
Book Review for The Scent of God, by Beryl Singleton Bissell

The Scent of God by Beryl Singleton Bissell is a work of fine art, reminiscent of a painting by Rubens or a haunting Saint-Saëns melody. The beautifully crafted memoir offers words that glisten like gems on each page. Lush imagery, redolent with heady scents and vibrant color, transports the reader to locales ranging from the sanctified to the exotic. Readers will savor every chapter of this alluring tale.

The story begins in 1947 in Saddle River, New Jersey. Beryl, one of four siblings in a Catholic family, catalogs her mortal sins at an early age and is riddled with guilt when her mother serves meat on Friday or the family misses Mass. Her father's binges and the rage and panic his drinking elicits in her mother, cause Beryl to seek comfort in nature. With her siblings, she happily tramps through the lakeside woods - swimming, fishing, tobogganing, and exploring abandoned farmhouses. In sixth grade, Beryl begins attending a private boarding school run by Catholic nuns who teach her about a God of unconditional love. This knowledge calms and thrills the young girl, who longs for stability and acceptance.

When Beryl is thirteen, her father's drinking causes him to lose his position as vice-president of a New York bank, but he is offered an alternate position in Puerto Rico. When the family relocates to the tropical island, Beryl draws inward, avoiding friends and life outside the home. Beryl's sister's popularity and her mother's critical harping about her weight increase her sense of displacement. Witnessing the drowning of a young boy, however, brings her face to face with her own mortality and the superficiality of earthly success. This new knowledge, in combination with a mystical experience of God's love and the breakup with her "first love" -- a handsome young Puerto Rican boy -- set her on a course toward a life of commitment to God whose love is eternal and unchanging.

At the age of eighteen, and in spite of her parent's initial disapproval, Beryl enters the Monastery of Saint Clare in Bordentown, New Jersey. With visions of becoming a saint, she thrives on the simple goodness of the daily processes in the cloistered nunnery, enjoying working in the bakery, her daily prayers, and the quiet camaraderie of her sister nuns. Her experiences in the monastery are lovingly and honestly recounted, providing a rare glimpse into this life.

Twelve years later, Beryl is deeply ensconced in the tranquility of the monastery when she receives the news that her father has taken ill, and that she needs to return home to assist her mother with his care. Returning to the island reawakens her senses.

"I woke that morning to the sound of waves crashing on the beach below, the pink and gold of the rising sun playing across my face. Despite my father's condition and my mother's frailty, I felt a wild surge of happiness. Eight floors below my window, a receding wave shimmered back toward an oncoming breaker, leaving a froth of bubbles to mark the edges of its ride. A solitary man jogged along the beach, the wet sand forming silvery halos around his footprints."

In the course of caring for her father, and in the most delectable and surprising twist of this true story, Beryl meets Padre Vittorio, a handsome Italian priest who preaches at the local church of Saint Jorge. At first irritated by the man, Beryl slowly finds herself falling in love as she gets to know him better, igniting the most painful yet wondrous struggle of her life.

It would spoil the story to reveal more. Suffice it to say that the segment of the book involving Vittorio is sensual and captivating, never offensive, and completely addictive. Be forewarned that The Scent of God will lodge in your heart and invade your dreams for years to come.

Thankfully, the author is working on a sequel to The Scent of God. This reader anxiously awaits the next chapter in Beryl's delightful true-life saga.

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Ebook Basics - Writing A Best Seller

Writing an ebook is a great way to make money online. Although there are millions of people who make money this way, there are millions of others who commit significant time and effort developing a great product, but fail to generate any sales at all. This can be very discouraging.

Although there is no guarantee that any product you create will sell, there is one way to give your product the best chance possible. You need to research your topic BEFORE writing a single word. Do a search to determine what kind of demand exists for products in that particular area. I can almost guarantee you that your ebook on 'How to Raise Penguins' will not make you rich. That's because very few people are interested in raising penguins. On the other hand, your ebook on 'How to Cure the Common Cold' may make you very very wealthy in a matter of hours!

As you can see, certain subjects sell better than others. If your product is on a hot subject that is in demand, you will generate sales. If it is in a genre that does poorly, you will find it difficult to make money.

As a general rule of thumb, fiction ebooks do not usually sell very well unless your name is Stephen King. If you are interested in creating a work of fiction, you might be better off by considering one of the more traditional publishing methods.

On the other hand, certain types of non-fiction are great sellers. 'How to' ebooks with mass market appeal sell very well. Mass market appeal means that people all over the world are interested in that subject. Some of the best selling topics instruct you how to; build something, solve a common problem, cure something, or start a business.

Collectors and hobbyists are also big ebook buyers. If you are knowledgeable in this area and have an interesting angle, you may have a best seller on your hands. Collectors and hobbyists are very active buyers if you can find the right topic.

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Query Letters: Ten Ways to Hook a Literary Agent

During my years as a literary agent for both screenwriters and book authors, I received query letters by the thousands. Even small literary agencies are so overhwhelmed by the influx that young, inexperienced interns weed through query letters from prospective authors before the agents even see those few "diamonds in the rough" with a chance at getting published.

So how do you become one of those agent-represented diamonds (or, at the least, get agents to request your full manuscript)? I could advise you at length, and will in the future, but for now here are ten query letter tips--some dos, some don'ts--to get you on track toward the representation and publication of your manuscript. These apply to letters directly to publishers, too--but make sure the publisher accepts submissions that don't come through agents.

1) Leave out the bells and whistles. Your words count, not your ability to suck up. (That counts only in person.) Your query letter should appear professional and mature: It should not be on pink stationery covered in hearts and flowers. It should not include candy--would you eat food mailed to you by a complete stranger? If you include a chapter of your manuscript (and don't include more unless they ask), refrain from binding it in any way. The agency will only get annoyed when they try to photocopy it. Put that effort into the prose of your letter, and agents will want to see the prose of your book.

2) Proofread it. That does not mean use Spell Check. It means you and your friend and your friend's friends should read it for typos and incorrect grammar. A single mistake will land it in a literary agent's recycling bin.

