You've written the book, you've landed the publisher, your launch date is fast approaching. Now it's time for the all important flurry of promotion.
Being a new author, one of the cornerstones of promotion is the interview. Readers want to know all about this bold, brash newcomer, who you are, how you started on your writing journey, where you're headed, what you ate for breakfast.
You're nervous so being a professional, you prepare mock questions and answers in advance of the interviews. Your answers are good, you know that much, but are they great? Could they be better?
One way to turn a base hit interview into a home run is to be conscious of keywords and their importance in on-line searches.
But wait, what are keywords? Keywords are the terms typed into search engines (like Google or Yahoo). Say you are searching for Frodo's last name. You may type in Frodo or The Lord Of The Rings or Tolkien. All of these would be keywords.
When you search, articles with these keywords will be listed.
Why does this matter?
It matters because depending on your interview answers, one of these articles could be about you and your new book. The more keywords used, the higher the frequency of your article appearing.
To clarify, this isn't about lying. This is about not being ashamed of any beneficial associations you may have. You've written the next big Sci/fi thriller and are a Star Trek fan? Be proud of your Trekkieness (note: made up words are usually not keywords)! Readers searching on Star Trek are more likely than the average person to be interested in your book. They are already Sci/fi lovers.
Great interviewers will assist you by asking such wide opened questions that you'll have more than enough chances to sneak in these keywords. Common questions will involve your influences, your favorite authors, your hobbies and the jackpot wrap up question "Do you have anything else to add?"
Note: You ALWAYS have something else to add.