palestinian husband, all the way back to Israel and the West Bank. There he uncovers the couple’s dangerous connections…culminating in an explosive trial where the stakes are Hana’s life—and the future of two peoples.

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Exile (Thorndike Paperback Bestsellers) CustomerReview

David Wolfe, a successful Jewish lawyer in San Francisco who seems to have it all, he is about to marry a beautiful woman who he loves (and who is more devoutly Jewish) and he's about to embark on the political career. Into this ideal life pops an old lover from his college days: Hana Arif, a Palestinian.

Their romance ended because of her arranged marriage to Saeb, a Muslim with rather extreme views. Hana is in the United States along with her husband and daughter, speaking out against Israeli policy.

The visiting Israeli Prime Minister is killed by a terrorist attack and Hana is implicated through hearsay and circumstantial evidence. Hana asks David to represent her, against his better judgement he agrees destroying his political career and threatening his engagement. David has to travel to Israel to seek important evidence as the case involves a possibly large conspiracy.

Patterson writing of this conflict is very even handed which will probably upset and inflame people from both sides. but for someone like myself from Australia I have learned a lot from this story.
At the end of the audio the author is interviewed and he quotes all the people that he interviewed from both sides and even interviewed some people in prison about this conflict as well.

I have just finished THE RACE by Richard North Patterson and loved it.

I feel this story was drawn out and the narrative flow does get bogged down in some parts with too much detail. I was going to give it a 3 star (3 and 1/2 if possible) but as days have gone by since finishing this book I have picked it up so many times and asked clients "Have you read this book?" Then discussed the Palestinian vs Israeli problems.

I now have better memories of EXILE more that THE RACE. Strange with time after finishing a book that we realise how much it has really got to us more than just an easy read does.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:May 26, 2010 09:20:23

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Your Writing Stems From Your Past Reading

Wherever you come from in your article writing career you probably first did so in order to satisfy your own demands. We all like to feel that we have some creativity within us and we all like to see our name written in black and white. At least, that is how I started. Your articles almost certainly reflect the sincerity that you have within you. Your writing about a subject, theme or situation will often stem from the fact that you are likely to have an opinion about it and your articles are likely to reflect that simple opinion. Others may disagree with what you have to say but that is for them to control and respond to. You are there to share what is in your mind within the imaginative, creative or factual. Your opinions count. Your article is the vehicle by which you can communicate with readers in this world. If your reader does not wish to read your article, for whatever reason, they can simply move on to something else - and they do. However, commonly, you will connect with your readers in a way that they wish to read, not only more of the article which they are currently perusing, but future work that you have an idea to create. It is not unusual to develop a following clientele.

The articles that you write almost certainly are reflective of those which you wish to read. You will have gained experience and enthusiasm from reading the works of others both in your past and present life. Your future will be shaped by what you are reading by what you'll read in the future. Therefore your article writing abilities will change and evolve over time.

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We Always Get Our Sin Too

This book is a continuation of the book 'I always get my sin'. 'I always get my sin' was a bestseller and more then 250,000 books are sold. Both books are written by Maarten H. Rijkens. In 'We always get our sin' he writes about funny or stupid mistakes Dutch people make when they try to speak English and about how to avoid these mistakes.

There are different kind of mistakes Mr. Rijkens tells about and every chapter deals with another kind of mistakes you can make. Each chapter begins with a foreword of the writer in Denglish, English with a Dutch twist. The first chapter is called: False friends. It is about sentences with English words that look a lot like Dutch words but do not mean the same thing. If you say 'I always get my sin', you might mean: I always get what I want. The Dutch word 'zin' looks a lot like 'sin', but the translation of sin does not look like the translation of 'zin'. English speaking people can have these problems too if they are in Holland. If you look at a photocopier for example and you see 'Storing', you might think the machine is storing information or something. It means that the machine is out of order, instead.

The second chapter is about Dutch expressions that are literally translated to English. It is called 'You are on glad ice'. When a Dutchman says that, he means 'you are skating on thin ice'. He translates the Dutch expression 'Je bent op glad ijs' very literally.

The third chapter is about Dutch grammar which does not conform with English grammar, when translated. A good example is 'Forget it but!'. The right translation is 'Forget it!', but because English and Dutch look a lot like each other, people sometimes think you have to translate every word separately

Another chapter deals with words translated almost right, but not totally. An example: Accuse me, instead of excuse me. One chapter deals with words that sound well in English, but are not the right translating. An example of this is: The ship walked fast in the Maas. The speaker means with this sentence that the ship was grounded in the Maas River. Of course the sentence was translated wrong. Vast in Dutch means something like stuck in English. If you make it sound like something English, you get the word fast.

