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My Love for Bestseller Books
I always make sure that I spend money on things that I would not feel guilty about later. This means that I'm not the type of person who goes on shopping sprees at the mall and buy things that I'll never actually wear. I can proudly say that I don't live a lavish life with material possessions that I have no need for.
However, books seem to be my weakness because I spend a lot of my money on them. You can often see me spending most of my time in a bookstore. I feel like I'm in heaven when I walk into Borders or Barnes and Noble and see the bestseller books aisle. A person can never have too many books or read too much in my opinion.
I'm very capable of recommending a particular author to my friends and family because I've read so many bestseller books. In fact, many of my coworkers know that they don't need to go out and purchase the bestseller books they're dying to read. After all, they can simply wait for a few weeks and then they can borrow my books.
About five years ago, I joined the Literary Guild book club and have long since fulfilled my required obligation. I love the fact that I can get most of the bestseller books for half the cost by joining the club. I can read a book in a weekend if it is worth reading.
Through the years, I have learned that bestseller books are not always the best books on the market. I've been won over by new authors or little known authors after I read so many of their books. I've passed those books onto coworkers who have also have never heard of the authors. Many of them agree that these less known books are much better than the some of the bestseller books that are on the market.
I think that some well-known authors' books go straight to the bestseller shelves simply because of the prominence of the author. It's not fair but I guess that's just the way the market seems to work. Now, I'm not condemning the bestseller books that are on the market because I'm just criticizing the system.
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Book Cover Design - Do You Know How Self Publishers and Book Designers Can Make a Great Team?
To all self publishing authors and book designers, "You're a team! " You each bring strengths to the table when you meet. It's amazing how it happens when it happens. The call comes in to the designer and the conversation goes like this... "I'm self publishing my book and I don't know anything about it, but my manuscript will be back from the editors next week and I just ordered my ISBN... HELLO! That doesn't sound like they don't know anything... only that they feel they are unfamiliar with the design process. Which is easily taken care of by asking and answering questions, inspiring conversations.
1. Strengths Where writing is the authors' strength and passion... design and imagery is the designers. Which when you think of it is really a process of parts and pieces that fit neatly together like a wonderfully inspired puzzle. The design part is what catches the customers attention and motivates the customer to pick up the book, turn it over or open it up to read the authors part, and eventually purchase it... the customer is mesmerized by the combination of passions of both author and designer if only on a subconscious level.
This is the response both author and designer desire and work to achieve. One cannot function without the other. There are as many ways to accomplish this as there are people doing it, each with their own style and technique for getting the attention. And fiction and non-fiction books have a unique look and feel to them as well. It's important that your vision is achieved.
2. Pricing and Services For some authors, price is important in choosing the designer to work with. Pricing is as unique to each designer as writing is to each author. Some designers find that a flat rate works best, where others price with a base rate for production time and special services are added and priced based on the work and time they will take. One is not better than the other just different, like each book is different. And as it applies for the authors specific book project is how the choice is made.
3. Matches that work What is important for the author is that the recipe of the two of them fits. The phone conversations, the advice freely given, tone of voice, suggestions and responsiveness. Does their pricing expectations, time-line, ways-of-doing business and focus match. A good action for an author to take is to make a list of what's important for their book cover or interior design and use the list when contacting designers as a base for their discussions.
The coming together of author and designer is the last step before the actualization of the book by printing. Their chemistry working together to create a book is an amazing feeling. And when this happens the outcome is a book cover that represents an artful experience to the reader.
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50 Stratgies to Market Your Books
It is no secret that a successful book is five percent writing, and 95% promotion! You could even compare creating a best-selling book to running a marathon, with each year of your life promoting your book, representing one mile run towards your 26-mile journey. Most authors are not willing to do what it takes successfully market their book.
Therefore, it is no wonder that the Publishers Market Association reports that 98% of authors will never sell more than 2,000 copies of their book. Self-publishing guru, Dan Poynter compares promoting a successful book to spending 18 years raising your child.
In the last seven years of selling over 125,000 copies of my book, I have executed most all of the strategies listed below in one form or another. Some have worked very well, and others not so well, but all have worked! You need to decide which marketing strategies best fit your personality, and which will help you achieve your book goals as quickly as possible.
Remember, if you don't stand up and tell the world about your book, then no one else will. Dan Poynter states that best-seller status is achieved when and author sell 35,000 copies of their book. I challenge you to implement these strategies so that you can turn your book into a best-seller.
1. Join to get world wide media attention for your book
2. Do a Book Trailer with and post on your web site
3. Get your book distributed in bookstores world wide via Book Clearinghouse
4. Get your book listed on
5. Place your book cover image on the flip side of your business card
6. Convert your book into an E-Book
7. Get a customize license plate frame for your car with your web address listed
8. Place your books face out in window displays at bookstores (reverse stealing)
9. Get your hands in the decision makers of book clubs throughout the world
10. Market your books direct selling organization's book-of-the-month program
11. Sell books at back of the room table near exit after speaking
12. Offer buy two books, get one free promotions
13. Advise others that your book makes for a great holiday gift
14. After your speech when asked to do photos, always have book cover in photo
15. Always leave a copy of your book on your dash board of car for others to see
16. Always turn your books face out when seeing them in bookstores
17. Place business cards with book cover displaying on all community bulletin boards
18. Provide your books as door prizes at your speaking engagements
19. Provide your books as door prizes at all events that you attend
20. Sell book in volume at half price to others who can make money selling full price
21. Focus on selling books 10,000 at a time, instead of one at a time
22. Have friends sell your books at their point of purchase displays (coffee stands)
23. Display your book cover and photo on your email auto-signature
24. Carry your book with you at all times - you never know who you will meet
25. Sell book to seminar companies who will give it away as lure to attract attendees
26. Partner with entrepreneur who will give your book away in their marketing efforts
27. Get your books in the hand of all top performers in all MLM companies
28. Sell book to corporations with their company CEO having foreword in book
29. Get your book in Target Stores
30. Get your books in Wall Mart
31. Get your books in Costco / Sam's Club
32. Leave a copy of your book at registration table for all conferences you attend
33. Send out 5-10 review copies of your book daily to people who can buy in volume
34. Send press releases of your book to newspapers
35. Send your book to editors of magazines to review
36. Write articles for magazines after editor reviews your book
37. Get book reviews done and then have these review posted at Amazon and BN
38. Trade books with other speakers and then each of you sell the others at back table
39. Give book to MC, often times they will hold it with them in front of audience
40. Give books away to local libraries
41. Instead of purchasing Christmas gifts for others, give your book as gift
42. Do radio interviews often, and give free books to callers
43. Get on TV as often as you can and promote your book
44. Give your e-Book away as special bonus to other authors marketing their books
45. Submit your books at fundraisers and silent auctions
46. Create t-shirts with your domain / URL listed on the back of the shirt
47. Do the same thing with bumper stickers
48. Do book signings at book stores and help them promote the event
49. Conduct own seminars / workshops and give book away with each paid admission
50. Leave books behind in strategic high traffic areas like first class seating in planes
The Symptoms and Cures of Disorder
Busyness and idleness are actually two symptoms of the same problem: disorder.
