Starting an internet marketing career is not an easy task but this is not usually because of the work; people fail and easily give up because they are not earning money on their first few weeks which is a common error among first timers.
Popular question that I get from subscribers is "how much money do I make online?" and my answer is "I earn $20k or more every month", sounds impressive? But in reality a newbie can also earn the same amount if they only know the proper way in doing it.
As a beginner you should be patient. Since you are just starting with your business expect that your earnings will be little, but the important thing is that you are generating money in continuously regardless of the amount. Do not rush your journey to success because this may result in your failure. Take easy and money will flow naturally as you get the hang of it.
Once you are making some money consistently the next step that should concern you is how to make your online business grow. If you are already earning enough money online you should try investing some of it like selling web sites which is very profitable.
Imagine a simple, one page affiliate website can be sold for $5k or more and in a month you can do this 3 to 5 times that is $15K to $25K monthly, aside from what you earn from the website itself before selling it, that's more than what you can earn having a high paying job. This is just a part of my online business.
My online business works by creating small affiliate sites, profit from them and then selling them while I create new ones; this is on a monthly basis. I make sure that I maintain a number of websites which can be seen on my portfolio. You can also use this approach as your online business model, since it is very profitable, but remember to re-invest your profits to make it grow.
The next step to take is to outsource. Find people online that are willing to do the job for you. The more workers that you have the more products you can produce. But this is a process that you will need to learn slowly. You should be picky in choosing providers that can give quality results. Learn how to outsource and innovate as it can help your online business grow.
Although I am already earning over $20k monthly, I decide to still keep working hard because I have bigger goals and a bit ambitious too. I keep on working and think of other ways on how to earn 20x more of my current income and to further develop my online business.
There are other success stories that you might read online and one can be yours too just remember the key to online success is your willingness to learn and by being persistent in your endeavor. Make sure to start as an affiliate Marketer since creating affiliate sites is very simple and require no investments and not internet marketing experience at all.