I thought it was a really funny book, which is also nice to read for English speaking. This is because the prefaces are in 'English'.

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Kurt Eichenwald - How Compliance Officers Should Respond to Pressure from the Top

Kurt Eichenwald (keynote speaker at the 2010 HCCA Compliance Institute) discusses how the compliance officer must determine when a company's corruption is cause to leave altogether. Kurt Eichenwald: Reporter, Author and Pulitzer Prize Nominee has spent his career uncovering fraud and helping us understand the staggering impact of corporate scandals on world markets, on employees, on customers, on shareholders and on public confidence. Eichenwald's bestseller Conspiracy of Fools, the definitive book on Enron, is soon to be a movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio. His book The Informant, about the Archer Daniels Midland price-fixing scandal, has been made into a hit movie starring Matt Damon. Both books are widely considered masterpieces of investigative journalism. A Pulitzer Prize nominee, Eichenwald is one of America's most respected business journalists, and has twice won the George Polk Award, one of journalism's highest honors, his latest for a series about allegations of corruption at the nation's largest private hospital chain.

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Lançamento do affair "Cântece de Toamña", do escritor Ruy Câmara, em Bucareste.

Lançamento do Bestseller "Cantece de Toamna" em Bucareste. Autor e obra foram saudados por Alina Bratu, da RAO BOOKS; Embaixadora Monica Grigorescu; Poetisa Cornélia Savu e por Iulia Baran, tradutora do livro. Apóio: Livraria Carturest e Embaixadas do Brasil, Uruguai e Romênia. Dia 15 de abril de 2009.

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John Perkins Confessions of an Economic Hit Man 1/5

John Perkins's classic exposé, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, spent over 70 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list and is published in more than 30 languages. His follow-up, The Secret History of the American Empire, provides a plan for creating a sustainable, just, and peaceful world. He is the author of Shapeshifting, The World Is As You Dream It, and other books on indigenous cultures and personal transformation; is a founder and board member of Dream Change and The Pachamama Alliance, nonprofit organizations devoted to establishing a world our children will want to inherit; and has lectured at universities in many countries. www.johnperkins.org http www.prisonplanet.tv Help Restore Sound Money Sign the petition to audit The Federal Reserve: www.AuditTheFed.com

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Making the Most of Your Money Now: The Classic Bestseller Completely Revised for the New Economy

  • ISBN13: 9780743269964
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

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Making the Most of Your Money Now: The Classic Bestseller Completely Revised for the New Economy

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Making the Most of Your Money Now: The Classic Bestseller Completely Revised for the New Economy Overviews

Consumers Union named Making the Most of Your Money the best personal finance book on the market. Now Jane Bryant Quinn's bestseller has been completely revised and updated for 2010 and beyond. America's most trusted financial adviser, who helped millions of readers meet their goals in the 1990s, has done it again -- providing a guide to financial recovery, independence, and success in the new economy.

Getting your financial life on track and keeping it there -- nothing is more important to your family and you. This proven, comprehensive guidebook steers you around the risks and helps you make smart and profitable decisions at every stage of your life. Are you single, married, or divorced? A parent with a paycheck or a parent at home? Getting your first job or well along in your career? Helping your kids in college or your parents in their older age? Planning for retirement? Already retired and worried about how to make your money last? You'll find ideas to help you build your financial security here.

Jane Bryant Quinn answers more questions more completely than any other personal-finance author on the market today. You'll reach for this book again and again as your life changes and new financial decisions arise. Here are just a few of the important subjects she examines:

• Setting priorities during and after a financial setback, and bouncing back
• Getting the most out of a bank while avoiding fees
• Credit card and debit card secrets that will save you money
• Family matters -- talking money before marriage and mediating claims during divorce
• Cutting the cost of student debt, and finding schools that will offer big "merit" scholarships to your child
• The simplest ways of pulling yourself out of debt
• Why it's so important to jump on the automatic-savings bandwagon
• Buying a house, selling one, or trying to rent your home when buyers aren't around
• Why credit scores are more important than ever, plus tips on keeping yours in the range most attractive to lenders
• Investing made easy -- mutual funds that are tailor-made for your future retirement
• What every investor needs to know about building wealth
• How an "investment policy" helps you make wise decisions in any market
• The essential tax-deferred retirement plans, from 401(k)s to Individual Retirement Accounts -- and how to manage them
• How to invest in real estate at a bargain price (and how to spot something that looks like a bargain but isn't)
• Eleven ways of keeping a steady income while you're retired, even after a stock market crash
• Financial planning -- what it means, how you do it, and where to find good planners

Page by page, Quinn leads you through the pros and cons of every decision, to help you make the choice that will suit you best. This is the single personal-finance book that no family should be without.