In our cluttered times, nothing is more common than frazzled people hurrying and hastening their way through life. It is as if all the "time-saving" devices of our technological revolution have conspired to steal away the very thing they promise to deliver.
Idleness may appear to be the opposite of 'busyness.' It is not. It is actually disorder without the action. It is either laziness, faithlessness, discouragement, or lethargy that is to blame. All of these, it can be seen, are the result of disorder.
Disorder is a dangerous disease that either clutters our actions (producing 'busyness') or solidifies our hesitations (producing idleness). It results from our lack of focus about priorities and a failure of purpose to provide a compelling vision and its resultant concentrated action. Disorder is always wasteful, and in the end, is wasteful of our most precious commodity; time.
The opposite of busyness is productivity. The opposite of idleness is restoration.
Productivity is the gain in endeavor produced by constructive action, aligned toward a worthy goal, and accomplished through progressive compounding.
Restoration, which can be dissembled into 'rest'-oration, is the reconstruction of frayed nerves and eroded energies which replenishes the performer and enables him or her to make another run up the proverbial hill.
So how can we avoid the pitfalls of busyness on one side and idleness on the other? By getting clear on our priorities, setting compelling goals, scheduling our time accordingly, and taking stock of our progress on a regular basis. We need to know what it is that refreshes our spirit. For some, this requires solitude, for others, reading a good book.
There are no correct answers for everyone, because each of us is wired differently. This is why it is important to know one's self and understand which activities are restorative to our energies and drive. Scheduling time for these moments of rest is not wasted, but is rather invested. As Stephen Covey says, sustained high performance is not possible without taking time to 'sharpen the sword.'
Busyness is avoided not only by ample periods of restoration, but through clear scheduling of priorities and learning the discipline of focus. By learning to focus upon "What's important next," performers can avoid the mindless scurry most overwhelmed people exhibit.
Remember, success is up to you. Learn the discipline of avoiding busyness and idleness by maintaining order in your life. You alone are the steward of your life and how it was lived. Spend wisely.
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Why the Best Selling Books on Relationships May Not Be the Best Choice For You
For many people, the smartest thing to do if it breaks with an ex and want to know what your options are for them again - you are looking for books on relations with the East. But if you go to the library or look on the Internet. How do you know exactly which book is best for you?
Well, do not worry, because I tell you how to choose the best links to articles in books on this. And you know what? They areto be so surprised what you find!
The first thing you shouldn't do is look for all those fancy letters after the author of the book's name. It just means the author went to school for a long time and learned how to talk like an academic instructor. In fact, if you ever been to college, you would find that most professors are somewhat bookish and lacking in the humanity department. So it isn't too surprising to find out that they probably don't know any more than you how to engage with people!
And so they get a lot of letters after their name when they turn 35 and use their advanced degrees as "proof" that they know their stuff about a situation. The question you should be asking is this, do their expertise work in the real world?
I would think if you looked for the books on relationships by authors who have successfully dealt with people on a daily basis would be the way to go. For instance, I would rather learn from an author who was in a bad relationship and put themselves back together or even help many other friends and buddies fix their relationships... rather than somebody that learned all he knows from the dusty libraries. Also, I would want to hear from the author who helped those they really care about instead of a bunch 50 minute therapy patients.
The second thing you should keep in mind is this when looking for a relationship book. You don't want one of those relationship books that tells you to set everything aside for 30 days and work on yourself during that time. That's ridiculous! And you know what? From all the books that I've read in the bookstores and libraries tell you this! And most of the ebooks that you find on the Internet about the subject of how to get your ex back is just 50 some pages of pure fluff. In my opinion, most relationship books are not worth your time and money.
What I think you should do instead is look for the books that give you new information about real world advice. Information that you wouldn't get from someone like your friends.
These are the questions you should be asking about the relationship books. For instance, does the book tell you what women desire from a relationship more than anything else in the world? Will this book give you step-by-simple-steps how to give her the relationship she wants. Does the book show you exactly how to recover from an affair? How about specific methods to stop the pain of your breakups?
The next thing you should do is take a close look at who is recommending the book. Who is writing the testimonials? Are they other authors? Other academicians? The author's mom? Do the testimonials seem a little faked?
This is what you need to do to tell if the quality of the relationship book is worth your money and time. You need to determine whether it was recommended by a wide, wide variety of everyday folks just like you who used the book successfully. And when I say wide I mean if you see recommendations from a woman from England or a newly engaged guy from Illinois who have read and used the concepts from the book - then chances are good that the book will work for you.
To sum it up, there are lots of relationship books on the market today. In my opinion, too many of them. And unfortunately, most of them are pure garbage because they weren't written by a person that worked in the trenches so to speak. As a result, you have all these relationship books that are just generic tripe that basically could be summarized in a short paragraph or two. Those books have nothing going for them.
So finding the best books on relationships may take a little extra work for you, if you want your relationship to work, then that would be very important and worthwhile to do. If you are like me, you would want to get the very best book out there to work for you. Right?
