If you wish to hire a professional screenwriter, it is important to know how to write a screenplay yourself. As writing is both a talent and a skill, it is not possible for everyone to become a great screenwriter. Therefore, many choose to hire a professional in order to turn their story or idea into a workable manuscript. However, in order to find the best person for the job, you will need to know a little about the process of writing a screenplay. This will help you sort through various as well as aid you in communicating effectively with the person you choose for the job.
One of the most important things to keep in mind when learning how to write a screenplay is the ratio of pages of text to minutes on screen. You should keep in mind that one page roughly equals one minute of film time. Therefore, if you will want to try and sell your finished screenplay to an agent or movie studio, it should be approximately 80 to 100 pages in order to fit the standard length of 90 minutes. If your writer is not adhering to this length, it is a major red flag of which you should take note. However, knowing this ratio will also help in understanding why certain details must be left out or changed around in order to make the screenplay workable.
Another important part of learning how to write a screenplay is becoming educated about the various ratings a movie can have. You will want to maximize your potential audience by aiming for a certain rating. In order to appeal to the largest amount of movie patrons, PG-13 is usually the best place to start. However, whichever rating you wish to achieve, it is necessary to find out what sorts of elements must be included or left out of each category. This way, you can better tailor your script to get the approval you want, which is at the heart of how to write a screenplay.
Although unrelated to the process of hiring a screenwriter, the most important part of creating a screenplay is coming up with a wealth of ideas and story lines. In order to do this, it is important to consider everything you see, do, or experience, as inspiration. No matter how unrelated something may seem, if it caught your interest, it might be worth mentioning to your writer or else be considered for a future story. These ideas, coupled with knowing more about how to write a screenplay, will a help you to write a perfect screenplay or hire a screenwriter.