How To Make Intuitive Decisions: Listening to Your Gut
Top Business Books For Young Entrepreneurs
This top five list is our continuing list of favorites! As we continue to read business literature, we will update this article with more books. For now, we just wanted to name our personal favorites. Keep checking back for more suggestions on great books!
Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't
Good to Great is my personal favorite. Jim Collins analyzes companies, on standards and statistics explained in the text, that made the transition from a good company, to a great one. While our entrepreneurial road to building a good company will be hard enough, it is one that has many paths. However, making that transition from good to great is rare and challenging. Many times if unsuccessful it will leave a company in a tough spot. Collins is a great writer with a great research team to back the words.
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable
For those of you new to business literature, it may be boring or difficult to read at first. Patrick Lencioni presents invaluable leadership and team-related advice within a story. The fictional characters are personalities that we have all worked with, or will work with, in the future, and seem very real in the text. You can imagine yourself sitting with the executive team at their retreat. Lencioni's writing is refreshing and engaging. You will get lost in any one of his "Leadership Fables" quickly.
The Five Temptations of a CEO, 10th Anniversary Edition: A Leadership Fable (J-B Lencioni Series)
Lencioni is obviously my favorite author, so I will not brag on him too much. This is another book in the same format with the same feel as #2. This fable pertains to the CEO and the temptations that can be realized when he or she is failing. While some of these may seem obvious, reading about them in this fable is eye-opening. You can put yourself in the CEO's shoes and seriously consider the temptations. We all may easily be guilty of one or more, analyzing them will help us better ourselves.
The Code of the Executive: Forty-Seven Ancient Samurai Principles Essential for Twenty-First Century Leadership Success
A truly original and insightful read! Don Schmincke took the Code of the Samurai from ages ago (when Tom Cruise was a Samurai), and transferred it to relate to the executive. Surprisingly, you will not find a forced interpretation with vague or confusing links. It smoothly flows into a motivational/leadership book that goes beyond a normal read. Many great business motivation books are set on business and helping others perform. Schmincke takes this further and also focuses on the Executive's mind and body, and his or her interaction with family, friends, and others. Prepare yourself for an awakening in business and life.
The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich
Ferriss describes a concept in his book that may be new to most people--living like the "New Rich." Ferriss argues that people don't want to be millionaires to have million dollars, but to live like millionaires. By starting an automated profitable enterprise, Ferriss describes precisely how you too can "escape 9-5, live anywhere, and join the New Rich." Not a theoretical treatise on business concepts, this outstanding book is a step-by-step guide to creating wealth by working less.
Here are links to a couple of the books:
Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't
The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich
Abraham: THE SECRET BEHIND "THE SECRET" - Esther & Jerry Hicks
Cannery Row (Thorndike Press Large Print Perennial Bestsellers Series)
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Cannery Row (Thorndike Press Large Print Perennial Bestsellers Series)
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Cannery Row (Thorndike Press Large Print Perennial Bestsellers Series) Overviews
Adventures of cannery workers living in the run-down waterfront section of Monterey, California.
Cannery Row (Thorndike Press Large Print Perennial Bestsellers Series) RelateItems
- Sweet Thursday (Penguin Classics)
- Tortilla Flat (Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics)
- The Log from the Sea of Cortez (Penguin Classics)
- The Winter of Our Discontent (Penguin Classics)
- Tasting the Sky: A Palestinian Childhood
Cannery Row (Thorndike Press Large Print Perennial Bestsellers Series) CustomerReview
Cannery Row is not Moby Dick or The Great Gatsby. That is, it's not a contender for `the great American novel'. But it is _a_ great American novel. Perhaps the great American anti-novel, for its loosey goosey structure, its whimsical shifting of tone and style, are likely to drive batty anyone who has a very rigid vision of what a novel must be.
This novel follows a long summer-fall season amongst those who lived in Cannery Row, Monterey, during the 1930s but who were not part of the business of canning sardines. That industry permeates their lives -- an endless supply of fish heads for cats, customers for the local businesses, etc. -- but the characters are not part of that industry or any other industry for that matter. They are all marginal to the rest of the world, from the Chinese store owner whose conversations with other people seem limited to discussions of the availability of credit to a male gopher who is conflicted because his paradise home is out of the flow of female gophers, which means he never gets laid. (I'm not making this up.)
The two most main characters, if they can be called that, are Mack and Doc. Mack is `one of the boys' at the Palace Flophouse. You'd call him chronically unemployed -- if the idea of being employed ever occurred to him. The boys individually and collectively don't seem to be playing with a full deck of cards but they live life so grandly and so philosophically that they are wiser than almost any other character or characters in fiction. (Many times, we're told a character is wise but the author can't back it up because they themselves haven't acquired that much wisdom.) Doc, whom I very affectionately envision as a younger version of the Doc in the HBO series Deadwood, is generous and compassionate -- yet lonely -- and the moral center of Cannery Row. [Deadwood with hindsight now looks like an ultraviolent and uncouth version of Cannery Row.] He runs a lab in which he catches animals, mainly from the tidal pools, to sell to schools and universities.
The other reviews note that this novel covers a range of emotions, from tragic deaths (off-stage) to the comic. The humor, however, is more salient: P. G. Wodehouse would have given his right arm to have written this. Many events that most people would cast in a tragic light are played lightly: even when depressed the characters are somehow irrepressible.