3) Include a SASE (stamped, self-addressed envelope). Why not make it as easy as possible for them to respond? It's common book industry practice, and you'll appear unprofessional and/or cheap if you don't.

4) Include a synopsis, but keep it brief. If an agent is going to represent you, they'll need a pitch to throw at potential publishers. Both species have short attention spans. Give them the important and unique stuff about plot and characters, not a scene-by-scene rundown.

5) Do your homework. Consult the Jeff Herman Guide, the agency's website, or any other reference that tells you what types of books they've sold. If they specialize in chick lit and romance, don't bother pitching your political thriller--or, if you do, play up the love story within it.

6) Type. Seems obvious. But you'd be amazed at how many people handwrite query letters. Perhaps they think it's more personal and will make them stand out. It isn't, and it won't. It'll just make the agent doubt your professionalism and strain his/her eyes trying to decipher your handwriting.

7) Get the agent's name right. You'd also be amazed at how many letters I got addressed to someone at a different agency, or with my name spelled wrong, or the name of my agency spelled wrong. Carelessness is not impressive. And while agents know you're pitching your manuscript to other agents, they don't want to feel as if they're getting a form letter.

8) Don't make it a form letter. Sure, it takes time to personalize, and you don't need to go overboard and ask how Literary Agent Smith's three daughters are, but this is another way homework can help. Find a book they've represented that's similar to yours and tell them you truly enjoyed it. One sentence--then go into the form letter part.

9) Don't compare your manuscript to bestsellers. It's not The Da Vinci Code meets The Devil Wears Prada. It's not the perfect vehicle for Harrison Ford and Nicole Kidman. If you want, mention other books by way of genuine comparison, or suggest an actor to help paint a picture of a character. But leave out the overblown marketing predictions.

10) If you've written 18 unpublished manuscripts, don't say so. That'll only make agents ask why none of the 18 have been published. On the other hand, if you've had as much as a short story published in your college's literary journal, mention that. Published = good. Unpublished = irrelevant.

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On Writing

What keeps writers writing when the majority cannot depend on their craft for financial support? Aside from his non-fiction collection of essays, how many novels has Jonathan Franzen written since his meteoric rise to stardom for The Corrections, for which he deservedly received the 2001 National Book Award?

With hundreds of thousands of writers vying for space in cyberspace, struggling to get a foot in the door of an agent, or heaven forbid a publisher, isn't it remarkable that, with the exception of a few hardy souls, the same handful of authors appear on the New York Times Best Seller list month after month? One of my favorite writers of contemporary thrillers, Ken Follett, produces a quality novel once every three or four years. It's taking him considerably longer to research and write the sequel to his historical fiction masterwork, Pillars of The Earth.

Clearly, the publishing world has become mega corporate moneymaking where, in the words of one of its mega CEOs, you "publish or perish." There is only one reason to write a book today: for PROFIT through the cookie-cutter culture of American consumerism.

So what's a writer to do? A few years ago I watched an interview with the late Anthony Quinn. When asked why he became an actor he replied, "I didn't know what else to do. In fact I didn't even know how to act. But I studied pros like Lawrence Olivier, I worked hard and I was a lucky s-b."

No doubt luck plays a role in everyone's life. But there is no such thing as good luck or bad luck. Luck is destiny. Sometimes we think that the absolute worst has just happened to us, like being left at the altar, only to find out later that it was the best thing that could have ever happened.

What's my point? Although you may not be a fan of the following author (you either love him or hate him), he is one of the most prolific and successful writers in America today. And he did it the hard way. Here are a few of his quotes.

"When asked, 'how do you write?' I invariably answer, 'one word at a time.'"

"Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work."

"No, it's not a very good story. Its author was too busy listening to other voices to listen as closely as he should have to the one coming from inside."

If you're clueless as to whose pearls of wisdom these are, I suggest you read his book, On Writing. In addition to William Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White's Elements of Style, which we must own and read again and again, Stephen King's On Writing is the one of the most straightforward and enjoyable lessons in how to write plain, compelling prose.

Your eyes won't glaze over. You will celebrate being a reader and writer. You will enjoy the effort you make to get better, and you will never give up because there is nothing you would rather do with your life.

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Developing a Publisher's Mindset

I have had 28 books published by major publishers such as HarperCollins, John Wiley and Sons, W.W. Norton, Penguin and others. When I first became involved in writing and publishing trade books (publishing industry jargon referring to books for a general audience), I had an author's mindset. That is, I was thinking like an author. "Once they see my proposal, they will realize this will be a great book and they will want to publish it." Sometimes I sold my proposed books and sometimes I didn't.

But after some years and some experience trying to sell book ideas that didn't sell or trying to get a new agent and failing, I began to realize that I needed to understand and speak to the agent's needs and interests (and in turn the publisher's needs and interests) as well.

I need to build the business case for the book as well as make sure the proposal showed how unique my book idea was and why there was a group of readers who would be likely to buy it.

These three considerations are what I call in my book writing and publishing courses:
Platform, positioning, and population.

Platform is a publishing industry buzzword that roughly translates into your:
Marketing abilities

Marketing plans

Marketing channels


Portfolio of previous accomplishments

Positioning involves where your book will be positioned within the bookstore and the book market in general. This includes what genre the book belongs to (romance, detective/thriller, self-help, spiritual, inspirational, how-to, and so on) and how it is different from other similar books.

Population can be viewed as a subset of Positioning in thaqt it help define who exactly your readers will be. Most newbie or wannabe writers say their book is "for everyone." It is hard to market to everyone and the publisher will not be swayed by this stance. Better to narrow your market. For example, there are lots of books about stress management out there, but how about "Stress Management for New Parents" or Stress Management for the Newly Retired"? Narrowing the population may be by age, geographic location, interest group or anything else that segments and differentiates your potential reader from all readers.

Mastering these three aspects of pitching your book project decreases the likelihood of agents and editors rejecting your book, not for its content or topic, but for other reasons. Please learn about these important topics before you submit your book.

Hope this helps in getting your book written and published.

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Does Your Book Have a Chance?