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Three full length Anna Katherine Green Mysteries collected in one edition formatted for the Kindle. Linked Contents.


ANNA KATHARINE GREEN [1846-1935] (born Anna Catherine) was one of America's first writers of detective novels. She also published short stories, one book of poetry, and one play. In all, she is credited with more than forty books. She was a bestselling author for nearly one-quarter-century. She influenced later writers such as Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie.

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188 Stage Hero's Journey (Monomyth) - Apotheosis, Final Conflict - Developing The Antagonism


Kal Bishop's 188 stage Hero's Journey (Monomyth) is the template upon which the vast majority of successful stories and Hollywood blockbusters are based upon. In fact, ALL of the hundreds of Hollywood movies we have deconstructed (see URL below) are based on this 188+ stage template. Understanding this template is a priority for story or screenwriters. This is the template you must master if you are to succeed in the craft.

[The terminology is most often metaphoric and applies to all successful stories and screenplays, from The Godfather (1972) to Brokeback Mountain (2006) to Annie Hall (1977) to Lord of the Rings (2003) to Drugstore Cowboy (1989) to Thelma and Louise (1991) to Apocaplyse Now (1979)].



Every successful story involves the movement from one World to another World. Surprisingly, many people seem to overlook the scale, scope, significance and applicability of this.

In Stand by Me (1986), the boys journey from their small town into the World beyond the town.

In When Harry met Sally (1989), Harry and Sally travel from Chicago to New York.

In The Shawshank Redemption (1994), Andy Dusfresne is forced from his Ordinary World as banker to the World of Shawshank.

In Gorillas in the Mist (1988), Dian travels from Ordinary World USA to the World of the gorillas in Africa.

Where a story seems to unfold in a single location, the above criteria is met by a traversing through domains.

In Annie Hall (1977), the story unfolds in New York but Annie moves from her apartment into Alvie's apartment (the final act is played out in LA).

(For the Complete 188+ stage Hero's Journey simply go to http://www.heros-journey.info/ )



It is the breaking out of previous restraints and restrictions. In the Godfather (1972), Don Corleone gives his word not to break the peace, but Michael doesn't.
It is a seminal insight, an illumination, an epiphany. In Casablanca (1943), Rick's insight is that if you love someone, you sacrifice yourself for their happiness. That sacrifice can include selling your most prized material possessions (he sells his bar), allowing your love to find happiness in another's arms (he ultimately allows Ilsa to be with Victor), physical suffering (it is likely that his ultimate actions will see him to a concentration camp), leaving dear friends (he will have to leave Sam behind) and forced exile from home and heart (he will have to leave Casablanca). He learns this insight from both Ilsa and Victor, who are prepared to do the same for each other.

*****Final Conflict: Developing the Antagonism*****

Post the Crossing of the Return Threshold and before the Master of Two Worlds and Selves, a hell of a lot happens that is rarely given mention. The Final Conflict (a metaphor for this stage) follows a distinct process. One aspect of this process is the buildup of the antagonism's threat. In Straw Dogs (1971), the Major arrives (a mentor and supernatural aid) and is quickly defeated by the Demon King (Tom) [the Major confronts Tom; Tom shoots the Major].

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  • Time travel chapter book
  • Great for teens and adults alike.

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Future Glimpse

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Future Glimpse Overviews

Karen's strange new life starts when she wakes up in a strange place, with a strange man she has never met, and wearing clothes she has never seen. The image she sees in the mirror reflects an older version of herself. She went to sleep at seventeen, but awoke to be twenty-two and her family fearing she has amnesia. But this couldn't be farther from the truth and it doesn't take Karen long to realize she has the ability to shift through time. Not only was she seventeen in a twenty-two year old body, five years in the past, an older Karen is having the same dilemma, but in a seventeen year olds body. You'll feel what it's like as this experience only becomes one of many and the shifts through time become unpredictable, frightening and new to Karen. And danger lurks just around the corner as time behaves badly putting Karen and others around her in mortal danger.

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I started reading this book one evening and stayed up well into the night because the storyline was so gripping that I just didn't want to put it down. I finished it within a 24-hour period. The story begins with a situation so awkward and intense from an unexpected Shift through time, that I was hooked immediately. Definitely not one of those books that you have to read the first 60 pages before you can get into it. It is an easy read, well thought out, and very well written. The plot was tight and the romantic elements were very clever. I highly recommend this book to males and females alike--it's a great read for those who like action, intrigue, and romance!