Much of the book, in fact, borders on slapstick. A major storyline involves the boys of the Palace Flophouse going on a field trip to catch frogs (to sell to Doc to fund a party for him, which seems perfectly reasonable on Cannery Row). I only have time to read these days when my newborn son is sleeping across my chest and I have to say he didn't particularly care for the frog trip because my continual laughing made his bed a little unstable. To give a flavor: the boys decide that in a trip to the country, the country would provide food, so they only bring salt and pepper. The description of gathering the other ingredients in their stew begins with reference to a rooster that wandered away from a farmhouse they're driving by (in a Model T whose acquisition and maintenance are stories in themselves). The meal begins to take shape: "Eddie hit him [the rooster] without running too far off the road." When Hazel, whose mother was undaunted in her choice of names despite the gender of her progeny, cooks him but warns the others, "He ain't going to be what you call tender."
I would in fact mull over whether this novel sentimentalizes poverty except for two things. First, the book is so extensively based on real life that it barely deserves the label fiction. (There's another book out there called Real Life on Cannery Row. I'm reading it now: one of the most interesting points is that the various buildings really were adjacent to each other and only occupied a small portion of Cannery Row.) Second, the day before I started reading this I spoke with a friend from years past who is larger than life in a Mack kind of way: if he had a ,000 a year job, he'd be so afraid of being corrupted by it that he'd give half away to friends and then convert paychecks into beer until he hit the poverty line. Then he could relax again. So there are people like Mack out there.
On the whole, the novel is able to maintain a balance between the sadness and the joy. Indeed, it does so in such a way that it is one of the few novels in which you could learn something about life.
A lot of authors from the 1920s to the 1940s come across through their characters as perpetually inebriated. Reading Fitzgerald is has a kind of boozy but truthful sadness; Hemingway is like a permanent hangover. Cannery Row and its sequel Sweet Thursday are like perfectly hitting the right point of tipsiness: there's a gloriousness to it, the feeling of being part of a happy conspiracy of everyone drinking at that moment but knowing that come morning all you'll feel are pleasant memories.
*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Aug 28, 2010 16:30:23
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Richard Dawkins and Bishop Harries - Christianity 1of4
Bestseller: Webster's Timeline History, 1497 - 2007

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Bestseller: Webster's Timeline History, 1497 - 2007
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Bestseller: Webster's Timeline History, 1497 - 2007 Overviews
Webster's bibliographic and event-based timelines are comprehensive in scope, covering virtually all topics, geographic locations and people. They do so from a linguistic point of view, and in the case of this book, the focus is on "Bestseller," including when used in literature (e.g. all authors that might have Bestseller in their name). As such, this book represents the largest compilation of timeline events associated with Bestseller when it is used in proper noun form. Webster's timelines cover bibliographic citations, patented inventions, as well as non-conventional and alternative meanings which capture ambiguities in usage. These furthermore cover all parts of speech (possessive, institutional usage, geographic usage) and contexts, including pop culture, the arts, social sciences (linguistics, history, geography, economics, sociology, political science), business, computer science, literature, law, medicine, psychology, mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology and other physical sciences. This "data dump" results in a comprehensive set of entries for a bibliographic and/or event-based timeline on the proper name Bestseller, since editorial decisions to include or exclude events is purely a linguistic process. The resulting entries are used under license or with permission, used under "fair use" conditions, used in agreement with the original authors, or are in the public domain.
*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Aug 26, 2010 18:42:10
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An Easy Way to Write a Nonfiction Book - Start With a Nonfiction Book Proposal
Are you ready to write a book Nonfiction? It 'easy to do if we start from a non-fiction proposal. Need the book proposal is, however, if you go to your publishers to submit non-fiction to a literary agent now.
'S also useful to have one, so that your testimony, your ideas for booking guests, friends and colleagues, going to give, and the person, etc., your contribution will find many prefaceBenefits, prepare a proposal for a book, decide to publish self-employed. E 'in writing your book much easier.
This book is the part that you need not write-fiction book proposal:
What is your first concept book unique?
Go to the library or bookstore and writing more books with a similar idea, the concept and definition of something a bit 'different. I prefer my local bookstore, where I can touch and goFeel the books and read the back cover and the index. Once you have enough information to tell five friends about your book unique idea and get their opinion. It is useful to hear the views of others, making sure that your idea work book and market.
Create a second major title and subtitle.
Develop a short song, emotional and memorable. The subtitle comes later, and there may be a more descriptive title. One of mybooks is entitled, "Top 10 Traits of Silicon Valley Dynamos." The sub-title is, "Inspiring Stories and Great Ideas for Achieving Success in Your Life." This gives a clear picture of what the book will cover.
3. Research your subject well to prove you are the expert to write this book.
You are going to have to show editors that you did some good research for your book. Also editors want to know about the current published books that are the same concept as your idea and how your book will be different. Great research will help you do a good job with the words you put on paper.
3. Name your chapter titles and provide a brief summary of each chapter.
Now comes the meat of your book. Naming your chapter titles will help you with your thoughts, and keep your story well organized. Write a brief sentence or two as to what each chapter will cover. You will start with the Introduction, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, etc. A typical nonfiction book has 10-12 chapters.
In my book, "Silicon Valley Dynamos" I originally outlined 50 short 2-3 page chapters. Then I decided to interview some successful people I knew to include in the book. So I shortened the number of chapters to 15 and made them longer chapters.
Start with your chapter outline and summary chapters. Get started with your writing. Be flexible. If you think it's not going to work the way you set up the chapters, change them to fit your new plan.