Non-Fiction Book Titles - An Author's Supreme Responsibility
Perhaps you have considered writing some eBooks or self-publishing some print books, either way, the Title You Choose has more to do about the sales success of the book than you might think. Not long ago, I looked at the various books that I wish to write and sat down to do a little practice picking out titles that might sell.
After I was completed with the practice effort, I realized how difficult that really is. Two books that I have read on "book proposals" both made it clear the importance of practicing and coming up with the best book titles, both suggested going to the bookstore or library and trying to figure out why a book caught your eye. The two books on this subject that I read both have full chapters dedicated to picking out titles:
A.) Bulletproof Book Proposals - by Pam Brodowsky and Eric Neuhaus
B.) How to Write a Book Proposal - by Michael Larsen
Take a look at this list below of "titles" and consider, what titles you might have chosen and why. Also think to yourself if you saw such a title on a book, would you pick it up to peruse or would your eyes move onto the next book?
1. Religion at a Cross Roads - A Discussion on the Absurdity of Human Religion
2. A Test of Will - Biking Across America - Lower Latitude Routes
3. Common Sense Psychology 101- a Look Into the Hypothetical Science of Common Sense
4. Downtown Revitalization - Reversing the Urban Flight and Suburban Divide to Bring Prosperity Back to the City
5. Public Schools Under Fire - Alternative Learning and Home Schooling Tips for Parents and Educators
6. Are We Really Doing the Right Thing? - A Discussion on Honesty in Humanities and The Cause and Effect of Third World Humanitarian Efforts
7. Becoming the Writer You Want to Be - How to Re-positioning Yourself as a Freelance Writer
8. Just Saying "No" with Style - How to Run a Successful Red Ribbon Week Program
9. Human Psychology of Winning - The Art, Science and Psyche Needed for Achievement
10. How Do They Do It? - Hypersonic Humans and Overachievers in Society, the Ultimate Case Study
11. Internet Fraud and Freedom in the Balance - Blurred in the Information Age of Modern Society, the Challenges of Identity Theft, Fraud and Privacy
12. Lessons for Internet Forum Users and Bloggers - Bullying, Personal Attacks and Hate Speech Comes Alive in the Digital Age
13. Motivation, Goal Setting and Success Strategies - Achieving Your Objectives Every Time
14. Online Article Writing - How to Become an Internet Author and Online Writer
15. RV Knowledge Primer - Before You Set Out Across the Nation Know the Facts About Your Adventure
16. A Divided World - Coming Together, a Dialogue of the Most Pressing Social Issues of Our Time and What Must Be Done to Unite Humanity
17. The Flow of Thought - Exploring the Human Mind and Its Abilities, and Why Creating Artificial Intelligence is Harder than We Think
18. The Flow of Transportation and Distribution - How it All Works and the Secrets to Its Resilience, Redundancy and Success
19. The Flow of Water - Our Most Important Resource is Stressed, It's More Serious than You Suspect
20. Think on It - Modern Day Philosophy the Makes You Think, Reason and Explore
21. Running to Win - Winning Strategies for the Long-Distance Runner
Below are three titles of eBooks that I have written with a combined total of 1 million downloads:
How to Run a Successful Car Wash Fundraiser
How You Can Help in Honduras
Plan of Action for Nairobi Slums
This is a very serious subject for the Non-Fiction Writer, and perhaps even more important for the author of fictional works. So, you need to study this and try to come up with the best possible titles, if you want your books to sell. Think on it.
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Book Cover Design - Beginning Tips on How to Write Your Book & Inspire Your Book's Design
You have an idea for a book. Now What? Let's explore what it takes to write a book. Keep in mind that there are many different ways to begin writing a book and there have been many books written on the subject. So if my article hits home in even a little way... research what's out there for more information and start today... following your dream!
Here are a few beginning tips to writing your book:
1. What are your strengths, creating, developing, writing, editing, or slaes and marketing. Take your best strength and begin there and figure out how to get the rest done through other vendor services.
2. Pick the type of book you'll write:
--Non-fiction: how to books, self improvement, hobbies, psychology, coaching, tips
--Fiction: mystery, who-done-it, fantasy, science fiction, romance
3. Pick a subject that is interesting to you, something that others will be interested in learning more about and make it tightly focused for best results. Maybe you have a business service you want to promote or a new profession you are learning about and want to share the knowledge you are learning.
4. Create an outline of frequently asked or interesting questions. This becomes your table of contents that you'll write into.
5. Start collecting all types of information that relates to your outlined points. One of the best ways I've used is to create a three ring binder with divider pages that have pockets or use plastic sleeves and start organizing your clippings or notes you take as thoughts come to you.
6. Now determine if you are going to be the one to do the actual writing or are you going to hire an assistant. This is the first step for creating your final manuscript. Whether you are the one who will do the writing, or someone else, start that process once you have gathered enough research to fill a chapter. Don't worry yet about writing in sequence unless this is important to you, the flow paragraphs can come at a later version.
These are just a few beginning tips to get you started. While you are in this creation mode, be sure to keep an eye out for possible titles and subtitle opportunities as well as design elements you like that other authors have taken advantage of... these are all input you can relate to your book cover designer when the time comes to design your book.
Book Titles that Make Big Bucks
Do you know how readers decide to buy a book? 1) They get a referral from a friend. 2) They see an interesting book title on the best-seller list. 3) They look up a topic (generally non-fiction) and look for a book closest to their interest (generally based on titles). 4) They browse in the bookstore looking for an interesting title - then they read the book jacket copy. 5) They look on an Internet bookseller's website to find out what other people bought under that title or subject, then they look at book reviews. 6) Finally, generally based on title and book jacket copy or book reviews, they buy your book.
Have you ever bought a book just because of the title? I remember one time when I was browsing in a local bookstore and the book title I was looking at was so provocative; I just had to have it. It turned out to be a humor book, very funny and entertaining. But I never would have purchased the book if it weren't for the title. I wouldn't have even noticed it! Many other times I've seen ads for business books relating to marketing or sales and found an irresistible title, I simply had to have it!
Here's how a great title helped to sell 300,000 books while a poorly chosen title for the same book sold only 1500 copies. Just as a headline can make all the difference in an ad, so the title of your book, especially a non-fiction one, can make the difference between dramatic success (300,000 copies sold) and failure (1,500 copies sold). Would you like to know the secrets of what makes the difference?