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How to be a No-Limit Person (Part 4 of 6) Dr. Wayne Dyer SUCCESS CAN BE YOURS WITH WAYNE DYER'S HOW TO BE A NO-LIMIT PERSON LIVE LIFE AT FULL THROTTLE In How to be a No-Limit Person, Dr. Wayne Dyer teaches you how to greet each day with high expectations and a clear sense of direction -- not just for the moment, but for an entire lifetime. As you master his upbeat way of approaching people and problems, you'll realize that you are in total control of your life. You'll discover how to tune in to internal signals -- your emotions, attitudes and beliefs -- to help you deal with everyday frustrations and major problems. You'll learn how to make your anger work for you as a catalyst to positive, action-oriented steps, and how to enter relationships based on choice, freedom and love. About the Author Dr. Wayne W. Dyer is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. He has written numerous bestselling books, including the New York Times bestseller The Power of Intention; has created many audiobooks, CDs, and videos; and has appeared on thousands of television and radio programs, including The Today Show, The Tonight Show and The Oprah Winfrey Show. Please visit his website at www.drwaynedyer.com.

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How to Write a Screenplay

If you wish to hire a professional screenwriter, it is important to know how to write a screenplay yourself. As writing is both a talent and a skill, it is not possible for everyone to become a great screenwriter. Therefore, many choose to hire a professional in order to turn their story or idea into a workable manuscript. However, in order to find the best person for the job, you will need to know a little about the process of writing a screenplay. This will help you sort through various as well as aid you in communicating effectively with the person you choose for the job.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when learning how to write a screenplay is the ratio of pages of text to minutes on screen. You should keep in mind that one page roughly equals one minute of film time. Therefore, if you will want to try and sell your finished screenplay to an agent or movie studio, it should be approximately 80 to 100 pages in order to fit the standard length of 90 minutes. If your writer is not adhering to this length, it is a major red flag of which you should take note. However, knowing this ratio will also help in understanding why certain details must be left out or changed around in order to make the screenplay workable.

Another important part of learning how to write a screenplay is becoming educated about the various ratings a movie can have. You will want to maximize your potential audience by aiming for a certain rating. In order to appeal to the largest amount of movie patrons, PG-13 is usually the best place to start. However, whichever rating you wish to achieve, it is necessary to find out what sorts of elements must be included or left out of each category. This way, you can better tailor your script to get the approval you want, which is at the heart of how to write a screenplay.

Although unrelated to the process of hiring a screenwriter, the most important part of creating a screenplay is coming up with a wealth of ideas and story lines. In order to do this, it is important to consider everything you see, do, or experience, as inspiration. No matter how unrelated something may seem, if it caught your interest, it might be worth mentioning to your writer or else be considered for a future story. These ideas, coupled with knowing more about how to write a screenplay, will a help you to write a perfect screenplay or hire a screenwriter.

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Blue Ocean Strategy www.TrafficVaultSecrets.com Blue Ocean StrategyMaking the competition Irrelevant. The official site of the International Bestseller written by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne discusses how to get Free Leads and Traffic to your Website. Blue Ocean StrategyBOS frameworks and tools include strategy canvas, value curve, four actions framework, six paths, buyer experience cycle, buyer utility map, and blue ocean is one of the premier ways of traffic and lead generation. Blue Ocean Strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia31 Dec 2008 ... Blue Ocean Strategy is a business strategy book written by Professors W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne of INSEAD, a leading global business. I used it to take my Business to the Next Level and to become the HUNTED instead of the HUNTER. Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and ...Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant: W. Chan Kim: Amazon.co.uk: Renée Mauborgne: Books. If you need free leads and want to dominate with social media and web 3.0 you have come to the right place. Amazon.com: Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market ...Amazon.com: Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant: W. Chan Kim, Renée Mauborgne: Books. You need to understand how to get conversion and not just traffic. That is what the Blue Ocean Strategy also covers in depth. BlueOcean Strategy logic behind blue ...

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Writing Tips for Children's Picture Books

Although some advice for authors of children's stories and books may seem contradictory, the basics are rather unchanged and stable. The following tips can help all of us write and produce more interesting and well accepted picture books. No, I am not including all the information needed for writing a children's book, just enough to help.

Start with action: As with any story or book, the author should start with action just as quickly as possible. The words and illustrations should catch and keep a child's attention.

Be sure illustrations match and add to the story: Children enjoy bright colors and interesting illustrations, but the pictures need to coordinate with the story. Also the illustrations should be well done. The artist is as important as the author as far as picture books are concerned.

If you have a good story, then be sure you find a good illustrator. Most publishers prefer to use one of their staff artists, but if you have an excellent artist in your pocket, be sure to send samples of his work with your story.

