
Non-Fiction Book Titles - An Author's Supreme Responsibility

Perhaps you have considered writing some eBooks or self-publishing some print books, either way, the Title You Choose has more to do about the sales success of the book than you might think. Not long ago, I looked at the various books that I wish to write and sat down to do a little practice picking out titles that might sell.

After I was completed with the practice effort, I realized how difficult that really is. Two books that I have read on "book proposals" both made it clear the importance of practicing and coming up with the best book titles, both suggested going to the bookstore or library and trying to figure out why a book caught your eye. The two books on this subject that I read both have full chapters dedicated to picking out titles:

A.) Bulletproof Book Proposals - by Pam Brodowsky and Eric Neuhaus

B.) How to Write a Book Proposal - by Michael Larsen

Take a look at this list below of "titles" and consider, what titles you might have chosen and why. Also think to yourself if you saw such a title on a book, would you pick it up to peruse or would your eyes move onto the next book?

1. Religion at a Cross Roads - A Discussion on the Absurdity of Human Religion

2. A Test of Will - Biking Across America - Lower Latitude Routes

3. Common Sense Psychology 101- a Look Into the Hypothetical Science of Common Sense

4. Downtown Revitalization - Reversing the Urban Flight and Suburban Divide to Bring Prosperity Back to the City

5. Public Schools Under Fire - Alternative Learning and Home Schooling Tips for Parents and Educators

6. Are We Really Doing the Right Thing? - A Discussion on Honesty in Humanities and The Cause and Effect of Third World Humanitarian Efforts

7. Becoming the Writer You Want to Be - How to Re-positioning Yourself as a Freelance Writer

8. Just Saying "No" with Style - How to Run a Successful Red Ribbon Week Program

9. Human Psychology of Winning - The Art, Science and Psyche Needed for Achievement

10. How Do They Do It? - Hypersonic Humans and Overachievers in Society, the Ultimate Case Study

11. Internet Fraud and Freedom in the Balance - Blurred in the Information Age of Modern Society, the Challenges of Identity Theft, Fraud and Privacy

12. Lessons for Internet Forum Users and Bloggers - Bullying, Personal Attacks and Hate Speech Comes Alive in the Digital Age

13. Motivation, Goal Setting and Success Strategies - Achieving Your Objectives Every Time

14. Online Article Writing - How to Become an Internet Author and Online Writer

15. RV Knowledge Primer - Before You Set Out Across the Nation Know the Facts About Your Adventure

16. A Divided World - Coming Together, a Dialogue of the Most Pressing Social Issues of Our Time and What Must Be Done to Unite Humanity

17. The Flow of Thought - Exploring the Human Mind and Its Abilities, and Why Creating Artificial Intelligence is Harder than We Think

18. The Flow of Transportation and Distribution - How it All Works and the Secrets to Its Resilience, Redundancy and Success

19. The Flow of Water - Our Most Important Resource is Stressed, It's More Serious than You Suspect

20. Think on It - Modern Day Philosophy the Makes You Think, Reason and Explore

21. Running to Win - Winning Strategies for the Long-Distance Runner

Below are three titles of eBooks that I have written with a combined total of 1 million downloads:

How to Run a Successful Car Wash Fundraiser

How You Can Help in Honduras

Plan of Action for Nairobi Slums

This is a very serious subject for the Non-Fiction Writer, and perhaps even more important for the author of fictional works. So, you need to study this and try to come up with the best possible titles, if you want your books to sell. Think on it.

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