For example, here are two actual titles for the same book that were tested, one against the other. One of these was a winner and the other a loser. "The Squash Book" vs. "The Zucchini Cookbook".
In this case, the second book title did better than the first (300,000 copies sold) because it was more specific, letting people know that it was about zucchini squash. It also addressed the needs of the many people who grow zucchini in their yards and don't know what to do with them all. In addition, the title, "The Zucchini Cookbook" let people know that this was a cookbook and not a book about how to grow the vegetable or some other topic related to zucchini. "The Squash Book" only sold 1,500 copies! So, does being specific sell? You won't know until you test.
This particular example underlines the importance of testing your title before you actually publish your book. Try testing several good book titles, then pick the one that did best, you'll be a lot closer to sales success than by just guessing.
An aspiring author created what he thought was a cute book title, "Swimming Chickens". Later he decided that the dismal sales of his literary effort were due to the title he had chosen so he came up with a new one. After reviewing the "hot" topics in the National Enquirer and other such publications he came up with this remarkably successful title "Lose Weight Through Great Sex With Celebrities: the Elvis Way". The book sold several hundred thousand copies and you can still find it on
Do you think that only short titles sell? There are many examples of direct response marketers who have used long titles (up to 17 words) and still been very successful, often more successful than with short titles. The interesting thing is that direct marketers live or die through the success of their book sales so they test everything before they make a big sales effort.
Here's an example of a case in which a direct marketer bought the rights to an excellent book, with a very short title, that was not making money. He changed the title, then took the book from almost no sales to hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales. The original losing title was "The Letter Book" and the multi-million dollar winning title was "Slash Your Letter Writing Time by 80% and Write Better Letters". Which version would you buy?
Another remarkable example of improved sales with a better title involved a self-published book called "The Entrepreneurs' Manual", which sold only 12 copies. The direct marketing savvy author renamed the book "Why SOB's Succeed and Nice Guys Fail in Business" and sold 700,000 copies over a period of several years.
When creating your book title, be sure to use important keywords if you plan to sell it online. I recently came across a book about Internet auctions that did not have the keyword eBay in the title. Even though the book received good reviews, prospective buyers overlooked it, because when someone typed in eBay, this excellent auction book did not show up. Since eBay is the premier auction site on the Internet, the keyword eBay should certainly be included in the title of any such book.
Now you have seen the power of a good book title in action. Many authors, publishers and self-publishers have used ideas similar to the ones in this article to turn book sales disasters into book sales success!
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The truth about royalties
If the author mean, they ask how they want to make money from his book to be longer say that they expect will come from license fees. In my 27 years of publishing and marketing, I found that some authors to understand and even fewer would-be authors, such as royalties actually work. I wish you the basics of that moment.
The sad truth is that royalties are bestsellers important only if you end up writing a blockbuster ... But few writers ever do. InIndeed, the stroke average in the first book of today is about 3,000 copies, and almost all the books ever printed a second run.
The average fee paid by a traditional publisher first authors is composed of between 6 and 10% of net revenues. Net revenue is the price paid by the buyer, but what amounts, is often misunderstood by the authors.
For example, most of the authors who expect their profits come from royalties expected, based on the book trade distribution business for itsBook. In other words, it expects to distribute his book on the network of wholesalers and bookstores. Here's how the math works effectively on net sales in this situation. This is the key for your royalties.
Take your book retails for $ 20, to put it simply. If the publisher wants the book to be distributed through the commercial book distribution business, with a network of wholesalers and bookstores, the publisher must give the wholesaler an average discount of 55%. L 'is $ 11 of your 20, so that the net input to the editor 11 or less $ 20 9. Now, suppose that the author gets royalties actually 8% higher for a novice author. In this case, the author $ 0.72. The mathematics of the net income of $ 9 royalty of 8%, or $ 0.72 per book. That is all.
Say, if you make $ 100,000 a year would be from the book, a $ 0.72 fee, you must have more than 138,000 copies of your book is on sale each year, annualYear after year. As I hope you can see, if you hope to rely on licensing fees alone, it is a very difficult road to hoe.
I want to share with you a little-known publication of the statistics of the sector, which shows what I mean. Of 1,000 writers who contribute to literary agents to find a publisher of books, only 10 at the end with a publisher - only 1%. Of these 10 years who want to get published, only one of the writers the money at the end of the book published. In other words, the1000 authors of literary agents, to be published and only one makes any real money from their book. The other 999 do not.
Because these statistics are so sad? In part, this is the fact that traditional publishing is a mature industry with a rapidly growing number of writers to do business with a number of large publishers are shrinking dramatically. But the main reason is because the authors do not know, there are other major strategies to make moneywith a book next to royalty. Statistics show 999 times in 1000, does not work.
My friend Mark Victor Hansen is happy to recall that the authors write in your book is only 10% of the work. He stressed that the remaining 90% is the work of marketing the book. Most authors never from this perspective, their publishers, or anyone else. When 999 of 1,000 authors knew and used some of the other strategies already tried most of them probablyto be successful.
Book Review - Your Truest Self - Embracing the Woman You Are Meant to Be
Your Truest Self: Embracing the Woman You Are Meant to Be, by Janice Lynne Lundy, is a lovely new women's spirituality book highlighting twelve diverse contemporary women spiritual teachers and authors. Ms. Lundy is herself an Interfaith Spiritual Director and the longtime Lifestyle writer for Women's Lifestyle magazine. She has authored three previous books, including Coming Home to Ourselves : A Woman's Journey to Wholeness.
Your Truest Self is an interfaith book, focused on twelve principles, or 'Transformational Truths', of the spiritual growth process, not specific to any particular religious denomination. Each of the twelve principles is elucidated through the life story of one spiritual woman, and as a group they represent a variety of spiritual traditions. Some of the women are well-known, such as singer Naomi Judd, who in recent years has become a proponent of mind-body medicine, and Rev. Dr. Iyanla Vanzant, New Thought minister and author of five NY Times bestsellers. Others are less well-known (at least to me) such as Joyce Rupp, member of the Catholic order Servants of Mary, and Mari Gayatri Stein, author of The Buddha Smiles: A Collection of Dharmatoons.