Write a good story: Often I've read stories supposedly for children that are not well-written. Youngsters deserve the best possible stories, with correct grammar, spelling, and sentence structure. Yes, we shouldn't use long complex sentences, but the ones we use should be right. Since picture books are usually read to children, the vocabulary doesn't have to be simplistic. Words that a child may be used to hearing but can't read is fine to use. A few new words are all right, too, especially if the illustrations or context help the child know what the words mean. Also the person reading or supervising can help the child learn new words, unless too many are used.

A story for a child should have action and dialogue, just as any other well developed story. The real difference between a story written for children and one written for adults is the interest level, the focus, the perspective.

Don't "pad" the story: If a description or narrative doesn't move the plot along or isn't necessary, delete it. Extra words that add nothing to the story makes listening boring, just as they make reading boring.

Show, don't tell: Sound familiar? That phrase has become almost a cliché, but that doesn't make it less true. Children need to "see" what is happening in a story, and not just in the illustrations. They should "hear" sounds. They need to "feel" what the characters do. Let the story unfold for the child.

Don't make the story too long: A child's attention span depends on the child, of course, but most at the age of those who listen or read picture books won't be interested in a long story. If the story is long, the author should consider breaking it into more than one story.

Alliteration and rhyme should be used well or not at all: Many publishers won't accept children's books that use alliteration or rhyme. The reason? Too many authors do not know how to use either well. Alliteration tickles children's ears, and they like the sounds. However, too much of even a good thing is too much. Forced rhyme is confusing to children (it's confusing to me, too). So use either or both correctly or not at all.

Hopefully some of the tips will help you improve your writing of children's picture books.

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Six Classic Elements of a Best Selling Novel

Late in the nineteenth century, painters such as van Gogh, Cézanne and Seurat looked back to the Old Masters of the seventeenth century-geniuses like Rembrandt and Poussin-for techniques that would add richness to their work.

Why do today's fiction writers so seldom do something similar to help in writing a novel: look back to the Old Masters of the best-seller list-to the Tom Clancys and Michael Crichtons and Stephen Kings of our parents' and grandparents' day-to learn more about their craft? Let's examine the work of six writers who not only ruled yesterday's best-seller lists, but whose consistent crowd-pleasing abilities also place them among the most successful authors of all time. In their books lie techniques of good storytelling that are timeless, of value to the commercial novelist of today-or any day. Extract these timeless elements and apply them to writing your novel:


The creator of lawyer-detective Perry Mason and a lawyer himself (it is said he is the model for Mason), Gardner was easily the best-selling and most prolific of all mystery writers. From the early thirties until his death in 1970, he produced two or three of his The Case of ... novels a year, enough to keep five secretaries busy transcribing his dictation full-time.

Technique #1: Put Your Story Front and Center Story was literally everything to Gardner. Characterization and background were of secondary, if any, importance. To Gardner, the novel was simply the most effective means of presenting his detective puzzles. Like Agatha Christie, Gardner relied heavily on dialogue, so that his books often read like scripts.

Here's the no-nonsense beginning of The Case of the Screaming Woman, an example of how Gardner hooks us immediately with the first bizarre aspect of his story:

Della Street, Perry Mason's confidential secretary, entered Mason's private office, walked over to the lawyer's desk and said, "You always like something out of the ordinary, Chief. This time I have a lulu!"

"Unusual?" Mason asked, looking up from the papers on his desk.

"Unique," she said.

"Give," Mason told her.

"A Mrs. John Kirby telephoned," Della Street said, "and wanted to retain you to cross-examine her husband."

"A divorce case?" Mason asked.

"No, she and her husband are good friends."

"Yet she wants me to cross-examine him?"

"That's right."

"About what?"

"About where he was last night."

Mason frowned. "Della, I'm not a lie detector. I'm not a psychoanalyst. I don't handle cases involving domestic relations."

"That's what I told Mrs. Kirby," Della Street said. "She told me she only wanted her husband's interests protected. She said she wanted you to listen to his story, puncture his self-assurance, and rip him to pieces."

Though few would be tempted to call Gardner a stylist, there's no arguing that he could arrest us with a wildly unlikely premise at the start of each of his books. It was this ability to build a novel on strength of story, rather than on how he told that story, that made him the favorite of millions.

Sometimes this kind of get-to-the-point storytelling is exactly what readers crave-for example, when what they really want is a challenging puzzle in novel form.

If you share Gardner's gift for ingenious plotting, why embellish your book with unnecessary detail or description? You might be doing yourself, and your book, a disservice. Bare-bones, plot-oriented writing may be the perfect approach for your novel of mystery or suspense.