Make Sure Your Book Has Potential Before Writing It!

"Crazy" Lives...

We've all known people who talk about their "crazy" lives, which, 99 out of 100, is just a life like most other lives, or, at the very least, certainly not some Oprah-worthy existence. They exclaim, "I should write a book; no one would believe it." Yeah, and no offense, but I'd wager no one would buy it, either. What we think is absolutely fascinating about our life is rarely so for others. So, Rule #1 of the SP game, and part and parcel of the whole Sales and Marketing discussion here is this:

Write a Book People Will Want to Read.

Painfully obvious, right? Total no-brainer? Well, as we've all discovered, few things are no-brainers, especially this one. A corollary to this rule is: Don't let ego or vanity ("Hooowee, I'm going to be an author!") cloud your judgment and keep you from asking yourself the tough questions to determine if your proposed subject matter is indeed salable. Remember: a garage full of books is an amazingly ego-boosting sight for about two hours. Tops.

Don't Go "Book Blind"!

Put another way, don't succumb to what I'll call "book blindness," a common affliction of first-time self-publishers and even some more experienced folks: when you become so enamored with the idea that you've written a book and you're so intimately attuned to how much blood, sweat and tears went into its creation (and by extension, how "incredible" you know it is) that you lose sight of the fact that your market doesn't know any of this and needs to be sold on all of it. That means content, cover, title, subtitle, editing, and everything else that contributes to a successful title - in the market's opinion, not yours.

What's the Payoff?

Let's look at a clear-cut example of a book people want to read: a Top 10 title on The New York Times fiction best-seller list. What makes such a book so popular? With non-fiction titles, the subject is undoubtedly topical and compelling, and the information is sufficiently valuable to enough people to translate to commercial success.

With fiction though, it's likely the draw of a marquee author. What makes those authors so popular? Well, you could safely say that their books strike a common chord in enough readers with compelling story-telling, rich character development, recurring themes or heroes/heroines (in the case of a series), authentic depictions of human nature, etc.

Simply put, for a book to become a best seller, enough people have to feel there's a payoff: a feeling that's pleasurable or familiar, something they can relate to on some fundamental level, etc. Will your book deliver that crucial payoff?

Tune in to WRII-FM

All writing, if it's to be effective (i.e., get through to your reader), must always consider the audience, as we just discussed. Throughout the entire self-publishing process, you'll need to keep your reader/listener/viewer constantly in mind. Choosing the right (read marketable) subject matter for your book is just the first time you'll do that.

Along the way, you'll do it on countless other occasions, as you craft: 1) email pitches to potential reviewers; 2) press releases to particular publications or associations that have specific "hot buttons"; 3) articles for print/online publications which look for specific content; 4) promotional copy, commentary and content for book signings, discussions, seminars, speeches, radio/TV interviews, other public appearances, and much more.

We need to tune our marketing minds into "WRII-FM," that unspoken question in the mind of the reader of any printed material: "What's Really In It For Me?" If the answer is, "nothing" or "not enough," then it's on to the next book on the bookshelf, email in the inbox, or article in the magazine.

How's Yours Different?

Let's assume that you've determined that your subject matter is indeed viable. Next stop? Barnes & Noble, Borders, or Amazon.com. See how many other books there are on your subject. It might be a great topic, but if there are 20 titles that deal with it already, do we really need a 21st? Yours had better be pretty darn special, and to someone other than you (and your mother...).

Plenty of Room

In the case of my first book, there was literally one book on the market on the subject of commercial writing: Secrets of a Freelance Writer, by Bob Bly. It's a very good book, in fact it was the book that got me started in the commercial writing business. Still, it was just one book. Bob's book is solid, substantive and straightforward. Mine was going to be just as meaty in its own right but more fun, whimsical and irreverent - starting with the title itself, The Well-Fed Writer, and continuing on from there.

So, clearly, I felt comfortable that there was more than enough room for another book on the subject, especially one with a different tone and approach. Most importantly, the subject matter was very compelling. I knew there were zillions of struggling or "wannabe" writers out there who would be more than a little intrigued by a book that showed them, step-by-step, how to make a handsome full-time living as a writer.

A Book Proposal?

Here's a great way to gel your thinking about the market viability of your book. About the time I'd finished my first book, and before I'd definitely decided to self-publish it, I put together a book proposal, which, of course, is the first step to pitching agents and/or publishers. But even if you've already made the decision to go the SP route, a book proposal is a wonderful way to get a reality check. It ensures that you'll think this thing through thoroughly before taking the (financial) plunge. That means figuring out what the book would cover, why there's a market for it, who would buy it, why they would buy it, what your competition is, what your expected costs will be, and much more.

Don't make the oh-so-common mistake of overestimating the appeal of a potential book idea. Perhaps you do have a great book, but a little homework now will save a lot of headaches later.

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The Alchemist - Gift Edition (Hardcover)

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The Alchemist - Gift Edition (Hardcover)

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The Alchemist - Gift Edition (Hardcover) Overviews

Like the one-time bestseller Jonathan Livingston Seagull, The Alchemist presents a simple fable, based on simple truths and places it in a highly unique situation. And though we may sniff a bestselling formula, it is certainly not a new one: even the ancient tribal storytellers knew that this is the most successful method of entertaining an audience while slipping in a lesson or two. Brazilian storyteller Paulo Coehlo introduces Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who one night dreams of a distant treasure in the Egyptian pyramids. And so he's off: leaving Spain to literally follow his dream.Along the way he meets many spiritual messengers, who come in unassuming forms such as a camel driver and a well-read Englishman. In one of the Englishman's books, Santiago first learns about the alchemists--men who believed that if a metal were heated for many years, it would free itself of all its individual properties, and what was left would be the "Soul of the World." Of course he does eventually meet an alchemist, and the ensuing student-teacher relationship clarifies much of the boy's misguided agenda, while also emboldening him to stay true to his dreams. "My heart is afraid that it will have to suffer," the boy confides to the alchemist one night as they look up at a moonless night."Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself," the alchemist replies. "And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of the search is a second's encounter with God and with eternity." --Gail Hudson --This text refers to the Hardcover edition

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The Alchemist - Gift Edition (Hardcover) CustomerReview

Wow, this book just resonates with hidden bits of wisdom and the story flows quite well. Some people said they didn't really understand the story, but it is full of priceless metaphors about life and living to the fullest. I really enjoyed the book and can understand why it has been a best seller for so long.

