
An Easy Way to Write a Nonfiction Book - Start With a Nonfiction Book Proposal

Are you ready to write a book Nonfiction? It 'easy to do if we start from a non-fiction proposal. Need the book proposal is, however, if you go to your publishers to submit non-fiction to a literary agent now.

'S also useful to have one, so that your testimony, your ideas for booking guests, friends and colleagues, going to give, and the person, etc., your contribution will find many prefaceBenefits, prepare a proposal for a book, decide to publish self-employed. E 'in writing your book much easier.

This book is the part that you need not write-fiction book proposal:

What is your first concept book unique?

Go to the library or bookstore and writing more books with a similar idea, the concept and definition of something a bit 'different. I prefer my local bookstore, where I can touch and goFeel the books and read the back cover and the index. Once you have enough information to tell five friends about your book unique idea and get their opinion. It is useful to hear the views of others, making sure that your idea work book and market.

Create a second major title and subtitle.

Develop a short song, emotional and memorable. The subtitle comes later, and there may be a more descriptive title. One of mybooks is entitled, "Top 10 Traits of Silicon Valley Dynamos." The sub-title is, "Inspiring Stories and Great Ideas for Achieving Success in Your Life." This gives a clear picture of what the book will cover.

3. Research your subject well to prove you are the expert to write this book.

You are going to have to show editors that you did some good research for your book. Also editors want to know about the current published books that are the same concept as your idea and how your book will be different. Great research will help you do a good job with the words you put on paper.

3. Name your chapter titles and provide a brief summary of each chapter.

Now comes the meat of your book. Naming your chapter titles will help you with your thoughts, and keep your story well organized. Write a brief sentence or two as to what each chapter will cover. You will start with the Introduction, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, etc. A typical nonfiction book has 10-12 chapters.

In my book, "Silicon Valley Dynamos" I originally outlined 50 short 2-3 page chapters. Then I decided to interview some successful people I knew to include in the book. So I shortened the number of chapters to 15 and made them longer chapters.

Start with your chapter outline and summary chapters. Get started with your writing. Be flexible. If you think it's not going to work the way you set up the chapters, change them to fit your new plan.

This is going to take you time. Find a secluded place to develop your chapter outline where there will be no interruptions. Turn off your cell phone and television. Play your favorite music to get you in a positive and motivated mood.

Once you have your chapter titles in place you can start writing. This will make writing your nonfiction book easier to do because now you have a roadmap. This is just the start of a book proposal. There is much more such as marketing, platform, query letters, etc. We'll cover those in future articles.

To get you started with your writing follow the above: 1) Identify your unique concept, 2) Create a title and sub-title for your nonfiction book, and 3) Name your chapter titles and summarize each chapter. Now you are ready to write.

© 2009 Joan Clout-Kruse

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