"From the day of my birth until I reached the age of twenty years, I rarely lived longer than six years in the same place," wrote this red-haired, Georgia-born son of a Presbyterian minister, who at eighteen was running guns for a revolt in Central America. He also worked as a plowboy, poolroom attendant, cotton picker, lumbermill hand, professional football player, taxi driver, stagehand in a burlesque theater, stonemason, soda jerk, cook and waiter, book reviewer and journalist.

Caldwell is best known, however, as the author of sometimes scandalous novels about the Southern poor, most notably 1933's God's Little Acre, among the most popular novels of all time. Not far behind is Tobacco Road, written the year before.

Technique #2: Paint Characters With Heart Caldwell's novels about "American primitives" have enjoyed their phenomenal success largely because Caldwell (like Mark Twain and Bret Harte, to whom he is frequently compared) truly loved the people he wrote about. This love for these people at their best and worst would not have existed if he had not known them so well, and it was this knowledge that allowed him to show them in all their humor, eccentricity and pathos-qualities that make these people irresistible to readers.

In this excerpt from Tobacco Road, Ellie May Lester shows her feelings for Lov Bensey. Lov is married to Ellie May's younger sister Pearl, who refuses to sleep with Lov. Ellie May, though harelipped, is all too willing to give Lov what he wants.

[Lov] was looking at Ellie May now. She had at last got him to give her some attention.

Ellie May was edging closer and closer to Lov. She was moving across the yard by raising her weight on her hands and sliding herself over the hard white sand. She was smiling at Lov, and trying to make him take more notice of her. She could not wait any longer for him to come to her, so she was going to him. Her harelip was spread open across her upper teeth, making her mouth appear as though she had no upper lip at all. Men usually would have nothing to do with Ellie May; but she was eighteen now, and she was beginning to discover that it should be possible for her to get a man in spite of her appearance.

"Ellie May's acting like your old hound used to do when he got the itch," Dude said to Jeeter. "Look at her scrape her bottom on the sand. That old hound used to make the same kind of sound Ellie May's making, too. It sounds just like a little pig squealing, don't it?"

Chances are these are not like the people you encounter daily, but to Erskine Caldwell they might as well have been, and he painted them exactly as he saw them, with a brush full of color, and broad, lively strokes.

In most novels it is vital that the author give us characters we can know and like as much as we find ourselves knowing and liking those in Caldwell's. To create such supersympathetic characters in your novels, look directly to the people you know and love better than any others. Only by knowing and loving your characters can you make us do the same.


Drawing on his experience with British Naval Intelligence, Fleming created James Bond 007, and indeed Fleming and Bond often became confused in the public mind. Though Fleming called his work "trivial piffle," his espionage adventures had been phenomenally successful around the world, with John F. Kennedy among his most avid fans.

Technique #3: Appeal to Our Wildest Fantasies The success of Fleming's books has been attributed to the way they appeal to our wildest dreams. James Bond, more than any other fictional hero, lived many people's fantasy of a life of total self-sufficiency and self-indulgence.

At the climax of You Only Live Twice, Bond is a prisoner of his old nemesis, Ernst Blofeld, in the cliff-top Castle of Death. Bond manages to escape the deadly volcanic mud of the Question Room, save his neck from Blofeld's massive samurai sword, and ultimately overpower and strangle Blofeld. He even sets the Castle to self-destruct-only to climb out a window and find himself trapped on a narrow balustrade.

. . . He looked over the side. A sheer hundred-foot drop to the gravel. A soft fluted whistle above him caught his ear. He looked up. Only a breath of a wind in the moorings of that bloody balloon! But then a lunatic idea came to him, a flashback to one of the old Douglas Fairbanks films when the hero had swung across the wide hall by taking a flying leap at the chandelier. This helium balloon was strong enough to hold taut fifty feet of framed cotton strip bearing the warning sign! Why shouldn't it be powerful enough to bear the weight of a man?

Bond ran to the corner of the balustrade to which the mooring line was attached. He tested it. It was taut as a wire! From somewhere behind him there came a great clamour in the castle . . . Holding onto the straining rope, he climbed onto the railing, cut a foothold for himself in the cotton banner, and, grasping the mooring rope with his right hand, chopped downwards below him with Blofeld's sword and threw himself into space.

It worked! There was a light night breeze, and he felt himself wafted gently away over the moonlit park, over the glittering, steaming lake, towards the sea. But he was rising, not falling! The helium sphere was not in the least worried by his weight! Then blue-and-yellow fire fluttered from the upper storey of the castle, and an occasional angry wasp zipped past him. . . . Now the whole black silhouette of the castle swayed in the moonlight and seemed to jig upwards and sideways and then slowly dissolve like an ice cream cone in the sunshine. The top storey crumbled first, then the next, and the next, and then, after a moment, a huge jet of orange fire shot up from hell towards the moon. A buffet of hot wind, followed by an echoing crack of thunder, hit Bond and made his balloon sway violently.