Ms. Lundy interviews each of these twelve women, and every single one comes across as someone I'd love to have dinner with (and I'm not that social.) They are down to earth, wise, honest, and, in the hands of Ms. Lundy, very revealing about the joys and challenges of their own spiritual journeys. The intimate experiences they reveal are the best thing about the book, and the most useful, for those of us journeying ourselves. Rev. Vanzant talks about the crises of faith she experienced after the death of her 31-year old daughter, and Ms. Judd discusses her battle with hepatitis C. Many discuss the self-doubt, stress in personal relationships, and fears of social ostracization that they faced as they explored new spiritual paths and practices.
In each chapter, Ms. Lundy takes the major theme of each woman's journey and discusses it in the context of her own spiritual growth. She then presents a set of reflection questions for the reader on that topic, and a 'Peaceful Pause' - a contemplation or meditation exercise corresponding to the chapter's theme. I think most women will enjoy the combination of interviews, personal stories, and prescriptive guidance. The format creates a kind of spiritual 'sampler plate', providing just enough of a sense of each woman to help you decide whether you would like to read more by or about that individual.
One thing to be aware of, however, is that this book is not as linear as many spiritual 'prescriptive' titles out today. It does not present a step-by-step 'self-help' plan, although the themes are progressive from chapter to chapter. Featuring a different teacher in each chapter requires a shift in language and approach that prevents an overall philosophy from developing. Frankly, for me that is a plus, as too often today spirituality is presented like a workout plan or diet, with specific instructions and techniques that end up undermining the very personal and individual nature of the process.
So, if you love reading about other women, and If you think of your spirituality as exploratory rather than prescriptive, this book is for you. You can also read more about the author and the women featured in the book at
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How to Write a Bestseller - An Unexpected Plan That Might Surprise You!
What does it take to write a successful book, or the next bestselling novel? If you're like most would-be authors, you've probably read numerous articles that promised step-by-step instructions on how-to successfully write a bestseller. The reason I know that, of course, is because I've read plenty of them myself. Before writing my first book, I read every article I could find on the subject. In the end, however, most of them left me disheartened, because the formulas for success they promised to deliver, proved to be mere marketing ploys for selling more books.
I would like to introduce you to one formula for writing potential bestsellers, however, that's been kept secret too long. Is it a proven method for producing bestsellers? You betcha! In fact, statistics prove this simple approach is capable of producing bestsellers in nearly every genre: adventure, romance, drama, teen, mystery, thrillers, and a whole lot more.
What is the secret that authors have used to sell millions of books, and dominate the all-time bestseller list? Are you ready for it? Here it is: If you want to write books that really sell, and consistently top the bestseller chart, then you need to write clean, creatively told stories, that leave out sex, violence and offensive language, and rely instead upon strong character development, and well-written scripts, that exercise the reader's imagination.
Am I serious? I certainly am. According to publisher's sales data, creating bestsellers doesn't require the insertion of sex, violence or offensive language. I'm sure you've heard the claim, "Clean books just don't sell." Now, I don't know who is responsible for making such ridiculous claims, or what their motivation is, but I do know that such statements are untrue.
Accumulated sales data proves that inserting smut in books is a needless endeavor. Can that claim be validated? It certainly can. In fact, you only need to browse the list of all-time, and current bestsellers, to discover for yourself that clean books do sell.
It is no coincidence that the perennial #1 bestseller is the Bible. After all, it is the cleanest, most righteous book on the planet. Maybe that doesn't surprise you. Especially since the Bible typically tops the list for annual sales. You might be surprised, however, to discover how many clean books are among the bestsellers of all-time.
All-time bestseller lists reveal that "nine out of the top ten" top ranking books were smut free. How's that for a good start? But let's not stop there, it gets even better. According to sales data from several Internet sources: fully 22 out of 25, and 44 of the top 50 all-time bestselling books claim to be free of sexual innuendo, senseless violence and foul language.
Some of the books on the "Top 50" list include: The Lord of the Rings (J. R. R. Tolkien), And Then There Were None (Agatha Christie), The Hobbit (J. R. R. Tolkien), A Tale of Two Cities (Charles Dickens), Charlotte's Webb (E. B. White), Jonathan Livingston Seagull (Richard Bach), Peter Rabbit (Beatrix Potter), In His Steps, (Charles Sheldon), Gone with the Wind (Margaret Mitchell), The Purpose Driven Life (Rick Warren), Scouting for Boys: A Handbook for Instruction in Good Citizenship (Robert Baden-Powell), She (H. Rider Haggard), Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry), The Catcher in the Rye (J. D. Salinger), Think and Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill), Heidi (Heidi's Years of Wandering and Learning (Johanna Spyri), The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care (Dr. Benjamin Spock), Anne of Green Gables (Lucy Maud Montgomery), and Black Beauty (Anna Sewell).
How refreshing it is, when an author actually uses their creativity to tell a tale, instead of relying upon clichéd, stale and cookie-cutter storylines laden with sex, violence, and offensive language. According to sales data, millions of readers are as dissatisfied by the reading choices they are being given by the big publishers as I am. Perhaps that helps explain the successful explosion of sales among small and independent publishers. As more bookstores flood their shelves with morally-deficient books, people are turning elsewhere to purchase reading materials.
My parents always told me, "Intelligent people don't need to rely upon foul or offensive language to communicate." That's the way I feel about book writing. Creative writers don't need to use unnecessary or offensive crutches to make a story great, or help their book become popular.
Great writers find a way to make their characters come to life, and create memorable plots and storylines, without the use of unnecessary crudities. What kind of writer are you? Do you have a good story to tell? If you do, then you need to tell it, but leave the crutches at home. Use your own style, be creative, and tell your story from the heart.
Let's take it one step further. Not only have clean books sold well historically, but non-smut laced volumes continue to do very well today. While success stories can be found in nearly ever genre of books, for time's sake, I will concentrate on the sales statistics from one unique genre of books alone: popular fiction books, from southern Appalachia, to illustrate this refreshing trend.