This is going to take you time. Find a secluded place to develop your chapter outline where there will be no interruptions. Turn off your cell phone and television. Play your favorite music to get you in a positive and motivated mood.
Once you have your chapter titles in place you can start writing. This will make writing your nonfiction book easier to do because now you have a roadmap. This is just the start of a book proposal. There is much more such as marketing, platform, query letters, etc. We'll cover those in future articles.
To get you started with your writing follow the above: 1) Identify your unique concept, 2) Create a title and sub-title for your nonfiction book, and 3) Name your chapter titles and summarize each chapter. Now you are ready to write.
© 2009 Joan Clout-Kruse
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How Do I Get a Book Published? Is a Question Many Writers Ask
The answer is dependent on your goals for getting a book published. If you just want your family and friends to have a copy, then consider using a print on demand publisher. If you have a niche market, or give lectures, then self-publishing might be right for you. But when you ask "how do I get a book published?" you mean "how do I get a book published by a commercial royalty paying publisher" then you have some work ahead of you.
You'll need to write a solid query letter, no more than two pages. That letter describes the concept of your book, or if it's fiction, the hook, why you're the person to write it, who would buy the book, and your writing credentials.
Your next challenge is to write a one page synopsis of your book. It's difficult to condense a 90,000 word manuscript down to 400 words and still capture the flavor of the book and the style of your writing, but that's what you have to do.
If you have decided that you need a literary agent then start narrowing down the field. There are several books that contain lists of agents, what they're looking for, and their contact information. Agentquery.com, writersmarket.com, publishersmarketplace.com are three online databases that can help.
When you've found about 20 agents that represent the kind of books you write, send them your query letter, personalized of course, the synopsis and, a self addressed stamped envelope (SASE). It's important that you include the SASE. Many agents won't respond unless the SASE is included. You can fold the envelope in thirds to fit it inside the business envelope.
Mail off your queries and then start the next batch of agents.
Don't be discouraged by rejection, many of the bestselling authors of today started out being rejected quite a few times before they achieved their goal of getting a book published.
Should you follow up with the agents? No. Agents are contacted by hundreds of writers a week. You could include a self addressed postcard in your query letter package that the agent mails back to you. When you receive the postcard you'll know that agent received your query.
"How do I get a book published?" is a question nearly every writer asks. Don't give up, you can get your book published.
The Scarecrow by Michael Connelly
You Can Write a Bestseller - Really, You Can!
I might be jogging, which I'll do once more after I have banged this out, when a title for a book will pop into mind.
It might be a play-on-words, or a fragment that is funny, something the magma at my molten mentis spews forth.
And usually, I can recognize a winner, though some of these gems are more appropriate for an article than a book-length exposition.
Naturally, as a student of rhetoric, persuasion, and marketing, I'm interested in figuring out if there are similarities between the absolutely must-be-written titles.
One thing I have discovered is if it starts with the words, "You Can" it is very promising, indeed.
For example, one of my biggest bestsellers starts with the words, "You Can." That title beats out every other winner among my books.
Scanning the numbers of clicks that I have received from my 1,700 online articles, which appear in 25,000 publications, it is clear that "You Can" titles are among the most-read.
Reread this article's title and you'll see I purposely injected redundancy, repeating the "You Can" promise, twice.
Check out the titles in your field to determine if there are patterns worth emulating. Let me give you one practical tip.
Editors are eager to change the best titles for the worst reasons. So, once you have settled on yours, to protect and preserve it, make sure to write your text so it mirrors the title, frequently throughout.
That way, it will be somewhat impervious to modification and it will remind readers that you are truly delivering on the promise that originally hooked them.
Sirene P3 KanonKongen
How Does a Kindle Work?
How does a Kindle work - The Kindle 2 is the latest development that is closest to the original Kindle. There is also the Kindle DX but it is larger and more expensive. Basically, the Kindle is a personal electronic library. You buy ebooks and store them in your Kindle 2. When you want to read them, you simply access them on the unit and read them on the E Ink® paper display (screen). This new screen technology is such an advancement for people who enjoy reading for hours at a time. These screens work amazingly in the brightest sunlight and give you no eye-strain because the letters are ink and not letters composed of pixels, like computer screens.
So, from the beginning: Go to the Amazon site and find your way to the Kindle store, browse for what interests you and make your choices. If you know the titles of the books you want then you can simply enter them into the Kindle. At this point you can buy the book immediately or sample a chapter. Your book will download in under 60 seconds on it's own as it uses the 3G network, through AT & T in the USA. There are no extra costs attached for the use of the 3G network.
Once you have your books downloaded into your Kindle 2, there's also a backup on the Amazon servers. If you have an original Kindle and want to upgrade to the Kindle 2 then keep the same account and you can download your old purchases directly into your new Kindle. Pricing varies for what you're buying. There are New York Times Bestsellers lists, which are more, magazines, newspaper subscriptions and of course the old classics. Many of the old classics are completely free because of the copyright date. Anything that predates 1923 is considered the public domain and therefore is free. Google Books and Gutenberg.org are other sources of free ebooks.
The ergonomics of the Kindle 2 have been well thought out. There's the qwerty keyboard and a handful of buttons for navigating, choosing books, power on/off. Just the basics and nothing intimidating. The Kindle 2 has a polymer lithium-ion battery that lasts up to 2 weeks before you need to charge it as long as the wi-fi is off. The built-in memory is 2 GB which means you can store roughly 1500 ebooks.