. . . Punctured by a bullet, the balloon was fast losing height. Below, the softly swelling sea offered a bed. . . .

It seems clear that Fleming never forgot that most people who read for pleasure read to escape, and that these readers want as much escape as they can get for their time and money.

Are your own characters humdrum and mundane, doing humdrum and mundane things, when they would be so much for interesting being and doing things we've only dreamed of? Fleming knew-and every novelist should remember-that one of the greatest joys of writing is that the impossible can be made possible. Give your readers a run for their money. Let them find true, wonderful escape in the worlds you create for them.


His mystery-detective novels have been called nasty and sadistic, but they've won Spillane millions of fans just the same. The Brooklyn-born son of an Irish bartender began his writing career selling stories to the "slicks" and the "pulps," then writing comic books. His novels, most of them starring rough, tough Mike Hammer (said to resemble his creator), landed Spillane on the all-time best-seller list again and again, from 1947's I, The Jury to the fifties' My Gun is Quick, The Big Kill, One Lonely Night, The Long Wait and Kiss Me, Deadly, to 1961's The Deep.

Technique #4: Torture the Reader to the End Of his method of creating suspense, Spillane said: "You don't read a book to get to the middle. You read a book to get to the end. You deliberately torture yourself all the way through, hoping that after all the garbage the end will be worth all the time you spent in the reading thereof. True? It's got to be totally satisfactory in the last line.

A superb example of how Spillane puts his words into action is the ending of I, The Jury (I've used a few dashes so as not to give anything away):

"No, ----, I'm the jury now, and the judge, and I have a promise to keep. Beautiful as you are, as much as I almost loved you, I sentence you to death." . . .

The roar of the .45 shook the room. ---- staggered back a step. Her eyes were a symphony of incredulity, an unbelieving witness to truth. Slowly, she looked down to the ugly swelling in her naked belly where the bullet went in. A thin trickle of blood welled out.

I stood up in front of her and shoved the gun into my pocket. I turned and looked at the rubber plant behind me. There on the table was the gun, with the safety catch off and the silencer still attached. Those loving arms would have reached it nicely. A face that was waiting to be kissed was really waiting to be splattered with blood when she blew my head off. My blood. When I heard her fall I turned around. Her eyes had pain in them now, the pain preceding death. Pain and unbelief.

"How c-could you?" she gasped.

I only had a moment before talking to a corpse, but I got it in.

"It was easy," I said.

Remember how we all love being surprised, and hold some things back as you write your novel, whatever sort of novel it is. It's a wonderful feeling to read a book and realize that a truly skillful novelist has gotten the best of us. Be careful to play fair with your surprises, however; make them believable and be sure to plant any necessary precedents or clues.


Georgia-born Yerby is best known for his vivid and complex Southern tales, the most successful of which are 1946's The Foxes of Harrow, 1947's The Vixens, and 1949's Pride's Castle. A critic once wrote that "Mr. Yerby could be a pretty good novelist if he ever got his mind off the neckline and the cash register," but the world always welcomed a new Yerby novel unconditionally.

Technique #5: Evoke the Magic of the Moment Yerby is famous for his vivid language, for his multiplicity of characters and for writing, in the words of Arna Bontemps, with "a flair for color, an air of easy abandon, the ability to live in the moment and to create characters that live in the moment, a touch of very elementary magic."

Devilseed is Yerby's story of Mireille Duclos, who, like many women of her time, sails penniless into gold-crazed San Francisco in the 1850s and there climbs to riches and respectability. In this scene we see Mireille riding into town as the new wife of Judge Alain Curtwright.

Mireille's imposing mahogany-and-rosewood-paneled landau swept eastward down Clay Street toward Portsmouth Square, drawn at a spanking trot behind her pair of night-black, imported Australian horses. Perched high on the driver's seat before her, the Swithers brothers, James and John, her coachman and footman, sat, clad in livery every bit as imposing as the landau, their faces, under their tall silk hats, blacker than the hides of her splendid five-gaited pair, set in frowns of stern self-importance.

"Mammy" Pleasant had sent the Blacks to Mireille with a note suggesting that she hire them, which Mireille had been pleased to do, even knowing that Mary Ellen Pleasant had surely placed them in her employ to spy on her. Now, staring at their sturdy backs straining against the frock coats of their livery, she had the wickedly delighted feeling that she had "turned" them both: that they now were, if not wholly on her side, at last double agents. For, by awarding them a treatment involving so much kindness, real consideration, even, at times, an easy, affectionate familiarity that no Black menservants in the 1850s could dream of receiving from a young, stunningly beautiful white woman, she got as much information about Mary Ellen Pleasant's weird, devious, and plain evil doings out of them as they carried back to the house on Washington Street about hers.

