
Why the Best Selling Books on Relationships May Not Be the Best Choice For You

For many people, the smartest thing to do if it breaks with an ex and want to know what your options are for them again - you are looking for books on relations with the East. But if you go to the library or look on the Internet. How do you know exactly which book is best for you?

Well, do not worry, because I tell you how to choose the best links to articles in books on this. And you know what? They areto be so surprised what you find!

The first thing you shouldn't do is look for all those fancy letters after the author of the book's name. It just means the author went to school for a long time and learned how to talk like an academic instructor. In fact, if you ever been to college, you would find that most professors are somewhat bookish and lacking in the humanity department. So it isn't too surprising to find out that they probably don't know any more than you how to engage with people!

And so they get a lot of letters after their name when they turn 35 and use their advanced degrees as "proof" that they know their stuff about a situation. The question you should be asking is this, do their expertise work in the real world?

I would think if you looked for the books on relationships by authors who have successfully dealt with people on a daily basis would be the way to go. For instance, I would rather learn from an author who was in a bad relationship and put themselves back together or even help many other friends and buddies fix their relationships... rather than somebody that learned all he knows from the dusty libraries. Also, I would want to hear from the author who helped those they really care about instead of a bunch 50 minute therapy patients.

The second thing you should keep in mind is this when looking for a relationship book. You don't want one of those relationship books that tells you to set everything aside for 30 days and work on yourself during that time. That's ridiculous! And you know what? From all the books that I've read in the bookstores and libraries tell you this! And most of the ebooks that you find on the Internet about the subject of how to get your ex back is just 50 some pages of pure fluff. In my opinion, most relationship books are not worth your time and money.

What I think you should do instead is look for the books that give you new information about real world advice. Information that you wouldn't get from someone like your friends.

These are the questions you should be asking about the relationship books. For instance, does the book tell you what women desire from a relationship more than anything else in the world? Will this book give you step-by-simple-steps how to give her the relationship she wants. Does the book show you exactly how to recover from an affair? How about specific methods to stop the pain of your breakups?

The next thing you should do is take a close look at who is recommending the book. Who is writing the testimonials? Are they other authors? Other academicians? The author's mom? Do the testimonials seem a little faked?

This is what you need to do to tell if the quality of the relationship book is worth your money and time. You need to determine whether it was recommended by a wide, wide variety of everyday folks just like you who used the book successfully. And when I say wide I mean if you see recommendations from a woman from England or a newly engaged guy from Illinois who have read and used the concepts from the book - then chances are good that the book will work for you.

To sum it up, there are lots of relationship books on the market today. In my opinion, too many of them. And unfortunately, most of them are pure garbage because they weren't written by a person that worked in the trenches so to speak. As a result, you have all these relationship books that are just generic tripe that basically could be summarized in a short paragraph or two. Those books have nothing going for them.

So finding the best books on relationships may take a little extra work for you, if you want your relationship to work, then that would be very important and worthwhile to do. If you are like me, you would want to get the very best book out there to work for you. Right?

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