This is one of the gadgets that is here to stay. Completely eco-friendly. The tree-huggers should really thank Amazon for this one! Enjoy your Kindle as there are hundreds of thousand of ebooks available to read. It will keep you busy for hours!
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Rising Tales, Vol. 1
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Rising Tales, Vol. 1
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Rising Tales, Vol. 1 Overviews
Erotica lovers will enjoy The Green Line Connection. Hooking them from page one, they'll struggle along with a twenty-something couple s modern day issues of running an independent bookstore, an enormous home mortgage and the threat of infidelity from a May-December encounter with the founder of an urban nonprofit. Fifty-Nine Minutes doesn't leave very much time for a happily-married advertising executive. After she successfully woos the lucrative account of a buck wild heiress via an all-male-revue strip show, she falls into a lust triangle of passion, deceit and regret. Etched in Memory forever reminds a heartbroken billionaire, in the not-too-distant future, that money is never an issue and ultimate power can buy anything or anyone, even prevent the death of his true love---120 years ago! Floppy Drive revs up to top speed as a down-sized computer programmer gets exactly what he wishes, and then some, at a sleazy adult bookstore on the streets of Inglewood, California. The Last of Her Kind, the final tale set in the year 2037, reveals the Alpha Centauri star system as the latest in intergalactic incarceration. When the Celestial Flock, a draconian religious-corporate empire, convicts a fornicator to a life sentence in deep space colonization, a lonely female alien fills the lustful void to years of his solitary confinement.
*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Aug 22, 2010 05:40:11
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Americanas (Portuguese Edition)

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Americanas (Portuguese Edition)
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Americanas (Portuguese Edition) Overviews
Americanas é título de um livro de poemas do escritor brasileiro Machado de Assis, publicado em 1875, e que reúne poesias variadas, onde a tônica é o romântico retrato de personagens femininos do país antigo e em busca de identidade. As virtudes, portanto, são a tônica que perpassam todos os poemas.
A Cristã-Nova
José Bonifácio
A Visão de Jaciúca
A Gonçalves Dias
Os Semeadores
A Flor do Embiruçu
Lua Nova
Última Jornada
Os Orizes
Cantiga do Rosto Branco
*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Aug 21, 2010 04:30:35
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Polar Shift (The Numa Files)

- Paperback
- 504 Pages
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Polar Shift (The Numa Files)
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Customer Rating : ![]() Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days ![]() |
Polar Shift (The Numa Files) Overviews
The most exciting NUMA(r) Files novel yet.
Abridged CD - 5 CDs, 6 hours
Polar Shift (The Numa Files) RelateItems
- White Death (The Numa Files)
- Lost City (The Numa Files)
- The Navigator (The Numa Files)
- Fire Ice (The Numa Files)
- Serpent: A Novel from the NUMA Files
Polar Shift (The Numa Files) CustomerReview
Clive Cussler is rapidly becoming another of my favorite book authors joining the ranks of Robert Ludlum and Tom Clancy. In fact, just saw a movie entitled Sahara which is based on the book by Cussler. Anyway, Polar Shift is the unabridged audio book that I just finished. Yes, written by Cussler.
The book starts with the sinking of a passenger boat full of people escaping from Germany during WWII. The next action is the sinking in a whirlpool of a massive state-of-the-art modern cargo container ship. From that point it gets interesting... Let's see, did I mention that the world might end if the bad guys have their way?
Wonderful book, a pleasure to listen too with a clear and easy story line to follow. Cussler Strikes Again!
*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Aug 20, 2010 04:10:29
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4 Great Book Suggestions
Obviously, the value of a book depends on the opinions of the person valuing it. One person can love a book that another person hates. Nonetheless, some books have stood out as generally beloved and almost universally considered great. Let me list four of my favorite classic books that I think you need to read if you have not already.
"The Catcher in the Rye" by J. D. Salinger - Despite its excessive use of profanity and its sexual parts, even many high-schools have "The Catcher in the Rye" on their reading list. And one can see why. This novel by Salinger tells a disturbingly realistic tale that highlights adolescence and teenage angst. I love most of all its underlying commentary on the resistance of growing up by teens who have already lost their innocence.
"Nineteen Eighty-Four" by George Orwell - This famous dystopian novel by George Orwell has influenced modern society and political thought greatly. For example, the phrase "Big Brother," comes from this novel. It tells the story of a futuristic society that lives under a totalitarian government. The government controls the flow of information and engages in intrusive surveillance. People may feel frightened reading it as they realize that our society still seems to be heading in that direction, even if at a slower rate than Orwell predicted.
"Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck - This novella won the Nobel Prize. It tragically tells the story of two migrant ranch workers in California during the Great Depression. Because of the book's short length, you can read "Of Mice and Men" very quickly. I usually read it in one night. The title appropriately comes from a line in the poem To A Mouse: "The best-laid plans of mice and men go oft awry."
"Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury - As another famous dystopian novel, "Fahrenheit 451" tells a futuristic story in which fireman burn books rather than put out fires. Ray Bradbury used the book to criticize the path of society, which unfortunately does not seem to have changed. The mostly implicit criticism of television stands out as most true, considering how "Fahrenheit 451" predicted how much television would integrate with society and the negative social impact from that.
One could make a much longer list of need-to-read books. Nonetheless, if you have not read those four books, then I highly suggest that you read them. If you have read them, then I suggest that you read them again.
Whatever you do, good luck and have fun!
