
What is a Virtual Book Tour?

If you've written a book, or you're in the process of writing a book, at some point you will want to conduct a virtual book tour. A tour implies you are going from place to place. But when you do this virtually, you are just posting information to a variety of blogs. So, most virtual book tours are actually blog tours.

To set up a virtual blog tour, you simply arrange to have various blog owners email you with a few interview questions about you and your book. You answer these questions and email them back to the blog owner and he/she posts this interview on his/her blog on a specific date.

Do this with several blog owners, all within a specific time period - a couple of days, a week, or even a month - and voila! You've got a virtual book tour.

When you find blog owners who have very popular blogs, thousands of people can be reading about you and your book throughout your tour. And the best part is, you can be sitting at home in your pajamas, working on your NEXT book, while they're doing it.

To make book sales from your tour, add a link to amazon.com or your publisher's site, or your own website - just anywhere readers can purchase your book online.

While you're at it, schedule appearances on a variety of Internet radio shows that feature guest authors. Do these shows within a specified time period, then post the schedule on your blog so your readers can listen in. If you do this in connection with a virtual blog tour, you can post your radio appearance schedule on each blog. That way, once people read about you and your book on a particular blog, they can tune in and listen to your interview on one or more of the radio shows.

There are many ways to conduct a virtual book tour. Use your imagination. But always try to connect with hosts on your tour who already have a large audience of the types of readers, listeners, or visitors you are trying to reach.

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