
Murder Mystery Books That I Have Read and Loved

Since I was a young girl I have been interested in reading murder mystery books. I like to see if I can figure out the plot and find out who the culprit is while reading the story. Sometimes I figure it out and sometimes I don't but I always enjoy the journey. Some authors are very good at giving clues that could send you in the wrong direction, and that makes the ending a real surprise.

I have read many different authors and have read multiple books of some of these authors and maybe only one of some of the others. I need to be caught up immediately in the story and some authors are very good at doing that for their readers.

My curiosity in the murder mystery book stories has really extended to other parts of my life as well. TV programs that feature law enforcement stories or legal cases seem to be my choice when scanning the TV guide. As an adult when I was first married and raising my children I am sure I watched every episode there was of "Murder She Wrote" as well as all of the "Matlock" wins that took place in the courtroom. I am now much older and still like to watch Matlock at work in the courtroom, if I get the chance. My TV interests these days have turned to Law and Order and CSI programs.

What makes a writer want to write murder mystery books? Maybe the same interest that we have wanting to read about murder and mystery. It makes ones imagination work and takes us out of the real world for awhile. We can lose ourselves for a time in a story well written and just sit and relax. How do they come up with the ideas? How much research do they have to do? Just think of all the hours of work that go into writing a book that I can enjoy and read in a couple of days. Wonderful people, those authors, who can put their thoughts down on paper, form them into a story and entertain thousands of readers around the world.

Everyone has their favorite author or authors and of course I am no different. I tend to read books written by 3 or 4 authors but I am always willing to try new ones that other readers suggest. I do prefer to read books that are not filled with profanity.

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