Surprising as it may be to you, the southern Appalachian genre of books have sold more than *40 million volumes since 1998. One publicist recently stated, "Books based on life in small town southern Appalachia sell like hotcakes!"
Atop the list of bestselling books in this genre, you will find Jan Karon's Mitford series, which has sold over twenty-five million books about life in the southern Appalachian mountain region. "That's an incredible statistic," said the author of a new Appalachian-based book, Mountain Empire, "I don't know of another region of the country that can tout such high-ranking sales figures."
Interestingly, while this phenomenon isn't a recent development, it isn't a fad either. For readers of all ages, apparently clean-told tales of life in Southern Appalachia are a favorite destination.
Some of the best-read Southern Appalachian authors include: Jan Karon (Mitford Series), Adrianna Trigiani (Big Stone Gap), Ann B. Ross (Miss Julia), Charles Frazier (Cold Mountain), Gail Godwin (Evensong), Robert Morgan (Gap Creek), Sharyn McCrumb (The Rosewood Casket), Barbara Kingsolver (Prodigal Summer), John Fox, Jr. (Trail of the Lonesome Pine), Lee Smith (Fair and Tender Ladies), Harriet Arnow (The Dollmaker), James Still (River of Earth), and Wilma Dykeman (The Tall Woman). Others in this genre include: Bobbie Ann Mason, Silas House, and Fred Chappell.
Perhaps we love books about the Southern Appalachian region, because they give us a sense of belonging, and remind us of happier, gentler times - a time and place we long to find, and would love to call home.
In a recent interview, Jan Karon (Mitford series) gave definition to our love for small-town fictional settings, that quite possibly reflects the reason many of us have fallen in love with Southern Appalachian-style books, "I think I was born with a kind of deep affinity for the rural, the rustic. In addition, I'm very drawn to the pastoral novels of the English genre -- the village novel where a small group is used to paint a picture of a larger society. I still have in me a great love for the agrarian -- for what this country was, for what we still are. People say, "Oh well, I guess there's no such thing as Mitford." Well, the good news is there are Mitford's all over the country, and there are still great stretches of open land and pastures and meadows and fields. It's not all bad news. There's so much left of this country that is reasonable and moral and strong. And that's the part I relate to."
Apparently, 25 million+ readers are thinking the same thing. That's how many readers have purchased Karon's books about the Southern Appalachian region since 1998. And seemingly, there's no end in sight. Ann B. Ross (Miss Julia series) stated, "I think the South grows storytellers like it does peanuts, sweet potatoes and kudzu." And that's good news for fans of Southern Appalachian fiction.
Well-written, clean-told tales seem to be growing in popularity. And I believe the reason for this refreshing trend can be easily explained. Readers love well-told tales of adventure, romance, mystery and drama, that keep their content clean, because most people can identify with the moral code and personal lifestyle of such characters. Not convinced? Then let me put it another way: Most people do not swear like sailors, or sleep around with every warm body that comes along, so why would they want their heroes or heroines to do it?
If you are a writer, or will soon be, then for the sake of book lovers everywhere, I hope you will make full use of your creative abilities, remove smut from your transcript, and go the clean route. Readers everywhere will rejoice if you do. Besides, when you consider how many bestselling books already adhere to this policy, it just makes good sense. And don't forget - when you do clean it up, and tell it right, you'll be a tremendous success, in more ways than one.
*Accumulated sales data may actually be substantially higher.
Why Media Releases Should Be an Aspect of Your Book Marketing
With the ever-changing terrain of book marketing it is essential for authors to stay on the leading edge of how to effectively promote their book(s). Unfortunately, many authors have never taken time to learn even the most basic aspects of marketing.
In many ways marketing a nonfiction book is easier than fiction. Yet, there are ways to market any type of book that are inexpensive and very effective.
Some of the most effective (when done right) are:
Media releases aka press releases
Appearances in your local market
Articles as they pertain to your book(s)
Email updates to potential readers
Social media marketing
Audios such as MP3 files
For the purpose of this article I am going to focus on how to use news releases. Any author would benefit from learning how to write and distribute these effective marketing tools. And if you don't want to do this then hire someone to. However, this is an expense that you may not want to incur.
So how can you use releases? Here are a few of my favorites.
You can announce any local appearances you are making. In many cases the company, book store, organization or association you will be doing a book signing at will participate in media release distribution. Often it's simply a matter of asking.
When you have a teleseminar scheduled that is specific to the topic of the book a media release would be very timely.
If you start a new book blog you can announce this by way of a media release.
When you begin a Facebook professional page or a YouTube Channel why not use a media release as a way to announce this.
There are many more ways to utilize media releases, but if you do what has been outlined above you are well on your way to gaining visibility for you and your book(s).
Granted, a release is not an end all be all but it certainly is a necessary piece to the puzzle.
Make this a standard part of your overall book marketing for optimum results.
Book Clubs
Everyone knows that reading expands our horizons and Book Clubs help to do this at an even greater level, with the in-depth discussions and assimilations of different viewpoints all contributing to increasing our knowledge and appreciation of the world around us.
Book Clubs are the societies of books fans. It's like a complete guide for the information and availability of various books. Book Clubs (society) organizes various meetings among their club members for discussions regarding books and also for making their book club more beneficial for their consumers. Book Clubs also arrange discussion sessions through Internet services for example e-mails etc. These Clubs are not only for the students, these offers reading material for all age groups with variety of books, novels and many more.
Reading is beneficial for all of us in everyway- to increase our knowledge, to exercise our mind. We know that there's not even a single side effect of this brain exercise. Reading fairy tales is not only the right of a kid. Even a low cost newspaper gives us information. So, type of book to read should not differentiated on the basis of age group. Every good book is for every person. I believe that- Book was originally from a book club. Must be disclosed, no matter how well-preserved the book is.
Joining a reading group i.e. Book Club can also help to extend your reading, as you'll be tempted to try different types of books that you might not otherwise have chosen by yourself. Many people can become accustomed to the comfort of reading in a favorite genre and may not realize how much they might actually enjoy an altogether different type of book.