This specific edition is a very nice hard-cover book in a slipcase with an attached cloth bookmark. There are color illustrations throughout. The only thing that would make this book better is if it had been a leather-bound volume.

If you haven't read the story yet, you're missing out.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Mar 28, 2010 11:50:12

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El Templo/ Temple (Bestsellers) (Spanish Edition)

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El Templo/ Temple (Bestsellers) (Spanish Edition)

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Mar 27, 2010 23:40:14

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Snow Sister (Bestseller Romance)

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Snow Sister (Bestseller Romance)

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Mar 27, 2010 04:40:23

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A Pernod-Pissed Poof South of the M25

A unique glimpse into Rostov's bedsit-bound lifestyle, filmed by a high-ranking Tory MP with a fetish for fishnets, who, at the time of writing, has gone into hiding following a kiss-n-tell expose by a Brazilian rentboy with a terrible case of herpes. This harrowing, horrific ballad to booze can be found in Rostov's collected works, 'PORNO MAGS AND DESPERATE DADS', an erudite bestseller that is currently out-ranking Harry Potter in the prestigious 'Books For Benders, Bishop-Bashers and Batty Boys' list.

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From Book to Bestseller An Insiders Guide to Publicizing and Marketing Your Book!

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From Book to Bestseller An Insiders Guide to Publicizing and Marketing Your Book!

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Suspicion of Vengeance

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Suspicion of Vengeance

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   Availibility : Usually ships in 1 to 3 weeks

Suspicion of Vengeance Overviews

Twelve years ago, the brutal murder of a young wife and mother rocked the quiet coastal town of Stuart, Florida-and a local troublemaker was sentenced to death for the crime. Now, new evidence has come to light, and Miami attorney Gail Conner agrees to take the case-against the wishes of her fiancé, top criminal defense lawyer Anthony Quintana. One look at the trial transcript convinces Gail that her client was wrongfully convicted. But to save his life, she'll have to push the law to the breaking point.

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Suspicion of Vengeance Specifications

In this latest entry in Barbara Parker's series featuring lawyers Gail Connor and Anthony Quintana, Gail gets guilt-tripped by an old family retainer into taking on a case everyone else warns her is not winnable, including her boyfriend, criminal attorney Anthony. But Gail, whose legal practice is primarily civil, nevertheless agrees to represent death-row inmate Kenny Ray Clark, scheduled to die by lethal injection in less than a month. Before she's even read the trial transcript, Gail is convinced Kenny Ray didn't stab Amber Dodson to death. Once she does read it, she's even more certain that he was done in by shoddy police work and poor lawyering, if nothing else.

Gail's no slouch at doing some guilt-tripping herself. She tells her besotted sweetheart that if he really loved her he'd help with Kenny Ray's appeal, and she's not above a little sexual teasing to make her point. Anthony agrees to help, which is lucky since Gail seesaws wildly from being confident she can keep Kenny from his date with the executioner to dissolving in tears when she's certain she can't.

The real culprit is clear from the outset--it's up to Gail and Anthony to get the goods on him. Most of the heat in this thriller comes from the couple's occasional clinches and the steamy Florida weather. Anthony Quintana, Gail's complex, sexy, Cuban-American boyfriend, gets a bit more ink than usual in this outing. That will delight fans who find him as fascinating as Connor. Unfortunately, freeing an innocent man from a date with the death chamber doesn't allow enough time for Anthony to carry out his plan to accompany his ailing grandfather back to the island of his birth; fans of the series will have to wait for the next book to find out what happens when he does. --Jane Adams

Suspicion of Vengeance CustomerReview

Into NOT enjoying Barbara Parker's 6th outing for the legal couple, Anthony Quintana/Gail Connor. It is certainly a stretch to believe that Connor, a civil attorney, and a sole practitioner at that, would become involved with a death-penalty appeals case. Forgiving that, sit back and enjoy what is Parker's most ambitious and well-written tale of the series!

In it, some of the past jealousy dances over Connor's relationship with her ex-husband do not play a role, and her civil practice and single parenting responsibilities don't dominate the story line, as they have in past outings (this is positive; Quintana's jealousy does not become him). Nor does Quintana appear as self-assured and in control of situations in the "wilds" of northern Florida, as he does in his native
Miami. One of the most important and touching passages of the book deals with his realization and communication to Connor that she is a better attorney than is he, himself, because of the passion and dedication with which she serves her clients.

The client, Kenny Ray Clark, is on his final stretch of death row in Florida for a murder it becomes obvious he did not commit. Central to proving this is the role played by a new character, Jackie Bryce, a local deputy, and Connor's cousin.
Connor's family relationships are the background focus of the tale, and the sense of desperation the group feels while racing the clock to prove that someone else killed Amber Dodson and covered up the murder by blaming Kenny Ray, is palpable. Although there are a lot of victims in this tale, few are as tragic as the Mendozas, a local immigrant family who found themselves in the way of a land grab by the real perpetrator's of Amber's murder. You'll find yourself unable to put the book down as Connor and Quintana peel away the layers of the cover up, in a race against death.

Strong characterization, tense and thrilling plotline, and her signature byproduct of the incredible bond between Quintana and Connor all will heighten your enjoyment of this Parker

Read all 6, Parker is a terrific storyteller!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Mar 25, 2010 15:50:48

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Joanna Trollope talks to Sam Norman about her new found love of Chelsea Football Club!

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Ricochet (Thorndike Paperback Bestsellers)

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Ricochet (Thorndike Paperback Bestsellers)

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   Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Ricochet (Thorndike Paperback Bestsellers) Overviews

New York Times bestselling author Sandra Brown is back with a spine-tingling story of murder and betrayal -- and a homicide detective's struggle with his own rules of conduct.