Hey, Good Looking (Thorndike Paperback Bestsellers)

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Hey, Good Looking (Thorndike Paperback Bestsellers)
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Customer Rating : ![]() Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days ![]() |
Hey, Good Looking (Thorndike Paperback Bestsellers) Overviews
With lively prose, unforgettable characters, and a touch of mischievous wit, Fern Michaels creates vivid reading experiences in all of her acclaimed USA Today and New York Times bestselling novels. Now, she inspires and entertains with a touching tale of the transforming power of love -- and a woman whose broken heart finds more room for the simple pleasures of family and home, and for discovering true love in the last place she expected.
Darby Lane and Russell Gunn had been inseparable friends from their early years in the Horseshoe, their wonderful Baton Rouge neighborhood of Southern comforts and childhood fancies, all the way through to graduate-school dreams and beyond. Then the unthinkable happens: a tragic accident takes Russ's life, and Darby's world is shattered. Returning to the Horseshoe in utter despair, Darby clings to the only family she's ever known: the three wily and colorful aunts who raised her.
Her long journey to healing takes hold as Darby begins to see Russ's brother Ben through new eyes. Suddenly love blooms in the place of grief, and now, with the help of her aunts, Darby faces the challenge of reuniting Ben with his estranged father -- if they can get through the conniving schemes of Ben's social climber stepmother. Calling on the same tender care and patience with which she builds custom dollhouses, Darby begins to create a new life out of her loss -- and comes to understand that love truly can conquer anything.
Hey, Good Looking (Thorndike Paperback Bestsellers) RelateItems
*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Aug 19, 2010 02:30:33
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The Cultural World of Jesus: Sunday by Sunday, Cycle B (Bestseller! the Cultural World of Jesus: Sunday by Sunday)

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The Cultural World of Jesus: Sunday by Sunday, Cycle B (Bestseller! the Cultural World of Jesus: Sunday by Sunday)
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Customer Rating : ![]() Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days ![]() |
The Cultural World of Jesus: Sunday by Sunday, Cycle B (Bestseller! the Cultural World of Jesus: Sunday by Sunday) Overviews
The fifty-six essays in this book present cultural reflections on the gospel assigned for each Sunday in Cycle A of the Roman Lectionary. Each essay highlights aspects of the first-century, Eastern Mediterranean, cultrual world in which Jesus lived and suggests a cross-cultural comparison with contemporary western culture. With this background information, readers can make more fitting applications of Scripture to modern life.
The Cultural World of Jesus: Sunday by Sunday, Cycle B (Bestseller! the Cultural World of Jesus: Sunday by Sunday) RelateItems
- The Cultural World of Jesus: Sunday by Sunday, Cycle C. (Bestseller! the Cultural World of Jesus: Sunday by Sunday)
- The Cultural World of the Apostles: The Second Reading, Sunday by Sunday Year B (Cultural World of Jesus: Sunday by Sunday)
- The Cultural World of the Apostles: The Second Reading, Sunday by Sunday, Year C
- The Cultural World of the Prophets: The First Reading and the Responsorial Psalm, Sunday by Sunday, Year C
- The Cultural World of the Prophets: The First Reading and Responsorial Psalm, Sunday by Sunday: Year B (Cultural World of Jesus: Sunday by Sunday)
The Cultural World of Jesus: Sunday by Sunday, Cycle B (Bestseller! the Cultural World of Jesus: Sunday by Sunday) CustomerReview
This series of books (there is one for each cycle [A/B/C] of the Catholic Liturgy) prove very useful for religious education and RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) classes. Each week of the year is represented, with each week having a homily based on the gospel (NOTE: the essays are concerned ONLY with the Gospel reading, and not the 1st or 2nd readings for that same liturgical week) reading for that week. Each essay(homily) attempts to give the reader a feel for the Mediterranean culture that was representative of the palestinian region that Jesus inhabited during His ministry. These books will give the reader invaluable insight into Jesus' times and culture and will be sure to give the reader a better look at Jesus' parables and what they meant for people at that time. It is also a nice tool for people to have to supplement their weekly Bible study, as people can follow the liturgical year at home on their own or in a group (which makes this book an excellent resource for Bible study groups).
*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Aug 18, 2010 14:20:17
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Prince of India (Library of Congress Century Bestseller Series)
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Prince of India (Library of Congress Century Bestseller Series)
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Prince of India (Library of Congress Century Bestseller Series) Overviews
FROM THE AUTHOR OF BEN-HUR, A TALE OF FAITH AND THE EAST. It was not his first visit to Mecca. But the purpose in mind gave the journey a new zest; and nothing in the least indicative of the prevalent spirit of the Hajj escaped him. Hundreds of years ago he smote Christ on his way to the Cross -- and for that act he was blessed and pained to wait and meet His second coming, wandering through the centuries undying and drawn thin and weary. Fifty years ago, disgusted with the endless strife between Islam and Christianity, he went to Japan to be shut of it. There, in a repentant hour, he had conceived the idea of a Universal Religious Brotherhood, with God for its accordant principle; and he was now returned to present and urge the compromise. . . .