Each new book allows you the opportunity to "start afresh" and "do better" - whether it is with more participation, improved leadership of discussions, and more commitment to reading or simply better retention of the information learnt.
Book Clubs are a great way to start practicing expressing your opinions to an audience or summarizing information and presenting it in a coherent and engaging way.
For shy people like me, who love to read- Book Clubs are the right ground to share their views with others through this best source, where I can put my ideas, views in front of other people regarding my hobby- Reading.
India Today Book Club gives me this opportunity to easily find and afford the books of my choice and discussing the same with other members and also- the holiday vouchers offered by India Today Book Club are really helpful and combined in some offers with the free return ticket they helped me have a good family vacation last weekend.
For me- Reading is not just Reading, now, it's Fun and Love!!
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African Americans And Latinos: Neither Enemies Nor Friends
This article comes to my mind reading hearing that a 14 year old black boy was shot by Latino gangs in the streets of Los Angles while chatting with his friends on January 17, 2007.
Latinos are the fastest growing ethnic group and in future the largest minority group in US overshadowing the Blacks who one day had the same situation as Latinos have today. From the days of Civil Right Movements in 1960s with the slogan of "Black and Brown together, forever?" there is always this question that whether this coalition helps American democracy or how does it work. There are two main controversies regarding Black- Latino coalition; some who believe that they have a lot in common and the other group saying that there are lots of barriers to their coalition. The discussion today deals with the commonalities and differences and the solution for this very important controversy in United States.
One of the people who greatly emphasized on the Black- Latino coalition was Jesse Jackson, once running for Presidency. He used the term rainbow for coalition of different ethnic and racial groups in US. These people talk of the relationship between Martin Luther King and Caesar Chavez. African Americans and Latinos share a lot and they can revive their long shared interests to gain their rights from the dominant group in United States. The issue that these two ethnic groups can fight in one front is affirmative action, immigration reform, voting Right Acts and bilateral trade. They cooperating can gain advantage in asking for more representatives in House and Senate. Blacks have fought long to have the voting right but there are unfinished movements that need Latinos and blacks pushing it forward like the health care, education and welfare system.
One the other hand, we have the idea of Black- Latino differences. According to Ken Cooper the most important obstacle in this way is that most Latinos in United States do not assume themselves as brown, they identify themselves as White according to Census data and also some of them do not like to be labeled as Hispanic or Latino. So they can not form a united political force as Blacks used to do and ask for their rights rather than alliance with Blacks. It is also important to mention that a large number of Latinos are immigrants, legal or illegal, who do not have the right to vote and it reduces their political power unless a new policy change the situation in favor of Latinos. Another obstacle that is not very tangible is the hatred and tension naturally existing among individual members of minority groups which may mostly be a reason that Blacks see Latinos as a threat to their low paid job as illegal immigrants are ready for any kind of job by very low wages so they occupy the Black opportunities. Both group have reasons of their own not be feel allied with other; Blacks see Latinos growing rapidly, becoming the most important minority groups once owned by blacks and asking for social rights and Latinos dissent Blacks as some of their political leaders did not help Latinos in Immigration policies and bilingual education. Moreover, the dominant debate of White- Black marginalized Latinos from the social debate of United States in the recent decades.
It is necessary to add that there are several attempts by Black and Latino leaders to bring these two groups together but it needs a hard work to be achieved. There should be workshops and conferences regarding this matter. Blacks should be taught Spanish and Latinos English. Children of both groups as Jackson proposed should be taught to avoid violence and gang warfare. Cultural exchange programs and religious programs can also help this coalition build easier.
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Best Selling Author Kathy Reichs - Author Biographies
Kathy Reichs was born Kathleen Joan Toelle in 1950 in Chicago, Illinois. She received a BA in Anthropology from American University in 1971. She received her MA in Physical Anthropology in 1972 and her PHD in 1975 from Northwestern University. She is also professionally trained in archaeology. She is one of only about 60 forensic anthropologists certified by the American Board of forensics where she is also a board member.
Kathy says, as a child she had a big interest in archaeology and was an avid mystery fan reading Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys. Kathy Reichs wears many hats. Besides being a wife and mother, (she married attorney Paul Reichs and they have three children) she is a professor of Anthropology at the University of North Carolina in Charlotte. She has also taught at Northern Illinois University, University of Pittsburgh, Concordia University and McGill University. She divides her time between North Carolina and Quebec where she works at the Laboratoire de Sciences Judicaires et de Medicine Leagale. She is also Director of Forensic Anthropology for the Providence of Quebec. She went to Quebec, initially, as part of a program allowing professors to swap positions for a year. As there are very few board certified forensic anthropologists that speak French, they came to an agreement for her to commute monthly from Charlotte.
Kathy explains that the forensic anthropologist is generally asked into a case when a body is too decomposed, burned, mummified, mutilated, or skeletonized for a normal autopsy. Sometimes they are called to look at damage in bones of even fresh bodies. This often tells her what type of weapon was used to sustain the injuries. It not uncommon for skeletal remains to be brought in for identification and they turn out to be animal or bird. Kathy has edited forensics textbooks and written several journal articles. In 1997 she had her first book of fiction published.
Her series of books are based on the Forensic Anthropology character, Dr. Temperance Brennan. These series of books inspired the television series "Bones" with Kathy as Executive Producer. "Bones" is the name Seeley Booth, Dr. Temperance Brennan's FBI partner, calls her. "Bones" is based very loosely on Kathy Reich's book series. Dr. Temperance Brennan, besides being a forensic anthropologist at the Jeffersonian Institute in Washington, DC, working closely with the FBI, also writes best selling books with her protagonist being Kathy Reichs. Kathy played a small role in one of the "Bones" episodes, playing a forensic anthropologist who is a member of Zach Addy's, dissertation committee. It's the scene where he is defending his thesis in front of the committee, and we are a stern and dour group. Zach Addy is Dr. Brennan's assistant. The show is now in its fifth season. She says she would love to see Dr. Temperance Brennan portrayed in a movie but is waiting for the right offer. Kathy Reichs was a member of the Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team participating in the cleanup at the World Trade Center, which she said was the hardest thing she ever had to do. Kathy has worked on projects with the National Disaster Medical System team. She is also an expert witness in criminal trials. Kathy has identified victims from the genocide in Guatemala and has appeared to testify at the United Nations Genocide Tribunal in Rwanda. She also trains agents at Quantico, the FBI Academy.