When Detective Sergeant Duncan Hatcher is summoned to the home of Judge Cato Laird in the middle of the night to investigate a fatal shooting, he knows that discretion and kid-glove treatment are the key to staying in the judge's good graces and keeping his job.

At first glance, the case appears open-and-shut: Elise, the judge's trophy wife, interrupted a burglary in progress and killed the intruder in self-defense. But Duncan is immediately suspicious of Elise's innocent act. And further investigation quickly puts Duncan's career in jeopardy -- because he can't deny his increasing attraction to Elisa Laird, even if she is a married woman, a proven liar, and a murder suspect.

Ricochet's plot twists -- as only Sandra Brown can write them -- make this a gripping thriller, in which a decent cop's worst enemy may be his own conscience...and trusting the wrong person could mean the difference between life and death.

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Ricochet (Thorndike Paperback Bestsellers) CustomerReview

This was an engaging book with a well thought out, twisty plot. Though I enjoyed the book, I can understand some of the negative reviews. The biggest bone of contention seems to be that the reader is made to continuously vacillate on whether or not to believe the main female character. But, that vacillation was intentional on the part of the author and intrinsic to the concept behind the book. The story is told primarily from the point of view of the main male character. The story unfolds through his eyes. He's in love with the main female character and fights it, not knowing for sure if she can be trusted. I think this creates a lot of angsty drama and tension. If we know for sure that she can be trusted, where's the suspense? Anyway, another negative comment is that we don't get to really know the female character as well as we know the male character. That's true. But, again this is intentional. We get to know and trust her only as the main male character does. I think the book is well written and suspensful. Ms. Brown's approach to telling this story from the male's pov was quite novel (other authors tend to give us the female pov or to let us into the heads of both characters). Though I was able to guess the ultimate outcome at the beginning of the book, the book still kept my interest until the end.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Mar 24, 2010 15:30:12

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Shroud for a lady: Originally published under the title : The wrong way down (Bestseller mystery)

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Shroud for a lady: Originally published under the title : The wrong way down (Bestseller mystery)

   Availibility : N/A

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Mar 23, 2010 10:00:09

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Obsession (Thorndike Paperback Bestsellers)

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Obsession (Thorndike Paperback Bestsellers)

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   Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Obsession (Thorndike Paperback Bestsellers) Overviews

A woman survives a horrific attempt on her life, only to feel like a stranger in her own home, in the electrifying new novel from New York Times-bestselling author Karen Robards.

The house is all wrong. Her clothes are all wrong. When Katharine Lawrence recovers consciousness on the kitchen floor, staggers to her feet and looks at herself in the mirror, the beautiful face staring back at her is familiar-but wrong. Despite all the evidence-her pictures are all over the apartment, the clothes in the closets are the right size, and it's her hair caught in the brush atop the dresser-everything feels wrong.

Maybe the trauma of the attempt on her life has given her some kind of amnesia. She's twenty-nine, the special assistant to the head of the National Security Agency, and she's lucky to be alive. She also knows she can trust no one.

Before she can act on her instincts and run for her life, CIA Agent Nick Huston arrives on the scene. The CIA is conducting a special investigation of Katharine's boss, and the mystified woman in her "unreal" house is the key to the operation. But the real Katharine Lawrence has been whisked away for debriefing, and this expendable lookalike, Jenna Hill, is being used until the CIA gets the information it needs. But no one counted on Jenna Hill's outrage at being used. And no one-least of all Nick-could have anticipated the heat that flares between them as the game plays on.

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Antiquarian Books

Do all used book stores carry Antiquarian Books? What about rare books? What about out of print books?

What is an antiquarian book?

The antiquarian book trade in the United States is an aspect of book collecting and publishing. The term antiquarian, in general, refers to antiquities and collectible items usually considered old and rare, usually in reference to books, but not limited to books.

Well, sometimes that is open for debate, but usually anything from the 1920's back could be considered antiquarian. But, it has to be a collectible book. What is a collectible book? Another good question. A collectible book is one that has proven the test of time, and is always in great demand, and creates a situation where the first printings become more valuable to book collectors.

John Steinbeck is a good example. Any of his books bring a premium if they are in first edition or even in second condition. However, a lot of people would consider this to be no more then a modern first edition.

So, books before the turn of the century, that are collectible, that have historic value, are considered for the most part to be antiquarian. Here is three examples.

Theodore Roosevelt. Autograph manuscript signed. 1918. Autograph manuscript draft of the essay, "The Great Adventure," signed by Teddy Roosevelt. Handsomely framed with a contemporary broadside edition of the essay. $60,000.

FITZGERALD, F. Scott.Tender is the Night. New York, 1934. First edition, in scarce original first-issue dust jacket, boldly signed by Fitzgerald. A lovely, bright copy. $75,000

Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction. Washington, 1863. First public notice of the December 8, 1863 Presidential proclamation offering amnesty to citizens of the Confederacy, providing they take an oath that they "will abide by and faithfully support all proclamations of the President made during the existing rebellion having reference to slaves" (i.e. the Emancipation Proclamation). $26,000

So, jump right in. Yes, it can get expensive, but there not printing anymore of these books so the investment is considered to good. However, great responsibility goes with a purchase like this.

Collectible books, and antiquarian books is a time consuming passion for those who want to invest. You can start very small and build a nice investment portfolio over a period of years.

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Graham Hancock - Quest for the Lost Civilization 9-14

This documentary is a breathtaking odyssey, stretching from the pyramids of ancient Egypt to South American ruins. From Easter Island to Angkor Wat, Graham Hancock puts forward compelling evidence to suggest that cultures we term ancient were in fact the heirs to an older lost civilization. GRAHAM HANCOCK is the author of the major international bestsellers The Sign and The Seal, Fingerprints of the Gods and Heaven's Mirror. His books have sold more than five million copies worldwide and have been translated into 27 languages. His public lectures and TV appearances, including the three-hour series Quest For The Lost Civilisation, have put his ideas before audiences of tens of millions. He has become recognised as an unconventional thinker who raises legitimate questions about humanity's history and prehistory and offers an increasingly popular challenge to the entrenched views of orthodox scholars. Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, Hancock's early years were spent in India, where his father worked as a surgeon. Later he went to school and university in the northern English city of Durham and graduated from Durham University in 1973 with First Class Honours in Sociology. He went on to pursue a career in quality journalism, writing for many of Britain's leading newspapers including The Times, The Sunday Times, The Independent, and The Guardian. He was co-editor of New Internationalist magazine from 1976-1979 and East Africa correspondent of The Economist from 1981-1983. In the ...