*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Aug 16, 2010 00:50:08
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Gaspar Ruiz (Spanish Edition)

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Gaspar Ruiz (Spanish Edition)
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Gaspar Ruiz (Spanish Edition) Overviews
Conrad, Joseph (1857 – 1924)
Escritor británico. Su nombre de pila era Jozef Teodro Konrad Korzeniowski. Tuvo una infancia difícil ya que se quedó huérfano cuando sólo tenía diez años. Aunque prosiguió sus estudios gracias a la ayuda de su tío, no tardó mucho tiempo en independizarse. Con la intención de llegar a Marsella entró a trabajar en la tripulación de un barco y de este modo pasó veinte años navegando y recorriendo el mundo. En esta época acepta un trabajo en la marina mercante británica, donde llegaría a ser capitán. En 1886 solicita la nacionalidad británica. A pesar de su profesión como navegante, Conrad sentía una enorme afición por la literatura y en 1895 publicaba su primera novela "La locura de Almayer". A esta obra le seguirían "Un vagabundo de las islas", "El negro del Narciso" y "Lord Jim", una de sus novelas más famosas. A partir de entonces, Conrad manifiesta su crítica al régimen zarista y para ello se vale de la literatura. Su apoyo a la revolución se aprecia en obras como "Bajo la mirada de Occidente". En su última época vuelve al relato de aventuras y publica "La línea de sombra, "Azar" o "Victoria".
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Teen Fiction Book Trailer: A Magical Novel and Blog by Robin Rice
Make a 6 Figure Income Writing & Publishing Your Own Books! (Part One)
From the live recession-proof now audio series!
Part 1
Today, I begin a series of articles on How to make a 6 figure income Writing and Publishing your own book; I would like to write a book someday", with the hope and dream of selling 1000's of copies of my "NY Times Bestseller".
My motivations for writing and publishing have since changed. Research and experience has taught me that though it is possible to sell 1000's of copies of a book - and many authors do - most authors, self published or otherwise, never sell more than 10,000 copies. If you do the math, there is not much money to be made in selling 10,000 copies of any book. So why write a book? Some basic reasons for writing and publishing your own book are:
It is one of the easiest ways to Supplement or replace your income
It is a skillful way to grow any business
It is a simple way to develop a massive product & service line
It is a natural way to Sell lots of products
It is a effortless way to Promote your services
It is a practical way to Live Recession-Proof Now!
During my many years as a Business Growth & Marketing Specialist, I have met hundreds of aspiring authors with dreams of one day writing a book. This should not be a surprise. Almost everyone has a desire to write and expose something to the world.
Unfortunately, for most of these aspiring authors the desire to write and publish a book never moves from aspiration to motivation and then a completed project. There are many reasons for the "gap" between knowing or desiring and Doing. However, time would not permit me to get into why this is so. For insight into the human dilemma of "knowing and doing", take a look at my article series entitled "Knowledge is Power - Debunked!"
Without getting into Psycho babble or giving the impression that I am smarter than I am, one of the ways to conquer complacency, procrastination and slothfulness - one of the reasons for the "gap" between knowing and doing - is to uncover or discover a big enough WHY. A big WHY is what moves individuals from a wish or want, to getting things done! It was a big why that motivated Thomas Edison to launch 14 companies, including General Electric, and persevere through 1000's of disappointments to eventually develop the patent that improved on the light bulb and provide it for home use.
During the next few articles, I will provide some of my Why's for writing and publishing books. I hope they provide you the incentive you need to persevere or get started and Live Recession-Proof Now!
10 Benefits of Writing & Publishing your own Book!
Writing and Publishing a book is a great way to supplement your income!
Writing and Publishing a book is one of the easiest and best ways to sell your products & services!
Writing and Publishing a book provides Instant Credibility!
Writing and Publishing a book provides a Platform for speaking engagements.
Writing and Publishing a book positions you as an authority, leader or expert in your field or industry!
Writing and Publishing a book provides content for lectures and teaching opportunities!
Writing and Publishing a book provides material to Create additional Products for additional revenue; i.e. Ebooks, Audio CD's, DVD's, Workshops, Workbooks, Tele-Classes, Radio Shows etc.
Writing and Publishing a book allows you to charge higher speaking fees! Your and author now.
Writing and Publishing a book provides content for coaching and consulting programs - another stream of income!
Writing and Publishing a book justifies higher coaching or Consulting Fees.
If I was to give this more thought, I am sure I could provide another 10 benefits. Hopefully you will find an incentive here for you to continue reading. If you are new to Book Writing or Publishing, here is a wealth of FREE information. A great place to get started! So you want to write a book?
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One Minute Marketing
So, you say you're too busy to market your book? Well, welcome to the club. Most of the authors I work with or coach work day jobs and try to cram in as much marketing as they can after they come home from an exhausting day at the office. Working this way can be completely overwhelming. It's no wonder most authors only market their books for ninety days. Who could stand to keep up this pace any longer than that? There were so many things authors need to do, most simply don't know where to start.
Enter the one minute marketer. As tempting as it is, we can't do everything. It's just not realistic. Instead, try doing just three things a day. I found that authors are not only more focused this way but tend to be a hundred times more effective. If you're marketing your own book and you're becoming overwhelmed by the magnitude of the work ahead of you, try doing just three things a day. Some of these will only take you a minute and in one week alone you'll have promoted your book in fifteen new ways. And remember, your three things don't have to be earth shattering, they can be as simple as sending a thank you note.
Here are a few ideas you can implement today:
1. Call your local library and sign up to do a talk. You won't get paid for this, but they will let you sell your book (for a 10% commission back to the library).
2. Want to drive more attention to your book? How about creating a contest! Contests are great promotional tools. Design one around the topic of your book. For example, I'll be holding a contest soon asking people for the top ten things NOT to do when you're marketing your book. Get the idea?