Book written by Kathy Reichs:
Deja Dead (1997)
Death Du Jour (1999)
Deadly Decisions (2000)
Fatal Voyage (2001)
Grave Secrets (2002)
Bare Bones (2003)
Monday Mourning (2004)
Cross Bones (2005)
Break No Bones (2006)
Bones to Ashes (2007)
Devil Bones (2008)
206 Bones (2009)
Deja Dead/Death Du Jour in (2004)
I'd Kill for That (2004) (with Rita Mae Brown, Jennifer Cruise, Linda Farstein, Heather Graham, Kay Hooper, Katherine Neville, Anne Perry, Julie Smith and Tina Wainscott)
Author Biographies
How to Write a Book Title That Grabs Attention
I'm not surprised that you're wondering how to write a book title. As an author of fiction novels, I totally understand the kind of bemused puzzlement you're feeling right now. I mean, you're the author, so shouldn't the title of your book just come rolling out of your creative mind and onto the page?
Shouldn't it be easy?
Well, in a perfect writer's world it would be, but we live in the real world and coming up with a title for your book is going to be challenging. There are so many things that you could name your book. And, seemingly endless word combinations that may, or may not, be just perfect.
You rack your brain. You stare at a blank page in anticipation. You toy around with a few ideas that don't really go anywhere. At this point you can either let it completely frustrate you, or understand that all authors go through this "searching for that perfect title" phase and it's something to be embraced.
I suggest that you grab a piece of paper and have fun brainstorming various word combinations. Write down anything that comes to your mind - even if it's a little crazy sounding. The perfect title may only reveal itself after you've written down dozens of potential titles. This is especially true if you're the author of a fiction book.
Non-fiction authors should focus on titles that blatantly tell your prospective reader what major benefit they're going to get from reading your book. If you are the world's best public speaker, then you want your book title to convey that the reader can be just like you, because you're going to give them all the tips and advice on how to be a great public speaker.
An example title for this type of book would be:
Public Speaking Secrets that Mesmerize Any Crowd
Do you see how that title would jump out and grab the attention of someone who struggles with speaking in public?
On the other hand, fiction book titles are all over the place. It's much harder to pin down what attracts readers to a particular novel. I mean, some best-selling novels have only a one word title. Still, if you're a new author, you don't have a fan base yet who will snap up your books regardless of what it's called. So, you should still try to come up with something interesting.
Your novel has to compete with hundreds of others in the same genre. Why should someone read your novel?
Try to come up with a title that symbolizes something unique or special about your story. You can focus on a character name, special place, event or time period.
When you finally lay your eyes on the right title, you'll know it because it will be an "aha" moment.
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On Her Passing: A Way to Remember Coretta Scott King
This is not a memorial to Coretta King. Others have done that better than I could. Coretta passed away in her sleep on January 31, 2006 in a Mexican cancer clinic which was immediately shut down by Mexican authorities, perhaps because Coretta King died there.
You can read about Mrs. King's life at My one connection with the King family was when I watched Martin Luther King and his associate hustle out of a hotel lobby in Philadelphia in 1965. He was moving too fast to connect to me.
When I heard that Mrs. King had died in Mexico, my heart went out to her and her family. I don't think that was the place for this noble and talented woman to die. But I think that I know why she took a chance on a Mexican cure for her cancer. She was born a fighter. She loved life and wanted to preserve it, including hers.
Coretta King suffered from heart attack, stroke, and cancer. These are three of the five major killer diseases we Americans face. Diabetes and lung diseases are the other two. I just learned this from a telemarketer who wants to sell me a bottle of juice that allegedly cures all five major diseases plus any other disease you can think of.
Here is an actual tabulation of deaths for 2002 taken from the site of the National Center for Health Statistics:
Number of deaths: 2,443,387
Death rate: 847.3 deaths per 100,000 population
Life expectancy: 77.3 years
Number of deaths for leading causes of death:
Heart disease: 696,947
Cancer: 557,271
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 162,672
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 124,816
Accidents (unintentional injuries): 106,742
Diabetes: 73,249
Influenza/Pneumonia: 65,681
Alzheimer's disease: 58,866
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 40,974
Septicemia: 33,865
We see here that diabetes is sixth with accidents being the fifth cause of death in the United States. Of course an accident is not a disease.
For you information, words starting with neph- refer to kidney diseases.
Septicemia sounds like blood poisoning to me. Here is the definition from "A systemic disease caused by pathogenic organisms or their toxins in the bloodstream. Also called blood poisoning."
I was right that one time.
According to in the United States in 2002 was 13.9 per 1,000 persons. That would be 1390 per 100,000 persons. Subtracting the death rate of 847.3 we get a population increase of 543 newborns per 100,000 people or 1,565,002 new people competing for the same resources.
If you look at death is just nature's way of thinning out the population, then you might be satisfied with the death rate. Why spend money to reduce disease when the cure of those diseases would just increase the population?
There may be folks that feel that way, but I'm sure you are not one of them.
We can control the population in other ways. One way that I'm against is war.
Speaking of war, that is where we put our money. The cost of war has escalated to unbelievable proportions. The Department of Defense budget for 2006 is $419.3 billion and the President says he needs more money. The United States spent a total of $341 billion during World War II.
Finding cures for people's illnesses would reduce suffering and death. It also would reduce medical cost.
Why did Coretta King have to reach out for a cancer cure in Mexico? It's because we spend too much on war and not enough on cancer research. The Federal budget for cancer research and heart disease has been slightly lowered this year to support bird flu and other programs.
Don't expect the Federal Government to cure the major killer diseases. The money must come from foundations and individuals.
See if you can find yourself in there somewhere.
Let's stop the flow of cancer patients into Mexico through education and through support of scientific research to cure cancer.
Donate today to your favorite medical charity in memory of Coretta King.
She'll be glad you did.
God bless you, Coretta. May your rest be glorious and peaceful.
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