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J K Rowling Bio

J.K.Rowling was born in Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire 1965. She spent part of her childhood in Gloucestershire and then in South Wales. At school she did well in English, arts and poetry, but did not excel in sports. At the strong encouragement of her parents she took a degree in English at the University of Essex. This enabled her to spend a year in Paris, although she later regretted not having studied English. On finishing university she worked for several years in London. This included a job with Amnesty International.

J K Rowling and Harry Potter

The inspiration for writing Harry Potter came on a delayed train journey from London to Manchester. It was on this unremarkable train journey that she became flooded with the inspiration of; magicians, Hogwarts, Harry Potter and magic trains. J.K.Rowling tells how on the journey she didn't have a pen; also she was too shy to ask a passenger to borrow one. However on arriving in Manchester she began immediately on writing the first draft of Harry Potter. These early writings got redrafted several times over the course of the next few years, but the characters and basic plot had already taken shape.

A significant feature in the main character of Harry Potter, is the fact that an early age he gets orphaned. He misses his mother and father a lot and this becomes an important theme throughout the Harry Potter series. By coincidence shortly after beginning the writing of Harry Potter J.K.Rowling lost her own mother from multiple sclerosis. This was a heavy blow to J.K.Rowling. It also gave her additional empathy with her main character, Harry Potter.

It took several years for J.K.Rowling to finish the first book in the series "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone " During this time she spent a couple of years in Portugal were she briefly married before divorcing after being thrown out of the house by her husband. Through this first marriage J.K.Rowling had her first child, which she had to bring up by herself on returning to the UK.

However despite having a full time teaching job and being a single mother J.K.Rowling eventually finished her first book and sent it off to book agents. After several refusals by big company's (how they must be ruing their decision now!) the book was taken on by Bloomsbury, who at the time were quite small in the publishing world.

The book was released and immediately became a big bestseller. It sold well not just amongst children but adults as well. In fact the first book was later brought out with a special adults cover so readers would not be embarrassed with reading a "children's book" As the Harry Potter series progressed the books became increasingly wide ranging in their appeal. J.K.Rowling has received numerous awards for her Harry Potter series.

J.K.Rowling finished the final and 7th book in the Harry Potter series in Dec 2006. The book titled "The Deathly Hallows" will be released in July 2007.

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Peter Cole interviewed by Edward Hirsch, Clip 2

The recipient of a 2007 macarthur Foundation Fellowship, Peter Cole is the author of three books of poetry, most recently, Things on Which Ive Stumbled. He has translated widely from Hebrew and Arabic, and has received numerous awards for his work, including the PEN Translation Prize and a Guggenheim Fellowship. His anthology The Dream of the Poem: Hebrew Poetry from Muslim and Christian Spain, 9501492 received the university press book of the year award from the American Publishers Association. Co-founder and publisher of Ibis Editions, he divides his time between Israel and the US Cole was interviewed by macarthur Fellow Edward Hirsch, President of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation and author of over ten books of poetry and prose, including the national bestseller How to Read a Poem and Fall in Love with Poetry This bomblive! was filmed in the Broolkyn Public Librarys Dweck Auditorium on October 22, 2008.

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From the impoverished hills of Corleone to the bustling streets of 1920's Detroit, Karen Tintori unravels her Sicilian immigrant family's tale of secrets, honor and love.

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10 Things to Do Before I Die

Although I am now finishing up my seventh decade of a most exciting and fulfilling life, I am planning for the future, as I do every January. I take this exciting trip of the mind, soul, and body (in spite of two malignancies and a pair of knee prostheses) in the spirit of George Bernard Shaw who said:

"When I die, I want to be all used up."

My list looks like this, complete with some sort of rationale for each, and in parentheses my best guess for the probability of their successful completion:

1) Summit Mt. Aconcagua: I reached 21,600 ft. in 1996 and 21,700 ft. in 2002. Unfortunately, as the highest peak outside of Asia, the peak is at 22,800 ft (6,962 meters). My wife, Elaine, notes that if I get an additional 100 ft. every 6 years, I will summit at the age of 135! (5%)

2) Summit Mt. Cotopaxi: I have never been to Ecuador, which is reason enough to go, but at 19,347 ft. (5,897 meters) the summit might be attainable in spite of my maturity (age) and low testosterone (effects of therapy for prostate cancer). (35%)

3) Swim with the snow monkeys in Japan: This probably illegal, dangerous, and foolish, but every time I see their photos, as a Scorpio (life being focused on water, fire, and sex...not necessarily in that order) I am lured, at least re: the water part.(35%)

4) Take the Trans-Siberian Railway trip: Since I have been to Russia, climbed Mt. Elbrus in the Caucasus Mountains, at 18,510 ft. (5642 meters) the highest mountain in Europe, and have spent a month in China, it is time to link the two. (75%)

5) Write a NY Times #1 Bestseller: I have written five books, including Optimize Your Life! which is an international best-seller (the Chinese publisher's edition was on the Book-of-the-Month Club). For motivation, I have pasted the book title and my name over the #1 slot of a copy of the NY Times best-seller list, and I "visualize" it every day as I brush my teeth. (wow! and priceless!)