3. Pitch your story to a local radio and/or tv station.
4. How's your web site these days? Remember, it's your 24/7 marketing tool so make sure it's up to date.
5. And while you're updating your web site, why not list it on search engines like Google, Alta Vista. Or go over to http://www.addme.com and let them do it for you...for free!
6. Have you thought about submitting an article to a topic-related ezine? Ezine publishers are always looking for content! If you currently subscribe to an email newsletter that you'd like to contribute to, email the editor and ask them what their guidelines are. Or, you can submit your article by registering at the following yahoo group: Publish In Yours (PublishInYours-subscribe@yahoogroups.com).
7. Have you started calling bookstores for signings? Why not start that today.
8. Send your thank you notes! Whether it's to a news person who did a feature on you or to the book store manager who recently hosted your book signing, saying "thank you" is a great marketing tool!
9. Magazine articles are a great way to get exposure. Why not submit an article (or book excerpt) to a topic-related magazine today?
10. Are you a member of all the pertinent organizations in your field of writing? If not, you should be. For example, if you wrote a mystery novel you should think about joining a mystery writing group in your area. Not only will you be able to promote your book at meetings but most groups are always looking for speakers.
Happy Marketing!
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Gazeta de Holanda (Portuguese Edition)

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Gazeta de Holanda (Portuguese Edition)
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Gazeta de Holanda (Portuguese Edition) Overviews
48 crônicas raras que Machado escreveu em verso, publicadas na "Gazeta de Holanda" entre 1886 e 1888 e reproduzidas aqui na íntegra.
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Hormone Therapies - Are You Playing Russian Roulette With Your Body?
The most popular way to treat menopause has been with the use of hormone replacement therapies. These therapies have been going on for the past 60 years and were prescribed to millions of women all over the world. The majority of these therapies would entail replacement of the hormone estrogen. For many years, these therapies were seen as a miracle cure and a means to help rid women of this potentially debilitating condition. For the millions of women around the world, this therapy was God sent.
Then reports started coming in about unintended side effects. These reports were investigated and the investigations concluded that the use of these hormone replacement therapies resulted in an increased risk of coronary heart disease. Further reports showed that patients treated with these therapies were also at a substantially increased risk of stroke and developing breast cancer. In fact, the report by the Women's Health Initiative, sponsored by the National Institute of health, revealed the following shocking statistics: Women who were on hormone replacement therapy had a 41% increased risk of suffering from a stroke, a 22% increase in total cardiovascular disease, and a 29% increase in the risk of heart attacks. More shockingly, the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease (in women over 65) has increased by 100%.
The statistics above are not very comforting. In fact, they are terrifying! With figures like these, how is it possible that doctors around the world are still prescribing hormone replacement therapy? Are we not playing Russian roulette with our bodies by popping these pills and praying with all our might that we do not suffer from one of these dreaded side effects? This is probably what they mean by living life on the edge. It is a scary thought to think that in order to make ourselves feel better, we are willing to put our lives in such danger by submitting our bodies to these therapies.
With all the scary reports that have been revealed to us by the Women's Health Initiative, do we really understand the risks and are we taking them seriously? Perhaps in order to take control of our lives and our health, we need to understand how treatments such as Hormone Replacement Therapies and Growth Hormone Therapies work. Do they actually work? Is there a danger in using synthetic hormones? What happens to our glands and the natural hormones that they produce when we undergo hormone replacement therapies?
It would be great if we could get answers to these questions in a clear and easy to understand format. Many health and advice books today can be very difficult to understand, and when they are finally deciphered, it turns out that they do not contain any new information anyway. Messing around with our hormones is not child's play and should be treated very seriously. Therefore, it is important to take the time to find out all the relevant information that is understandable, logical, and based in science. Only when you have a clear understanding of the risks and benefits of hormone therapy, and you have discussed the treatment with your doctor, only then, should you consider the treatment.
Writing - Is it Your Passion?
Maybe you love to write, but you're wondering how far you should go with it. Should you quit your job to pursue it or give up on your dream because you think you'll never be a New York Times Bestseller? I believe the answer to that lies somewhere in between.
We've all heard the saying that everyone has a book in them. I believe this to be true, but not everyone has a desire to write a book. Before we read books on writing or even take classes on writing, there are usually some pretty strong character traits of authors that overshadow even the mechanics of writing. When you think of authors, they're usually thinking about their book constantly - especially if there in the process of finishing it. What would their characters do in this situation? And even when not writing, they're observing. And then when the story is complete, what next? The book - their baby - is revised and then re-revised over and over. Onlookers may think it's a fanatical time-consuming activity with no guarantees. But it's the passion - the process - that drives the pen or the tapping on a keyboard.
What kind of writer are you?
Do you like to write informative articles, short stories, non-fiction or fiction? Maybe a mix. In writing fiction, it seems there are two kinds of writers: Those who prepare an outline - decide exactly who their characters are, what their personalities are and where the story will take place - and then there are those who write, in the moment, straight from their head/heart. But it varies for each author and the way they're inspired may differ from one project to another. If you have this desire to write, what steps can you take to improve your writing skills? Maybe you have the passion for it, but now you need to make sure that the fervent writer has the mechanical know-how to tweak and express the story in the most concise, yet engaging, way.
Be Committed. Write in whatever way you're motivated - whether by an outline or at-the-moment - but commit to consistently spend some time to write. This is the first step. If we want to improve our skills, we need something to start with. Pick a time - an hour at night - turn off the television, the phone and just do it.