As she rolled along, with the rear calash top folded back and the breeze stirring her raven hair under her smart little bonnet, all the men on the sidewalks took off their hats and waved them in her direction. More than one of them grandly bowed. The women-what few there were-glared, and ostentatiously turned their backs. Mireille smiled with quiet satisfaction at that sight. Ever since the fabulous Lola Montez, mistress of the immortal pianist-composer Franz Liszt, mistress of the ex-King Ludwig of Bavaria, mistress of-the list was endless!-whose Spider Dance drove men of the cloth, not to mention mere miners and businessmen, out of their minds, had left San Francisco that preceding fall to settle-permanently, she swore-in the pleasant little California mountain town of Grass Valley, Mireille had inherited, by default, Lola's crown as the most celebrated demimondaine in the city. . . .

Yerby uses details of place and time as tools to evoke character, making Mireille and Mary Ellen functions of where and when they live, and vice versa. The Swithers brothers, coachman and footman, very much a sign of affluence at this time, are the device by which Mary Ellen spies of Mireille, who in turn uses them for the same purpose. We see the people on Clay Street showing their feelings for Mireille through social customs of the place and time-grand bows and waves of the hat from the men, exaggerated turns of the back from the women. Note the use of a real and colorful figure, Lola Montez, to bring Mireille and her role in San Francisco into even sharper focus.

Use these techniques to make the characters in your novel virtually an extension of their place and time. Have them use, abuse and react to objects and customs distinctly of their world, so that we cannot recall these characters without recalling how they were dressed, how they spoke, what they ate and all the other ways they interacted with their world.

Not a person has been born who has not been shaped to some degree by where and when he or she lived. The magic of moment in reading fiction is learning how people live in, adapt to and make use of their where and when as we do with ours.

HAROLD ROBBINS It was a tribute to Robbins's staying power and adaptability that he was as much a titan in 1988 as he was forty years earlier, when he published 1948's Never Love a Stranger.

Robbins's publishers once announced that every minute someone bought a Robbins novel-another tribute to his never having let his public down. Not bad for a poor kid from New York who started his career as a grocery clerk, short-order cook, cashier, errand boy and bookies' runner.

Robbins has been praised most for the authenticity of the world in which he sets his novels. Never Love a Stranger drew heavily from Robbins's experience growing up in New York, and so vividly depicted that world of hustlers and racketeers that one critic called it "a Les Misérables of New York."

Technique #6: Make Background a Character In 79 Park Avenue, in which heroine Marja starts out a poor kid from Second Avenue and winds up a Park Avenue call girl, Robbins describes the seamy beachfront world of prostitution as he no doubt observed it growing up:

She walked into the hotel lobby and chose a seat in a discreet out-of-the-way corner. Opening a copy of Vogue that she had carried with her, she glanced through it idly. . . .

A few minutes passed. Then a bellboy stopped in front of her. "Room three-eleven," he said in a low voice.

"Three-eleven," she repeated, a smile on her lips.

He nodded. "Right. He's waiting there now."

"Thank you." She smiled, holding out her hand.

"You're welcome, miss," the bellboy answered, taking the two bills from her. He walked away quickly.

Slowly she closed the magazine, glancing around the lobby as she stood up. It was normal. The house dick was looking the other way, the desk clerks were busy with check-ins, the other people in the lobby were all guests. Satisfied with her quick check, she sauntered toward the elevators. She had nothing to worry about. Everyone was taken care of. Mac, the landlord of the rooming house, had put her wise to that.

"Pick a place to operate from," he had said knowingly. "Then before you do anything, make sure that everybody who might be interested is paid off. They'll leave you alone then, even help you."

Obviously, Robbins would not have undertaken a novel with a background of prostitution if the hadn't felt he could do so convincingly. But his use of detail and ambiance is what sets this and his other novels apart, makes them as memorable for their depiction of world and place as for their characters.

When deciding on the world in which to place your novel, consider the worlds you know so well that you may be overlooking them entirely. Writers have found these worlds, literally right in front of their noses, to be the richest and to work most authentically. What, after all, does a writer-or anyone-know better than his or her own life and the lives of those he or she has observed firsthand?


On the shelves of your library and your used bookstore are countless masterpieces of yesterday that excited and moved their readers because of certain techniques that could work in any age. Isn't storytelling, after all, a timeless art, one we've been perfecting since we first appeared on earth? Why not take down some of these erstwhile blockbusters by the Old Masters? You may want to borrow a few strokes for a best-seller of your own.

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