6) Keynote fee of $10,000: One of my great mentors, the late Dottie Walters, said that I was a "$10,000 keynote." I'm working at it, Dottie! (50%)

7) Closer relationship with, my wife, Elaine: After my "near-death" and rescue on Mt. Washington in New Hampshire I realized that the Elaine would have been the real victim, if I had died or become permanently disabled. (100%)

8) Enjoy my/our new sexuality: What age fails to do to undermine one's sexuality, anti-hormone therapy, radical surgery, chemotherapy, and external beam radiation will. However, as a result of trips to India and Nepal, we have learned (and mastered to some degree) Tantric sex, etc. Scorpio lives. All we need is the fire, which we have in a fire pit in our Zen garden. (100%)

9) Tune up my body/mind/soul: As I now struggle to complete my book, What Better Place to Die, based on my Mt. Washington misadventure, I am keeping a "promise" I made while I was on that mountain. (100%)

10) Finish the other five "promises" I made Mt. Washington: to be insensitive to negative criticism, to get rid of non-productive real estate, to make amends with some key people, and to better network with key people from my past... write the book. (100%)

That's my list. What is on your list...and why?

Since childhood, my value system has been basically Judeo-Christian, although I have become quite eclectic over the years. As a Buddhist, should I "stop striving? As a Hindu should I graciously enter the fourth phase of life and "become a sannyasin, a wandering hermit, seeking only spiritual enlightenment?" Psychologist Abraham Maslow in Hierarchy of Needs described the ultimate phase of one's life as self-actualization, that is, going beyond the basics of life and finding one's single "calling" and heeding it. Single calling... how about ten?

In Worth Magazine in 1999, Edward Sussman wrote an article, "24 Things to Do before You Die" which focused mostly on interviews with celebrities. Grand Dame, Brooke Astor advised one to "be gracious to someone you despise." CNN economics guru Lou Dobbs suggested that you "thank someone instrumental in your success," while author George Plimpton advised us all to "go on a quest."

You may not be able to run away with the circus at this stage in your life, but you can sneak off for a window of time, time well chosen and spent, time that will expand your horizons, time in which to create powerful memories.

Enjoy the journey! Do it now!

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Blind Date (Bestseller Romance) CustomerReview

Hi i just want you too know this is a great book and anyone that wants too read a very nice will written book will enjoy this one.That is why i give this book a 5 because it is worth it and it is a great read..
And expert on this book Goes like this "Men should be kept barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen" this question was ask by Adam when asking the 3 ladies this question what is your opinion of men's liberation? this is peggy's reply..Enjoy this wonderfull witty book because when you pick it up you know this is a keeper.

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In NEW MOON BISS ZUR MITTAGSSTUNDE, dem zweiten Film nach Stephenie Meyers enorm erfolgreicher Bestsellerreihe erreicht die Romanze zwischen einer Sterblichen und einem Vampir neue Höhen, wenn Bella Swan (KRISTEN STEWART) für einen flüchtigen Blick auf Vampir Edward (ROBERT PATTINSON), ihre große Liebe, das Schicksal herausfordert. Während sie die Mysterien dieser übernatürlichen Welt ergründet, der sie so sehr auch selbst angehören möchte, entdeckt sie einige uralte Geheimnisse, die sie größeren Gefahren aussetzen als je zuvor. Kurz nach Bellas 18. Geburtstag fällt Edward den Entschluss, sie zu verlassen, um sie zu beschützen. Mit gebrochenem Herz taumelt Bella wie eine Schlafwandlerin, betäubt und einsam, durch ihr letztes Jahr an der High School, bis sie entdeckt, dass sie Edward sehen, er ihr erscheinen kann, wenn sie sich in große Gefahr begibt. Ihr Wunsch, ihn um jeden Preis um sich haben zu können, treibt sie dazu, immer größere Risiken auf sich zu nehmen, wozu auch eine neue Vorliebe für Hochgeschwindigkeitsspritztouren mit dem Motorrad gehört. Mit Hilfe von Jacob Black (TAYLOR LAUTNER), ihrem Freund aus gemeinsamen Kindertagen, der dem mysteriösen Stamm der Quileute angehört, bringt Bella ein Motorrad für ihre abenteuerlichen Touren wieder in Schuss. Nach und nach erwärmt sich Bellas vereistes Herz durch die aufkeimende Beziehung zu Jacob, der selbst ein übernatürliches Geheimnis in sich trägt. Als Bella eines Tages allein über eine Wiese geht, steht sie ...

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John Perkins's classic exposé, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, spent over 70 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list and is published in more than 30 languages. His follow-up, The Secret History of the American Empire, provides a plan for creating a sustainable, just, and peaceful world. He is the author of Shapeshifting, The World Is As You Dream It, and other books on indigenous cultures and personal transformation; is a founder and board member of Dream Change and The Pachamama Alliance, nonprofit organizations devoted to establishing a world our children will want to inherit; and has lectured at universities in many countries. www.johnperkins.org prisonplanet.tv

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How to Save Money on a Tight Budget

Saving money can be particularly during an economic downturn. But there are many money-saving strategies that can boost your bank account and help you save thousands of dollars over the course of a year. Here are some ideas:

· Save on Your Current Housing

Some of the ways you can cut your existing housing costs are to get a roommate, rent out a room, and cut back on decorations and upgrades. Needless to say, if you rent, and you decide to bring in another tenant, make sure you're not violating any provisions of your rental or lease agreement.

· Save on Your Car

Lowering your transportation expenses isn't always easy, but it can be done. If you live in a city with reliable public transportation, like New York or Boston, and you don't actually need a car, consider selling it to raise cash. If you have a car and need to keep it, start following these cost-cutting tips.

Take account of all the expenses involved with having a car: your monthly car payment, gas and maintenance charges, insurance, parking, and so forth. See if you can renegotiate any of your current costs or shop around for better deals. For instance, if you're paying $50 a month for parking at your apartment complex, can you park it outside the building and get a $50 discount from your landlord? (Obviously, you only want to do this if it's relatively safe for your car to be parked on the street, as well as safe for you to enter your building from outside.) Then there's insurance. Ask your insurer about any discounts for which you might be eligible: good driver discounts, lower rates for taking a defensive driving course, or even decreased premiums for having an alarm system or antitheft device. Also, by raising your insurance deductibles, you can save 10% to 25% off of your annual premiums.

