
Book Review - Novelist's Boot Camp

Todd A. Stone

Novelist's Boot Camp (Hardcover)

101 Ways to Take Your Book From Boring to Bestseller

ISBN: 978-1-58297-360-9

Page Count: 309

Ready to take on the challenge of writing a novel? Don't think you have the time? Novelist's Boot Camp may be just the book to help you over the hurdle. It equips aspiring novelists with unique, step-by-step drills that apply novel writing techniques. Within his boot camp theme, Stone trains writers (who he refers to as recruits) how to define and also show character and story objectives. When comparing fiction writing to a battle plan, Stone says, "Objectives play [...] an important role in fiction; without them, there would be no story."

Exercises found in this book challenge recruits to be better writers. Stone's stated purpose in writing this how-to manual is for his readers to produce a quality first draft. His book lets writers start from scratch, takes them through development and marches them into the drafting phase. He breaks down each drill into smaller steps, such as his five steps to establish character relationships. In this process he demonstrates how to start conflict keep it going and how to end it.

Military drill sergeants tell trainees to forget what they knew before they came into the service, and Stone does the same. Reading this book changes a writer. If you lean toward procrastination, you'll find no mercy here. Goal-oriented elements thread throughout these exercises. Drills require commitment and offer the mental discipline needed to complete a novel. His no excuse stance also addresses learning how to schedule deadlines to fit life's other responsibilities.

Once the writer completes a draft, Stone's exercises show how to cut, rework and improve for a finished manuscript. If you're ready to make writing a novel a reality in your life, it's time to sign up for Novelist's Boot Camp.

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