Review your Basic Writing Skills. You can do this by pulling out your old books from English class or buying books on writing. There are numerous books out there on writing and the mechanics of it. There are also books on specific writing genres - writing for fiction etc.
Take a Class. Community colleges often offer creative writing courses. This can also be used to help motivate and sharpen your skills.
Join a Writing Group. This may not be for everyone. Some prefer to work on their own and then have their editors review it. But a writing group can provide support and feedback and is a valuable tool for many.
So were in a mode now. We've refreshed our skills, maybe taken a class and we write an hour or two a day. We're happily writing away, but we wonder how long it will take to finish. This varies for everyone. Some it may take months and others a number of years. It took me about 6 months to write my first book, but much longer to then revise and really learn the techniques of writing. From pen to actual book, it took me about 5 years. The key is to keep persevering. It's easy to give up but if you have something to say, don't stop now.
Now my final point: Is writing a career or a hobby for you? This can be the kicker. If we're writing to be the next bestseller, motivation may fall away. It's tough to get noticed - after all we write to express and hopefully be heard. If it's a hobby, perhaps it's more personal. Nobody is telling us what to write and we don't even have to be heard. Nor is it the sole financial source that puts food on our table. I'm somewhere in between. Bottom line, when it's a hobby there's far less pressure, but it's also perhaps harder to stay motivated. Find your happy medium and enjoy the journey.
Who is Dr Perricone?
Dr. Nicholas Perricone is a dermatologist and weight loss expert famous for his line of products and wellness programs. His company, named NV Perricone MD Ltd mainly offers supplements and topical aimed to improve one's appearance.
Dr Perricone finished his medical degree in Michigan State University's College of Human Medicine, where he now works as an Adjunct Professor of Medicine. He also studied as an intern in Yale Medical School's Pediatrics and had his dermatology residency over at Ford Medical Center.
Aside from teaching in Michigan State University, Dr Perricone has also written several books and other publications on beauty and weight loss, several of which have garnered acclaim and even criticisms. His beliefs, theories and methods have often been criticized in the dermatology industry.
He also served as an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the Yale School of Medicine and as the Chief of Dermatology at the Connecticut Veterans Hospital.
His other qualifications and recognitions include the following:
- Certified by the American Board of Dermatology
- Fellow of the New York Academy of Sciences
- Fellow of the American College of Nutrition
- Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology
- Fellow of the Society of Investigative Dermatology
Dr Perricone has earned the title of being the father of the inflammation theory of aging. According to his theory, cellular inflammation is the number one cause of skin problems such as acne and wrinkles. To being back healthy and young-looking skin, damaged cells have to be immediately replaced with new cells. Thus, his program and products focus on hindering cell inflammation and repairing inflamed cells.
According to Dr Perricone's researches, cell inflammation is caused by a diet which is composed of food with high glycemic carbohydrates, sun exposure, stress and a weak immune system. To battle these inflammation-causing factors, Dr Perricone devised a three-tiered approach composed of a controlled diet, supplements and topical applications. Called the Perricone Program, the following are the three tiers made by Dr Perricone:
- Tier One. The foundation of the Perricone Program, the Anti-inflammatory diet focuses on the intake of foods that are also natural inflammatories. These are lean meat (includes seafood and poultry), fruits, vegetables and beverages that are rich in antioxidants (includes green tea) and have low glycemic indices, food rich in Omega 3 and 6 (includes salmon, nuts, flax and seeds), and 8 to 10 glasses of pure spring water a day.
- Tier Two. Dr Perricone's range of dietary supplements contain nutrients that promote anti-inflammatory, fat metabolizing and anti-aging properties that also help prevent damages caused by free radicals. These supplements have active ingredients Vitamin C Ester, Coenzyme Q-10, N-Acetyl Carnitine, Astaxanthin, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Dimethyl Amino Ethanol, L-Carnitine Fumerate and Omega-3.
- Tier Three. Some of the ingredients in Dr Perricone's supplements are also in the Cosmoceuticals he formulated. Designed to improve and enhance the natural beauty of the skin, these topical antioxidants promise to give the skin a smooth, youthful, supple, toned and radiant appearance. Dr Perricone's formulations include the ingredients Vitamin C Ester, Neuropeptides, Phosphatidyl-E, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Dimethyl Amino Ethanol, Olive Oil Polyphenols and Astaxanthin.
Dr Perricone's program is considered to be "radical" and off the norm in the fields of dermatology and health. This has given him popularity. His unique methods have also caused his books and publications to sell very well. The following are among his published works:
- Ageless Face, Ageless Mind. Dr Perricone discusses Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) in this book, including ways to fight these through his famous three-tiered approach.
- Seven Secrets to Beauty, Health and Longevity. In this particular book, Dr Perricone presents how increased cellular metabolism can help one to stay young inside and out. Other health benefits of cellular metabolism, according to the book, include prevention of certain illnesses such as osteoporosis, heart disease and cancer.
- The Perricone Promise. In this #1 New York Times bestseller, Dr Perricone focuses on the importance of a neuropeptides in maintaining one's vitality and beauty. This book particularly focuses on a controlled diet and a specific kind of topical that is exclusively sold by Dr Perricone's company.
Dr Perricone has been criticized for his unique and seemingly impossible solutions to fight aging and weight gain. According to several experts, his researches are too insignificant for his claims that promise great results. Moreover, his products are seen as too expensive, with the least expensive item priced at $50 for a 12 oz container.