· Save Money on Food

Avoid wasting money on the things that can really blow your budget like eating out frequently. I'm not only talking about restaurants. I don't have to tell you the impact of spending $50 or $75 for dinner for two. I'm talking about eating out at fast food places, or spending what seems like small change on local delis and the like. If you're not careful, before you know it that "chump change" can really add up.

For starters, stop making your daily run for coffee and donuts or a bagel and juice before work. Many people spend about five dollars a day on these items, which equals $100 dollars a month, or $1,200 a year. Just as bad are those trips to the vending machine for junk food each day at work. If you spend $3 a day on these small items, eliminating those purchases saves $900 in a year.

At the grocery store, use coupons and choose your purchases based on the price per unit for everything from toiletries to food products, and take advantage of sales and reward cards from retailers who offer discounts to repeat customers.

· Save Money on Medicine

When it comes to medicine, you don't need brand-name products. Get generic drugs from your doctor or pharmacist. By law, generic drugs have the identical chemical makeup and active ingredients as brand-name medications-without the hefty price tag. The typical brand-name prescription costs $100, while the average generic drug is just $30, a 70% difference. If you hit the pharmacy once a month, in the span of a year you'll save $840 just by using generic drugs instead of brand-name prescription drugs.

· Save Money By Kicking Bad Habits

If you have a habit that's hurting you, financially or health-wise, it's high time you kicked that habit. Take cigarettes as a case in point. The average pack of cigarettes costs $4, excluding state taxes. If you smoke two packs a day, that adds up to $10 daily (taxes included) just for the "pleasure" of sucking on a nicotine stick! Do your best to rid yourself of that bad habit. If you can, you'll save $300 dollars a month or $3,600 dollars a year, not to mention the savings you'll reap from fewer medical bills.

· Save Money on Utilities

Being a lot more conscientious about your habits around the house can help you save thousands of dollars on utilities. Here's how to be savvier in this area. Unplug appliances when you're not using them. That goes for toaster, coffee maker, blender, and other appliances. Leaving them plugged in is just draining power and wasting money unnecessarily. If you make a habit of unplugging these items, you'll save 10% on your energy bills. The same thing goes for wasting energy by having so many lights on in the house. Turn off lights when you leave a room. Also, switch high-watt bulbs to lower-wattage ones or fluorescent bulbs to save even more money. Lower your hot water costs by up to 50% just by taking showers instead of baths. Only run your dishwasher, clothes washer, and dryer when they're full for additional savings on your utility costs.

· Save Money on Clothes

Do you want to save money on clothes? Well, if you must go shopping, go when there's a sale, or use those store coupons that come in the mail or that you can find in the newspaper in which your favorite retailer advertises. Additionally, save yourself money by simply shopping around. Take advantage of some really great deals you can find on the Internet. Quit always buying designer labels - especially for children's clothes. Places like H&M and Target have really cute clothes, too, and usually no one will ever know that you bought that nice pair of jeans from a discount store or an outlet.

Notice that if you follow all these tips, you can save many thousands of dollars annually - a hefty reward in today's challenging economy.

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Like Colour to the Blind: Soul Searching and Soul Finding

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Like Colour to the Blind: Soul Searching and Soul Finding

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Like Colour to the Blind: Soul Searching and Soul Finding Overviews

Like Colour to the Blind is the third of three autobiographies in which Donna Williams recounts the story of her struggle with autism. She writes about how it has shaped her world and the way in which she attempts to break through to the other side. 'I'm a culture looking for a place to happen' she writes in Somebody Somewhere, the sequel to Nobody Nowhere (which reached the bestseller list when published as a trade paperback). The search for this 'place' is central to Donna's survival in an unsympathetic, ignorant world that fails to comprehend her version of normality. Her life story is a landmark in the literature of mental health and gives a unique perspective on living with autism from the inside.

In Nobody Nowhere, she describes the desolation of the first twenty-five years of her life, before discovering the word 'autism' - a label which brought with it some answers and the hope of a sense of belonging. Somebody Somewhere takes up the thread of her story at the point where Nobody Nowhere left off: her ongoing battle to overcome the compulsions and obsessions of autism, and her increasingly successful efforts to lead a normal life, despite her condition.

Like Colour to the Blind tells the story of Donna's relationship with Ian, a man with difficulties similar to her own. She describes how they learn to admit and live with their feelings for one another, as they search for a true sense of self.

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Like Colour to the Blind: Soul Searching and Soul Finding CustomerReview

Autistic author Donna Williams never knew what it was to feel her hand and her leg at the same time let alone experience herself and other person within one moment of processing. Nor did she know the difference between real felt communication and the push button learned 'talking doll' responses and charicatures that made up almost all of her so called 'purposeful' communication and actions with others.

Now, in her new relationship with Ian, an Asexual man with 'multiple personalities' and somewhere on the Autistic Spectrum, finding out what is real from what is not becomes their life's quest.

With hilarious and reckless results they develop an NLP like strategy called 'checking' which appeals only to the feeling part of the brain and gets around stored learned responses. This 'checking' essentially triggers the thoughts, feelings and choices of the 'real self' buried under society-endorsed robotic facades and socially reinforced learned charicatures.

Like chainsaws in the rainforest of their lives, they pledge to follow through at all costs with what they find are their real wants and likes. The results are that they throw out much of the household furniture, their clothes, the contents of the cupboards and then realise they want to be married (but fail to check that it is actually to each other!) so, within a two week very Autistic marriage preparation, they recklessly marry one another!

Intertwined with their hilarious and surreal story is the story of their friendship with Alex, a functionally non-verbal teenager who knows all about being rather multiple, Autistic and out of control of one's own appearance, utterances and actions. Alex has just managed to communicate for the first time in his life through typing and afraid of being left behind by his reckless friends, he pleads movingly with great power and beauty through this only voice he has, not to be left behind. Along the way Donna, Ian and Alex all journey into the world of Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome and discover the world beyond visual fragmentation, meaning blindness, face blindness and fragmented bodies as they see each other and the world as cohesive, whole and three dimensional for the first time.

You will laugh and you will cry, you will cringe and you will cheer your way through Like Color To The Blind.

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