
How to Write A Best Selling Book

When you have best seller, all the people involved in book like book sellers, publishers and authors are almost guaranteed to make money. It could be the pillar even for a publishing company to promote themselves into the market.

There are many authors who believe that best seller happens only because of luck, marketing and timing. Yes, true, very true but not fully true!

Writing a best seller book is fairly simple but skillful deal. Every book has a culmination of many small decisions. One has to keep in mind that each individual decision on its own will never determine the overall success of the book. There is no straight-forward formula to write the best seller book. There are certain tips to be followed to make your book simply apart from all the so called 'bunch' of books. When you start writing, keep the language as per the targeted audience. For instance, the book on science should not seem to be full of rhymes! It has to be rich in syntax and content. On the opposite side, try to write in a simple language that everyone can understand.

The author has to build confidence in a reader by covering the familiar background. If you chose a fiction, don't forget to tell a good story. Don't be too original nor be too much in fiction. Maintain the flow of the story in every chapter. Check every piece of dialogue and confirm that it fits to the character and contributes to characterization and/or moves the story ahead. In every chapter try to put some twisting points thinking that you need to catch the reader who was suppose to close the book and take the rest!

Try to look at the characters you narrate in the book. They should not go out of the story by any given time. Make sure that your protagonist has not changed fully by the end because a main character that is never changed or grew during the whole story should not drastically change at the end without any meaningful reason as it will look unconvincing and indigestible. Once you finish your work, try to look at it one more time. Revision plays an important role in making the book best seller.

Don't ever forget the words of thanks to the people who helped you and without whom the book would not have ever been published. In your preface, your idea and politeness will be not only an introduction to you as a person but will be also index of your book. Keep in mind that the reader doesn't come with enough time to buy a book and hence, they first read preface and brief about the book. This will give an impression to the mind whether to buy a book or to watch a movie instead of!

Once the book is ready, it is most important to choose proper and reliable publisher. Don't forget marketing as one of the biggest tools to sell the book. After publishing, the availability of the books is also important. Your book should be available to the next doors of every reader

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