The Query Letter Content, Non-Fiction
In previous publications, we have explained why the professionals prefer short, succinct query letters, and how they present. It's time to examine the letter to question the contents.
Should try for the letters, use:
A business-type letter paper, your name and contact information, basic white or cream-colored 8 ½ x 11-inch paper a standard document that can be read easily avoided;, scripts and other writings, which are often difficult to read, even ifThey think they are eye-catching 10 - or 12-point font in black ink, envelope, 1 ½ inch margins at the top and bottom, and at least 1 inch on the sides of a storage self-addressed stamped with the right amount of expenses Shipping all attachments sent your query letter should be written on good quality paper and black ink. Do not get fancy or, worse yet, cute. Avoid bright colors, borders greenhouse or other features that distract from your message.
Strive for brevity andClarity. Make your letter short, well written and on point. Your main objective should be to get your foot in the door and around the publication curious enough to ask us more about your book. The best way to do this is to communicate clearly and professionally, the specificity of your book ideas clear and simple, easily understandable English.
Be sure to have researched, so that your letter is not for the immediate dismissal of the title: "An immediate departure, when I have oneStudy shows that the writer, not do enough research, "said Edward Knappman agent, New England Publishing Associates." When I receive a call regarding a novel, it is clear that they have not done enough research to know that we do not care about fiction. If they are not our agency, the first thing I ask is explored, "How can that not enough research for the book?"
For an instant turn-off occurs when the name of the representative or the company name is incorrect. Amazingly, the agents havetold us, like spelling mistakes are all too common.
A non-fiction letter of request must include:
A close result set, you can describe your book. The lead sentence should be a grabber that hooks the reader and makes him really want to read further. To send the form of lead.
Enter the title, length, and what the book is about. Questions / answers, statistics and anecdotes opening phrase can also be effective. Explain why you chose this agent or a publisher of the query. Could be thatthe agent or publisher who has been recommended by one of the authors, or that you loved a book that he or she considers that you think is similar to your book. Agents and editors are able to respond positively to the authors who have done their homework and know something about them and their work.
Keep leads to the fact that two or two and a half lines. With you it's your turn to lead, or other important information that does not fit into your principal will have to add you add a brief sentence of no more than a line ortwo. If you have a celebrity status, work in the lead or rate.
One or two points of support and strengthen leadership.
a. provide further details on:
i. the subject of the book
ii. Because your book is something special, or is different from other books
iii. the market for the book
iv. as the book is organized or formatted
v. Consequently, the interests of publishers and
b. Emphasize that your book will solve the problems and concrete ways to helpReaders.
c. Contain facts or statistics that show the size of the potential market for your book.
d. State if the manuscript was written, or if you plan to accomplish.
3. His biography. Not just with your standard CV or just highlight the educational and business background, but to show why it should be highly qualified to write this book. Enter your past writing credits, awards in your field and your platform. They sell not just say that!
4. A summaryStatement. We thank the recipient for his time and offer to send additional material, such a proposal, sample chapters, or the manuscript.
Write a formula applicable to your book, which many call a speech "lift" because in the time it takes to be delivered to go from first to second floor. Your sound bite should contain a brief description that you roll in ten to fifteen seconds. If you refine your slogan, you can use when looking for agents and publishers,To write book proposals and talk with other people your book.
If the sound bite, remember to write for the observation of theater impresario David Belasco: "If you write your idea on the back of my card that you have clear ideas."